Requesting BiS F2P 20 horde mage armory profile

no, that was not me ^

a few days ago i played a couple WSGs on my more or less non-twinked 20 druid, as balance. it was pretty much like playing my mage, except i could heal myself, and run around really fast, and shift out of snares, and do more damage, and have instant-cast dots. am i forgetting anything?

yeah, basically druids are pretty broken in this bracket, but i'm sure you all already knew that. anybody got any good armories for 20 F2P balance druids? seems like it would be fun
no, that was not me ^

a few days ago i played a couple WSGs on my more or less non-twinked 20 druid, as balance. it was pretty much like playing my mage, except i could heal myself, and run around really fast, and shift out of snares, and do more damage, and have instant-cast dots. am i forgetting anything?

yeah, basically druids are pretty broken in this bracket, but i'm sure you all already knew that. anybody got any good armories for 20 F2P balance druids? seems like it would be fun

Don't have any links, but if you think balance druids are broken wait till next patch...
except F2Ps can't get any of these enchants, right? or is that what's being changed? the proc weapon enchants will indeed be pretty stupid though if that goes through

No thankfully but 24's will making Bg's even worse. Though If i remember Correctly all you did was Arena so I guess you won't have to sweat it.
Shft has a BiS Boomkin cotus, Shfthappens I think. There's a few others, Cer and so on.

Mages are really strong in arena, and there is an arena server now (Korgath Alliance) where a lot of people play arenas although I have not seen the Wizkids in a while.

Also, for the guy asking about the Cotus on Mug'thol - that's a friend of mine if you need me to deliver a message or something for ya.

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