Guess I’ll be queuing my pally tonight. The funny thing is, I though the same thing about ret that it was dogshit. Till I geared (what I think is) correctly and learned to play in mid with lowest chance of dieing before I can get off the burst needed to kill a healer.
If everything goes right, you should be able to joust in and out of combat, while flashing yourself, just long enough to distract healers who are healing their injured allies, and throw in that stun + arc bomb combo I mentioned
Yes ret may crutch off consumables and won’t see much spotlight because of it, but all in all, great class for objective based players
Side note: One on my favorite things to do is nitro boost to efc before their mid field healers can catch up, and if it’s not an OP Reston druid FC, and I have stun up and zerking, I can get them