Resto druid two piece T5 = God mode.

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I think I might try this for my FC Druid. Pretty cool.
Bear Form: (15984*1.26*.4141)/668 = 12.484891832335329341317365269461 HP per point of resil.
Caster Form: (15984*1*.4141)/668 = 9.9086443113772455089820359281437 HP per point of resil.

Lose a few resilience gems. That number shouldn't be below 12.6 for Bear or 10 for Caster. Put Stamina in there instead if you're worried about dying. It gives more benefit.
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Bear Form: (15984*1.26*.4141)/668 = 12.484891832335329341317365269461 HP per point of resil.
Caster Form: (15984*1*.4141)/668 = 9.9086443113772455089820359281437 HP per point of resil.

Lose a few resilience gems. That number shouldn't be below 12.6 for Bear or 10 for Caster. Put Stamina in there instead if you're worried about dying. It gives more benefit.

i don't quite get what you are talking about.

where did you get these magic numbers "12.6" and "10"?

what are they called?

and what about my mark of the wild + Rumsey Rum Black Label?
and also tell him to gear like me except the two brutal feral pieces, i wear them because i really like being hit-capped. and also the agility helps my lacerate, i am probably the only 70 resto druid that lacerate whenever i get the chance to.

No, you aren't. Lacerate is an excellent way to get a bleed on a (bad) rogue + it deals decent damage. Hotting yourself up + thorns, add some dots, swap to bear and spam lacerate = good way to kill off (bad) rogues/warriors (lol). Unless you meet a pve geared rogue ofc.

Nonetheless it is a good 2-piece bonus, but you do lose a lot of other stats. I never really could be arsed to try it out due to the stat loss. Might try it out after reading this thread.
i don't quite get what you are talking about.

where did you get these magic numbers "12.6" and "10"?

what are they called?

and what about my mark of the wild + Rumsey Rum Black Label?
12.6HP per point of Stamina. 10HP per point of Stamina. I'm not usually fully buffed but MotW should be counted I suppose.

How much HP do you have fully buffed and with MotW?
no lol a shit ton of resto druids lacerate, I use it in 2s, and it gets good crits, and is spammable so very useful
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and then i armoried a very bad druid (probably pve toon) who has only 13 resil which is1.03% reduction

Grimdör @ Frostmane - Game Guide - World of Warcraft

same calculation:

(13254*1*.0103)/13 = 10.50

which by your logic would be better than my setup:)

really? 13 resil?
and then i armoried a very bad druid (probably pve toon) who has only 13 resil which is1.03% reduction

Grimdör @ Frostmane - Game Guide - World of Warcraft

same calculation:

(13254*1*.0103)/13 = 10.50

which by your logic would be better than my setup:)

really? 13 resil?
I'm not saying his setup is better. He should stack MORE resilience. You should try to reach 10HP per resilience without dropping under that. Bull has WAAAAY too much resilience and needs to gem more Stamina. The calculation only tells you whether you should take Stamina over Resilience.
you are sort of ignoring the fact that druids can heal themselves.
That's not really relevant for calculating total damage you're able to take. More resilience is more stamina, if you're arguing self-heals you should ignore resilience altogether. Unless your healing per cast is more than your whole pool you're better off aiming for 12.6HP (or as close as you can get without dropping below that number) per resilience.

Resilience IS Health, because it's an overall damage absorber. With your healing argument you should have far LESS Resilience, not MORE, on your Druid, unless you OOM easily. Either way, if it's DR you're aiming for and not mana conservation you're better off with less resilience, especially in arenas where everything is bursty and the match should be over long before you OOM after Innervate.
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yeah i been noticed this, why ya have to bring it up!?!?! just kidding but that is not the t5 resto that is t5 feral and whoever said it costs a global cooldown, it doesnt. you can click regrowth from bearform and it will shift you out and instantly cast it.

do you realize that each point of healing is worth more if you have more resil?

if i had more stamina but less resil, i would go out of mana even faster!

think about it this way:

1 health 100% reduction = invulnerble
1 billion health 0% reduction = eventually die.

what i know about resil is that:

as long as you are not completely gimping yourself, the more resil the better.

you might ask what is "completely gimping oneself"

well, for example,


Blade of the Unrequited 60 resil
Brutal Gladiator's Endgame 27 resil

=a total of 87 resil which is more than

golden staff which only gives 60 resil.

but i lose a shit ton of stats

therefore that would be bad decision.
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do you realize that each point of healing is worth more if you have more resil?

if i had more stamina but less resil, i would go out of mana even faster!

think about it this way:

1 health 100% reduction = invulnerble
1 billion health 0% reduction = eventually die.

what i know about resil is that:

as long as you are not completely gimping yourself, the more resil the better.

you might ask what is "completely gimping oneself"

well, for example,


Blade of the Unrequited 60 resil
Brutal Gladiator's Endgame 27 resil

=a total of 87 resil which is more than

golden staff which only gives 60 resil.

but i lose a shit ton of stats

therefore that would be bad decision.
But you ARE gimping yourself, especially in arenas.
yeah i been noticed this, why ya have to bring it up!?!?! just kidding but that is not the t5 resto that is t5 feral and whoever said it costs a global cooldown, it doesnt. you can click regrowth from bearform and it will shift you out and instantly cast it.

use this macro in bearform

/cast !bear form

and now you can even move/jump/rocket boots/nitro boost while instantly regrowth.
But you ARE gimping yourself, especially in arenas.

32.5% resil reduction is when diminishing returns for resilience starts.

by your logic (which is essentially centered around diminishing returns), if i don't want to "gimp" myself, i should start stacking stamina once i reach 32.5% reduction.

but 32.5% is simply not enough.
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