Restoring 39: 2nd part

Hey are there any horde or alliance guilds on Al'Alkir because thats where all my boa's are at, I can't look because my account is inactive. Thanks!
perfect said:
Hey are there any horde or alliance guilds on Al'Alkir because thats where all my boa's are at, I can't look because my account is inactive. Thanks!

Not for 39, only draenor. Only 2-3 outside draenor doing arena so Im pretty damn sure
I know at least 1 struggled with this so Ill give an example of what I wrote


Dear 39 Twinks,

I hate to intrude but I couldn't help but notice this post by one of the driving forces behind your revival - this is in regards to the 49 bracket.

Seffy said:
A few WSG once twice a week hardly constitutes a bracket. The fact that you encourage good men to transfer here on the basis of a pipe dream really sickens me.

I feel this is a rather ironic situation he has put you all in with wild claims such as how it's "restored to it's former glory." when you've had one WSG and horde activity is non-existant for the most part. Could an affulent member of your community please explain why these claims have been made and to again quote Seffy: "The fact that you encourage good men to transfer here on the basis of a pipe dream really sickens me.".

Thank you for your time.

Hurpdurp said:
Dear 39 Twinks,

I hate to intrude but I couldn't help but notice this post by one of the driving forces behind your revival - this is in regards to the 49 bracket.

I feel this is a rather ironic situation he has put you all in with wild claims such as how it's "restored to it's former glory." when you've had one WSG and horde activity is non-existant for the most part. Could an affulent member of your community please explain why these claims have been made and to again quote Seffy: "The fact that you encourage good men to transfer here on the basis of a pipe dream really sickens me.".

Thank you for your time.


The account you're quoting is banned. Enough said :)
lindenkron said:
The account you're quoting is banned. Enough said :)

I am fully aware of that fact however I don't think you understand the situation. Since that account he has plagued these forums with tales of "anal experiences" to put it mildly and also racial hate he has made multiple different accounts and used different IPs to gain access. I am still concerned that he is spreading misinformation and propaganda so I'd still like to hear from a pillar of the community such as Elocon of Med'an on the matter.
Hurpdurp said:
I am fully aware of that fact however I don't think you understand the situation. Since that account he has plagued these forums with tales of "anal experiences" to put it mildly and also racial hate he has made multiple different accounts and used different IPs to gain access. I am still concerned that he is spreading misinformation and propaganda so I'd still like to hear from a pillar of the community such as Elocon of Med'an on the matter.

There will always be rotten seeds within every area of a population.

They are not to be responsible for some other guys actions, he is. Why do you wish for them to defend themselves against something they havn't done?
lindenkron said:
There will always be rotten seeds within every area of a population.

They are not to be responsible for some other guys actions, he is. Why do you wish for them to defend themselves against something they havn't done?

Considering they're also activists in the restoral of level 39 twinking in Blackout I feel they should explain why Seffy has made such remarks since he's currently not got an unbanned account to my knowledge and also they have a responsibility as his "guildies", Elocon especially, to justify his actions.
lindenkron said:
There will always be rotten seeds within every area of a population.

They are not to be responsible for some other guys actions, he is. Why do you wish for them to defend themselves against something they havn't done?

Don't mind him, hes been QQing and trolling the 39 section ever since his bracket died. His only goal is to destroy 39 and tries to use every method possible, that's just how he is. When he sees my post hes probably gonna try derail this thread again, or say hes innocent or some other BS. If any of you think I'm making this up just check posts hes made in this section. Hes already broken more forum rules then anyone else
I believe everyone said their word now. Should we dedicate this to the On topic of the thread, and not throw it all away on a flame war? <3 *Does peace sign*
Med'an said:
Don't mind him, hes been QQing and trolling the 39 section ever since his bracket died. His only goal is to destroy 39 and tries to use every method possible, that's just how he is. When he sees my post hes probably gonna try derail this thread again, or say hes innocent or some other BS. If any of you think I'm making this up just check posts hes made in this section. Hes already broken more forum rules then anyone else

Dear Med'an,


I've been questioning facts, not this trolling you speak of, since last Summer with my good friend Lola. Fact remains that Mr. Pollard hasn't been eating his crusts and is spreading misinformation and I'd like to know why.

Hurpdurp said:
Dear masters of <highwave> i regret to inform you that a member of yours called "shitain" i believe is extremely rude. he called me stupid, a pig, said the pope wouldnt kiss me or do a poo, compared me to hitler and dashed my hopes of flying - even disregarding advances in genomics... he also said he doesnt believe in me and was cruel about Glee which is the best tv show ever... i contacted a master of <highwave> all ready but i was snubbed and called a troll which i found very offensive because in my fair land of russia we grew up on the story of billy goat gruff where a troll is a scary monster living under a bridge who wants to eat the goats and i don't like eating goats except maybe at jewish weddings. he also mocked our old saying of giving a blind man a goat and said i dont like him which is not true i just wanted help on my level 11 rogue to become better but i was rejected and told to "chift clicm" :(

i edit: i am unbelieved at the attitude of this guild - i kindly informed the masters of this very post and look!


You still haven't answered for the injustices above.

edited main post.
yes queue up today, please solo queue soo all server's can get in! Starting time 21:00

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