Requesting BiS F2P 20 horde mage armory profile


Cotus @ Aerie Peak - Community - World of Warcraft

looking to see if i need to update anything on my character to stay BiS

i have all BOAs if i need to switch anything out. unless they added new BOAs since the last time i played

only item i do not have is AGM

thank you for any help!
mindthrust bracers or ivycloth bracers of int for int stacking.
dread pirate ring (gl getting it on AP)
you need way more hit than the 4 you have. you need 16 to cap in battlegrouds. rune of perfection gives 12hit in bgs.

gear scales up in bgs now. so corpse rompers are usually better than the boot syou have.
mindthrust bracers or ivycloth bracers of int for int stacking.
dread pirate ring (gl getting it on AP)
you need way more hit than the 4 you have. you need 16 to cap in battlegrouds. rune of perfection gives 12hit in bgs.

gear scales up in bgs now. so corpse rompers are usually better than the boot syou have.

does 16 hit cap you against other 20s? or also 24s? what is the required hit rating to cap against 24s?

what do you mean by 'gear scales up in BGs now'? does this mean that the higher the item level on an item, the more stats you get from it? (since corpse rompers are higher itemlvl if i recall)

thanks for the reply
oh, sry - didn't explain everything. everyone is "a 24" now. so everyone needs the same hit.

most gear scales up to better stats in bgs (some stays the same, like garrosh's pardon).

here's a guide to the scaling:
i think the only ting missing that you might be interested in is the stam/int/hit quest reward cloak (or belt? can't recall which one isn't on there).
. . the reward from the n. barrens quest hezrul bloodpoop or whatever.
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cloak isn't BiS, battle healers cloak is the best now with bg scaling.

choose 1 resist vs 10 armor/1 intellect/1 stamina.

gear scaling means you gear scales up to ''lvl 24''.You still dont get shiny 30 spell enchants but its something.

With that being said- just a bit of friendly advice. Healing is twice as retarded as in cata and mages really took a damage blow. Only p2p enchanted mages work in rbgs when faced with someone at least half competent . D ruids cant even be counterspelled.
thanks for the gear scaling list, that is very helpful

that is pretty unfortunate that they took the blanket silence off of counterspell, but it was admittedly extremely overpowered at low levels. mages have always been bad vs. druid healers due to their lack of hard casting
Only p2p enchanted mages work in rbgs when faced with someone at least half competent . D ruids cant even be counterspelled.

What? lol Wait for regrowth. PoM polly if they don't shift correctly, most won't lol.

And yea, hit for casters is 6%
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[MENTION=7925]C O T U S[/MENTION] , here's a BiS Mage -Lolîpop @ Laughing Skull - Community - World of Warcraft

Edit: You're Arcane, get hit capped by using RoP and Dpr, replace Boots with Corpse Rompers, Gloves with Serpant Gloves, Wrists with Mindthrust Bracers, Waist with one from Stocks (8 Int, 3 stam, 3 crit) then you're fine. Oh and Trinket with the Discearning eye of the Beast (int trink).
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The one true king of trials returns?
after playing a few games of WSG on my mage, i think that mages probably have to stack as many offensive stats as possible for this bracket. crit is pretty good too i think, since healing is a little out of control. the good news is that it's almost impossible to die unless you're mobbed by like 6 people
after playing a few games of WSG on my mage, i think that mages probably have to stack as many offensive stats as possible for this bracket. crit is pretty good too i think, since healing is a little out of control. the good news is that it's almost impossible to die unless you're mobbed by like 6 people

Yea there's a hundred ways you can build it. I would just get your hit cap without going insanely over then pick a stat you like and go with it. Some go haste, some crit (you can 100% shatters if you want to sacrifice tons of sp), some stamina stack and focus on ccing and living. Play what you like, its probably not enough to sway one way or another. I'm really dialed into a mix of crit and int and enjoying it. I think there's something to be said about being excited to play your class that gets lost in things like recount.

As far as your original linked build, I think I already said it but hit cap, trinket, and yea I'd agree with battle healer's cloak. Unless you want that haste, that call is up to you.

Then reroll undead on BWL ;)
Cotus...Hmm. Name sounds familiar. Did you happen to play competitively at level 85 with a druid named Cotus on Mug'Thol?

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