Restoring 39: 2nd part

We actually did 4 WsG's! I post screenshot's in this post later.

I did plan another bg section for Sunday 27/6 21:00 EST. SINGLE QUEUE.

Also edited main post with it.
lindenkron said:
And change your size 20 capslock signature as well :)

Not to challange you as a officer, but It is kinda important note though, for everyone that reads the posts he posts in.
Med'an said:
Not to challange you as a officer, but It is kinda important note though, for everyone that reads the posts he posts in.

Change it so it has the proper date. Not size ;)

If I felt it needed to be changed due to being too big or what not, it would happen in PM :)
lindenkron said:
Change it so it has the proper date. Not size ;)

If I felt it needed to be changed due to being too big or what not, it would happen in PM :)


It was awsome to see 4 WSG almost insta pop after each other :)

Hopefully hordes get some more healers next time to make the games more even ;)
Im thinking we should plan in another BG day, what I surgest is Wednesday at same time 21:00 EST, just soo we know we can get more and more battleground's up soo we can in the end get daily warsong's.

Maybe starting at 30/6?
A french dude that started the french revival of their 39 has transfered to horde and told me 10+ more were coming, 5-6 of them ally. :)
Pay my xfer, i have a geared 39 rogue :pPPPP
elocon said:
Do you know when they are tranfering?

after they get agm is all I know. But IMO its likely that it wont be that long, why come back and farm agm if you... dont come back:p

Also 3 more ppl are coming. Some 19 twinks and a dude I played a lot against back in the day. All of them getn agm first though
Nicozy said:
Hey guys, been away from computer etc so rly taken much longer then expected -.- . I can tell you now tho that Alliance will get 3 new players in like 7 days .

verry nice. Looks like daily wsg to me then^^
Im going to be away for 2 week's now. Soo I wont be able to annonce every bg night but I surgest we try get game every sunday and wednesday, both 21:00.

Remember to always single queue atleast since we are not in a stage where it's good for the bracket to do premades.

Also remember to communicate, always (IRC!).

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