Resto Shammy


Hey guys. So I've been looking to build and play powerful healing and / or FC roles to help even out some of the roflstomp games we've had. Priest was fun, except some priests would just go around debuffing people unnecessarily which was ruining my bubbles in combat when we needed them most. It's clear that a lot of priests just bubble spam for the meters.

So I tried out my resto sham which felt very ADHD for me between purging, dispel, keeping totems, Surging, Riptide, Windshearing, and a lot of classes just roll with EF and dot a few things to destroy damage meters. I previously had EF and will have a weapon with it enchanted, however, given the recent buff to R shams, I've found that haste stacking is simply too much fun. When your heals are sub 1 second cast and noncrit for 750 It's quite enjoyable.

Previously, I had Hurricane to buff up my haste, but after exploring with Mark of Warsong, I've found that Mark of Warsong could provide better burst on the healing side. Now some people may immediately be like "Mocha, you're a r-tard, Mark of Warsong only procs off of melee weapon strikes" yada yada yada. The deal is, Lightning Shield and Searing Totem count as Melee Attacks and will proc Mark of Warsong.

Hurricane is much more stable and is proccing more consistently which puts my healing surges at .97 seconds down from 1.02 seconds, it's cool to have sub 1 second heals... But with Mark of Warsong, I've gotten my cast down to .895 seconds which is a haste increase of +67.65% which is simply ridiculous... Oh wait I'm a troll... So with my racial that's a .788 second healing surge.

The issue with Mark of Warsong is that it relies on having enemies within range of your totem or Lightning Armor to get a proc. What a Shammy could do, is simply roll with Hurricane and if formation cripples or if you're in range of enemies, pop that Mark of Warsong. This would be particularly useful for Shammies who may be stacking versatility or other stats and need a quick haste increase without stacking haste. For trolls already stacking haste, mark of warsong is simply ridiculous and unnecessary.

Is it worth the 4-5k for the enchant? Possibly not... Especially when Hurricane still gets you under 1 second casts... But Mark of Warsong is definitely a fun.

The decrease from 1.02 second casts to .97 seconds however, isn't exactly game changing, which is making me rethink my strategy. Heartsong boosts my spirit by 30 upon proc which without spirit gear is putting me at 172 combat regen up from 110. So I think I will be switching between heartsong and hurricane for most of the fights and throwing on EF when 1v1ing and then throwing on Mark of Warsong when our D has collapsed and our FC is getting rocked.

Those of you who are playing resto shammy right now, what approach are you taking? Pure haste for healing surges + riptide? Versatility for increased heals? Some spirit for healing for days? I'm assuming there is a point where Rshammies can optimize their cast speed and amount healed per cast which would provide the true best ideal build for straight up healing. I have no clue what this point is.

Edit: I know I'm rambling a bunch in this thread, I was just curious as to which approach other shammies are taking as it's possible to stack versatility and still have insanely low cast times upon enchant proc etc.

After playing resto sham for 8 straight hours today:

In response to this thread I had played roughly 8 hours of resto sham today. I had encountered a few other resto shammies who were quite potent and had better riptide tics etc and bigger heals than I had. But on the long scheme of things, I've found myself to be quite effective with my haste build putting my surges at 1.04 without weapon proc as overhealing was an extreme issue with having multiple shammies. Very rarely was I not able to bring my friendly back to 100% hp within a few casts.

I've also learned a lot of very valuable lessons when regarding GCDs and how it's not wise to try to riptide often while chain casting but moreso to top someone off. I was wrongfully taking a MOP era HPally approach to the potency of holy shock which does not work very well with resto shams.

When playing R Sham you have so many gcds that can mess with your team if you are solo healing. Between trying to purge an enemy, trying to interrupt one, dotting them, dispelling your friendly, riptiding a friendly, dropping searing totems etc and I found that a good sense of priorities that I had created would be: (this is for an average mid scrum)
  1. Surging your team
  2. Riptiding to finish them off / keep them topped
  3. Dotting rogues
  4. Dispelling friendlies
  5. Purging enemy bubbles
  6. Interrupting enemy heals

The reason why purging and interrupting falls so low on the list for me is because during a mid scrum agm is gone in an instant due to burst. As for interrupting, typically every game I was in today had many Ally healers so only really interrupting gamebreakinig CC interrupts or gamebreakinig heals were effective. Also, if you are in range to interrupt an enemy healer, you're probably about to get a huge chunk of your hp taken out and chances are your team is about to suffer in HP. Sure an interrupt may be what your offense needs to push out the opposing team, but I found this to be very rare.

As for Dispelling friendlies, I found that dispelling friendlies that had 2+ dots on them was not a bad idea in my free time as it reduced the amount of damage my team was taking as a whole by a great deal. Others may just hot their targets and get more healing meters but that's not my game. Dispelling friendlies from hoj or fear, or frost mage CC etc was very effective. I found that many of them were surprised and unaware until late that they had been freed from CC. I guess not enough people have been interrupting CC.

As for dotting rogues, with me having played rogue longer than anything I can truly say that rogues will always come back to bite you. In several premade situations in the past, I had entered combat and gotten combo points on EFC and had gotten a restealth, ambushed and eviscerated and solo dropped EFC. This is only one scenario by which allowing rogues to restealth can be dangerous. Obviously the ninja kick from stealth or the quick kick opener can be cripple an offense or a defense.

Riptide. As I had pointed out, in the past I used to be playing holy pally where your main heal is holy shock as it's just ridiculous and then you just fill with light. This was a horribly incorrect approach for resto sham as riptide is not nearly as effective as holy shock used to be. What I learned very quickly was that this was gcding me from keeping some targets alive. It was much more wise to use riptide on friendlies with tricking hp or to finish someone off or after I had topped someone off. This is also somewhat effective on the run, but I found that a surge is not much more time consuming and is more effective but for a surge, riptide, surge combo etc, it was quite a good way to cover some ground while taking care of heavy incoming damage.

Surge spamming is just insane healing. With heals for 750 at a 1.04 second cast, it's just absolutely insane. I know it's possible to increase the amount a surge can heal for to 850+ but I had found overhealing to be a huge issue with resto shammies and that very rarely was my haste stacked heals not enough. I found several situations where I was taking on several enemies at once and was able to heal myself and keep myself topped to the point where they got bored and moved to a different target. My only issue with surge spamming is that I get very tunnel visioned and can be interrupted or if my DPS crips back and folds while I'm healing someone it makes for horrible placement on occasion. This is something I'll learn with time.

These priorities are what I was using to utilize resto shammy for me and how I found my shammy to be most effective for my team. Several scenarios today I was the main source of horde healing as many horde players queue Tank and Healer and don't perform the roles so our team is down several healers and a FC. I had to FC far too many times today for having never queued as Tank. This can be a huge gimp if you get a game with 9 dps and 1 healer who is the only one with the guts to ever touch a flag.

These are some things that i've learned today while playing resto shammy. I play for objectives and not meters and found myself having to carry far too many times than I cared for. Chances are if we only have 1-2 healers and you are focusing on the mid field game, you probably won't be seeing me much as I'm very busy focusing on our FC and dodging the mid fight to go return on O. For fun I found myself 20k healing behind the top healer in the bg as I was running flags / assisting fc and wanted to test the trottle of resto sham. So I was able to go from 70k healing done to 120k healing done in 5 minutes and ranking over 15k healing higher than him. Charts don't matter but it was interesting and valuable to see how effective resto shammies can be in reference to healing output.

Quick warning, I am not saying by any means I am even remotely correct in any of my priorities or strategies. These are what I really discovered in 1 day which could completely change from how I'm playing shammy tomorrow or the next day. I am not much of a healer but I play one to help even games and for the team gameplay of having one on your team.
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Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't it pointless to have casting speeds below the GCD?
Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't it pointless to have casting speeds below the GCD?

It is. The point was, someone who was stacking maybe versatility or wasn't a troll etc could still receive insanely low cast times upon proc even if they were not stacking haste which is making me wonder if stacking haste is even worth it. Ignore my low cast times with Mark of Warsong and just consider the fluctuation in cast time as I was already stacking haste.
Just for the record....while a lot of priests may shield proactively for meters, I care nothing about meters ever and I do it all the time. I just think it's the best play and so do a lot of the priests on winning teams. I understand why you think it isn't and that's fine...just don't assume everyone doing it is playing meters.
Just for the record....while a lot of priests may shield proactively for meters, I care nothing about meters ever and I do it all the time. I just think it's the best play and so do a lot of the priests on winning teams. I understand why you think it isn't and that's fine...just don't assume everyone doing it is playing meters.

saving shields for when people need it is much better than debuffing everyone when they're at full health just so you can't bubble them when they actually need it.
please. u randomly shield everyone when the gates open. its virtually impossible to take dmg before the shield runs out.

Is there a way to forum ignore people? I now realize id just prefer to filter these non factors out in all venues.
saving shields for when people need it is much better than debuffing everyone when they're at full health just so you can't bubble them when they actually need it.

I appreciate your opinion on it, I just think it's more nuanced. I'm tired of the toxicity of the forums so not going to discuss here but happy to explain why I think that in game if you're truly interested in knowing why I think it. If not no big deal either.
It is. The point was, someone who was stacking maybe versatility or wasn't a troll etc could still receive insanely low cast times upon proc even if they were not stacking haste which is making me wonder if stacking haste is even worth it. Ignore my low cast times with Mark of Warsong and just consider the fluctuation in cast time as I was already stacking haste.

anyone know what point this starts at? i notice problems at certain thresholds of haste like randomly but reaching higher amounts of haste seems to fix the delay it has.... what % specifically haste is pointless to be over, is what im wondering?? someone smart help
It's literally impossible to get healing surge times below the GCD

? .788 is below the base 1.0 GCD (50% haste). So unless Mocha is lying about the Healing Surge cast time then it is possible to have healing surge CAST TIMES below the GCD. But assuming your referring to the actual casts of healing surge, then yes, you cannot get any combinations of spells off below the base gcd (1.0 seconds).

To address the pointlessness, it is entirely pointless, yes. Haste becomes entirely useless when it is pushing Healing Surge under a .9 second cast time, imo.

At .9 ct you will have a .1 grace period after your cast while the gcd finishes to do god knows what, but the fact is the farther you push it under, the more time you buy for no reason.

Anything over that should be thought of in consideration of ONLY REDUCING SPELL CAST TIME (which could make it more or less valuable in your hierarchy of priorities).

If you want a consistency without relying on procs, then you should be following the classic haste build you have now because it is doing perfectly what you want it to, pushing your cast time down, making you a more potent and responsive healer.

I wouldn't sacrifice vers (an increase to surv and output) to push your cast times down further below base gcd, unless you have very specific reasons for pushing your cast time specifically down lower than the gcd (inter worries, etc).

Im no r1, but I was a top parsing resto druid for a while in Wotlk, spending all my time thinking about breakpoints and the like. Even though the organization of haste in WoW has become a little simpler, it in essence remains the same thought analysis for performance healing wise.
I feel like in big teamfights shamans tend to go oom quite fast, anyone else noticed that? So getting some spirit items may not be that bad of an idea.
Personally I enjoy a haste build very much on my shammy. Sitting at 36,5% haste (1.1 sec surges), with 3k+ hp and still 850+ heals feels good to me, but I'm thinking about experimenting with a 1.3 sec/versatility build.
I'm not sure on searing totem proccing your mark enchant, but I'm sure (offensive) spells proc it. Totem doesn't proc ele force, tested that.

Overall I feel rshams are in a very good place atm, maybe a bit too powerful in some skirmish setups, but a good old rogue+bm/war double belf comp still makes life hard for you ^^
I feel like in big teamfights shamans tend to go oom quite fast, anyone else noticed that? So getting some spirit items may not be that bad of an idea.

True, I found myself going OOM quite fast, popping mana pots for every extended period of combat. Priests have it so much easier, popping 500++ shields a game, where rshams cast 5 times as many hard casts.
I feel like in big teamfights shamans tend to go oom quite fast, anyone else noticed that? So getting some spirit items may not be that bad of an idea.

Often times I switch to Heartsong and it does a well enough job of keeping me from going oom. You can also get a proc and swap out of it to another weapon enchant.

My haste set is already putting my casts at around 1.04 seconds which is pretty much where I like them. As for spirit gear, it's rather hard to come by at 19 and not the most potent stat. Mana potions + Heartsong have been doing the trick for me. I did have an issue where my mana pot macro was busted earlier today which screwed us, but that's also a scenario where I'm solo hearing a full mid scrum which shouldn't ever happen (given, if you queue heals, play heals etc)
In response to this thread I had played roughly 8 hours of resto sham today. I had encountered a few other resto shammies who were quite potent and had better riptide tics etc and bigger heals than I had. But on the long scheme of things, I've found myself to be quite effective with my haste build putting my surges at 1.04 without weapon proc as overhealing was an extreme issue with having multiple shammies. Very rarely was I not able to bring my friendly back to 100% hp within a few casts.

I've also learned a lot of very valuable lessons when regarding GCDs and how it's not wise to try to riptide often while chain casting but moreso to top someone off. I was wrongfully taking a MOP era HPally approach to the potency of holy shock which does not work very well with resto shams.

When playing R Sham you have so many gcds that can mess with your team if you are solo healing. Between trying to purge an enemy, trying to interrupt one, dotting them, dispelling your friendly, riptiding a friendly, dropping searing totems etc and I found that a good sense of priorities that I had created would be: (this is for an average mid scrum)

  1. Surging your team
  2. Riptiding to finish them off / keep them topped
  3. Dotting rogues
  4. Dispelling friendlies
  5. Purging enemy bubbles
  6. Interrupting enemy heals

The reason why purging and interrupting falls so low on the list for me is because during a mid scrum agm is gone in an instant due to burst. As for interrupting, typically every game I was in today had many Ally healers so only really interrupting gamebreakinig CC interrupts or gamebreakinig heals were effective. Also, if you are in range to interrupt an enemy healer, you're probably about to get a huge chunk of your hp taken out and chances are your team is about to suffer in HP. Sure an interrupt may be what your offense needs to push out the opposing team, but I found this to be very rare.

As for Dispelling friendlies, I found that dispelling friendlies that had 2+ dots on them was not a bad idea in my free time as it reduced the amount of damage my team was taking as a whole by a great deal. Others may just hot their targets and get more healing meters but that's not my game. Dispelling friendlies from hoj or fear, or frost mage CC etc was very effective. I found that many of them were surprised and unaware until late that they had been freed from CC. I guess not enough people have been interrupting CC.

As for dotting rogues, with me having played rogue longer than anything I can truly say that rogues will always come back to bite you. In several premade situations in the past, I had entered combat and gotten combo points on EFC and had gotten a restealth, ambushed and eviscerated and solo dropped EFC. This is only one scenario by which allowing rogues to restealth can be dangerous. Obviously the ninja kick from stealth or the quick kick opener can be cripple an offense or a defense.

Riptide. As I had pointed out, in the past I used to be playing holy pally where your main heal is holy shock as it's just ridiculous and then you just fill with light. This was a horribly incorrect approach for resto sham as riptide is not nearly as effective as holy shock used to be. What I learned very quickly was that this was gcding me from keeping some targets alive. It was much more wise to use riptide on friendlies with tricking hp or to finish someone off or after I had topped someone off. This is also somewhat effective on the run, but I found that a surge is not much more time consuming and is more effective but for a surge, riptide, surge combo etc, it was quite a good way to cover some ground while taking care of heavy incoming damage.

Surge spamming is just insane healing. With heals for 750 at a 1.04 second cast, it's just absolutely insane. I know it's possible to increase the amount a surge can heal for to 850+ but I had found overhealing to be a huge issue with resto shammies and that very rarely was my haste stacked heals not enough. I found several situations where I was taking on several enemies at once and was able to heal myself and keep myself topped to the point where they got bored and moved to a different target. My only issue with surge spamming is that I get very tunnel visioned and can be interrupted or if my DPS crips back and folds while I'm healing someone it makes for horrible placement on occasion. This is something I'll learn with time.

These priorities are what I was using to utilize resto shammy for me and how I found my shammy to be most effective for my team. Several scenarios today I was the main source of horde healing as many horde players queue Tank and Healer and don't perform the roles so our team is down several healers and a FC. I had to FC far too many times today for having never queued as Tank. This can be a huge gimp if you get a game with 9 dps and 1 healer who is the only one with the guts to ever touch a flag.

These are some things that i've learned today while playing resto shammy. I play for objectives and not meters and found myself having to carry far too many times than I cared for. Chances are if we only have 1-2 healers and you are focusing on the mid field game, you probably won't be seeing me much as I'm very busy focusing on our FC and dodging the mid fight to go return on O. For fun I found myself 20k healing behind the top healer in the bg as I was running flags / assisting fc and wanted to test the trottle of resto sham. So I was able to go from 70k healing done to 120k healing done in 5 minutes and ranking over 15k healing higher than him. Charts don't matter but it was interesting and valuable to see how effective resto shammies can be in reference to healing output.

Quick warning, I am not saying by any means I am even remotely correct in any of my priorities or strategies. These are what I really discovered in 1 day which could completely change from how I'm playing shammy tomorrow or the next day. I am not much of a healer but I play one to help even games and for the team gameplay of having one on your team.
  1. Surging your team
  2. Riptiding to finish them off / keep them topped
  3. Dotting rogues
  4. Dispelling friendlies
  5. Purging enemy bubbles
  6. Interrupting enemy heals

Personally I would move dispelling friendlies to the bottom. Assuming it's simply dots, polys or the like would be high prio, but just dots I think are only best dispelled if your team is topped, I rate purges and shears over it for the same reason; you have so much healing already, you are likely going to easily outheal those dots, using the GCD for something offensive which is extremely helpful in getting your team a pick is more important in my opinion.

Edit: Infact i'd split it into 2 sections, this would be my list.

  1. Surging your team
  2. Riptiding to finish them off / keep them topped
  3. Dispelling CC
  4. Purging enemy bubbles
  5. Interrupting enemy heals
  6. Dotting rogues
  7. Dispelling Dots

    Rogue dots low because it shouldn't really be your responsibility, it's a good thing to do if no one else has, but hopefully your DPS should be doing it.
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I have yet to experience serious oom problems, in one of my longest team fights I dropped to about ~300 mana and simply drinking for a few seconds replenished myself. I would think the only time a Shaman goes oom if he's solo healing or the team is outcomped? but even in this scenario I didn't have issues either *shrug. I see a lot of Shamans spirit stacking to the max and then I see Shamans haste stacking to the max (Mocha) and I think it's ridiculous. I've played enough in the current meta to believe neither is effective. You either simply lose too much health, spellpower, and especially crit.

My Shaman has around 3.2k hp, 17% crit, 900 non crit healing surges with a 1.15 cast.

Shamans are a utility class and I've found that I'm able to do my best with another healer by my side, especially a Priest. Having a Priest that has decent bubbles will allow you to boost teammates back up quickly with your strong healing surges while you're able to push out shears, purges, etc. (Shamans aren't a healbot and shouldn't focus on topping charts ever imo).

Also, for dispelling, I would only save it for Fears, Sheeps, Hammers, and dots on Rogues. I've definitely been seeing a lot more Mages and Warlocks lately.
I have yet to experience serious oom problems, in one of my longest team fights I dropped to about ~300 mana and simply drinking for a few seconds replenished myself. I would think the only time a Shaman goes oom if he's solo healing or the team is outcomped? but even in this scenario I didn't have issues either *shrug. I see a lot of Shamans spirit stacking to the max and then I see Shamans haste stacking to the max (Mocha) and I think it's ridiculous. I've played enough in the current meta to believe neither is effective. You either simply lose too much health, spellpower, and especially crit.

My Shaman has around 3.2k hp, 17% crit, 900 non crit healing surges with a 1.15 cast.

Shamans are a utility class and I've found that I'm able to do my best with another healer by my side, especially a Priest. Having a Priest that has decent bubbles will allow you to boost teammates back up quickly with your strong healing surges while you're able to push out shears, purges, etc. (Shamans aren't a healbot and shouldn't focus on topping charts ever imo).

Also, for dispelling, I would only save it for Fears, Sheeps, Hammers, and dots on Rogues. I've definitely been seeing a lot more Mages and Warlocks lately.

Agreed ^
Team Zeiren and Cipe.

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