Ret Pally

couple reasons why its shit
theres 0 reason for u going into the backline to kill a healer
Not alot of security " if everything goes right "
Arc bomb xd
consumables to be viable xd
0 reason for u to ever kill a FC unless he has 15 stacks and is sitting on flag cap afk with his monitor turned off

Kid, wtf are you talking about. I’m defending the fact they are a great class for a pug. Have been this whole time. Your clearly in the premade mindset or haven’t played ret in a random. This isn’t twink cup shit man.
Kid, wtf are you talking about. I’m defending the fact they are a great class for a pug. Have been this whole time. Your clearly in the premade mindset or haven’t played ret in a random. This isn’t twink cup shit man.
Difference between great and viable.
Also if every1 just played meta classes pugs would be better but w/e
Difference between great and viable.
Also if every1 just played meta classes pugs would be better but w/e

Well that’s your opinion, however your opinion may be misconstrued due to under/wrong geared, or under-skilled.

Either way, I find them both great and viable.
You can stack 5 Holy power, pray for a crusader proc and do a huge combo during a HoJ. Templars Verdict into Judgement into another Templars Verdict. Hard to set up yes, but it feels great.
Is underrated right now. Templars verdict is hitting like a truck. As usual you also have self heals and bubble to sustain yourself.

Not saying they are gods like rogues or anything but pretty good for sure.

Check it out
What would you say the best talent to go is? Righteous Verdict or Execution Sentence?
idk, played a few rounds as Holy and loved the absolute pwn factor of the healer. ret felt like i was running around hitting em with a wet noodle. with my ilvl 32 emils.
I've been using execution sentence but other people swear by Zeal

Zeal is nice because there are times when you can get the person to like 1-2% health, but then have nothing up. And then happen to get a zeal proc. It also helps with crusader proc rate I feel.
For ret, crusader is best for sure.
Zeal is probably best due to crusader procs and sustained damage from attack speed buff.
It seems like the taunt is also able to proc crusader (I have not tested this on players) when used on pets or wild mobs.

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