Remove Proffessions And Bring Back our Leg Patches,Fishing Boots and Librams!

Thanks man, I didn't want to be responsible for all that happened in the thread.

anyway, alot of people did put forward good points, including you and I see where you are coming from.

thanks alot for your input :)
Meh I've played WoW on and off since release and have been twinking 19's for most of that time. Lifeblood is retarded. Granted I have it on my pally, but it's more of a payback button when some scrub pops it 1v1.

Luckily I quit when the patch for profession buffs first came out and missed all the bullshit like mining bug & shoulder patches etc, and returned just in time to see it all gone.

Leg patches I guess don't really affect me, although I think removing something as old school as librams which only gave us 100hp etc was a bit pointless. Fishing boots have always been around like forever and it would be good to have them back, even if we can't put 35+ enchants on them.

just my opinion
Just for the record, I was one of the only twinks running around with 450/450 while the rest had 225. When the door was open and anyone could take the time to go to 450, I used them anytime I could. It was a tool I was given and I took the time to get, just like my AGM or my fishing hat. Anyone could get it. When they nerfed it an others could no longer get to 450, but we were grandfathered, I stopped using it for the majority of the time period. I rarely do arenas, so I don't really care about that etiquette. I have done less arenas in 4 years than some of you have done today.

When blizz made it where 19s could not progress beyond 225, that made it easy for any 19 to get herbalism... even easier than agm for some. If someone does not have it, it's pure laziness. If everyone has the ability to get it, I don't feel bad using it... ever.

I will say on another level, I really wish that the professions were never brought into the game though. I am going to use it because I can, but I would rather nobody have them. Back between BC and the prepatch before WoTLK that brough us professions and acheivements, the game was so much more fun. More respectful players, the community was more respectful, and the boatards didn't come 5 by 5 into the wsg. The enti's bullshit brought a new breed of disrespectful twinks into the 19 twinking too.

In case some of you don't remember, hunters used to be good for spamclips and conc shot and decent dps. There was a time where you'd see 2, maybe 3 in a game.

Now back on point, herbalism is here and everyone can get it. Now that xp can be turned off, THERE IS ABSOLUTELY ZERO EXCUSE not to have it. If someone does and you don't, you should lose because you are not dedicated enough to spend them time to get it. If I was too lazy to get an AGM, should I expect someone not to use theirs against me? NO. The will and it's acceptable.
Yeah, I , Like you , would prefer if nobody had them.

However I get what you are saying, and it does seem like proffessions have become just another part of twinking that those who want to be perfect are going to want to get, its true. And like you said, now with the Exp lock there is no reason for those previously without them to not have them.

And actually the point made by somebody above is quite valid I think, I always wondered why blizzard removed the fishing boots, but kept the hat, its only 3 stamina different, and when looked at like that, the fishing hat has more HP.

The only difference being the item level of the boots allowing them to have the 30+ enchants. So why not just lower the itemlevel of the boots, removing the ability to have Boars speed and so on placed on them, I would be quite happy to slap Minor Speed increase on one of my Pairs of boots.
drayner, why is your name admin?

I think that lifeblood should be poppable whenever you like, even in 1v1's... as stated above, anyone can get it now, if you don't your lazy, that's all.

I wasn't around for pre-BC, but i agree that the boots/librams should have been removed. I'm not really sure about the leg kits, but bringing them back would definitely even out hunters a bit, i think.

Also, what does DDOS mean?
Wooh ... interesting thread.

1) Sites cost money, the ads are here to offset the cost of maintaining said site.

2) No one here is a customer, we don't force you to pay for anything.

3) No part of the TwinkInfo staff gets paid, we are here helping in our free time out of our love for twinking.

4) I doubt Drayner has made any money off this site, we use to do contests and give out WoW TCG prizes, which came out of his pocket book.

5) All of you should probably take a step back and breathe. :rolleyes:
Only reason you have to post this is because you like to have your 450 professions without having the disadvantage of not being able to use them.
builtokill said:
Also, what does DDOS mean?

Distributed denial of service, its when someone pretty much lags the site out.

It's highly illegal and Drayner has his actual IP address so if it does happen, well he can report him to the police...
Pretty stupid thread can't belive it went for this long it's like a 1 sentance answer ... Stop qqing about the past and l2 addapt. Stop dreaming about librams and legpatches to come back cause it ain't gonna happen
I can't believe the OP thinks that taking 2 days to get 450 herbalism is less work than getting fishing gear. It took him 6 weeks...if you think about it. 6 weeks = 12 hrs.

2 days = anything between 24-48 hrs.

The whole reason for the nerfs was to put an end to people exploiting. IE. shoulder inscriptions, WotLK leg kits. To nerf librams, BC leg kits were included in the nerf because Blizz never intended lower levels to have those. Now with the implementation of turning XP off, Blizz is giving everyone the same chance to twink there player as everyone else.

If you don't like bads running around killing you because they use an OP ability or use and OP class, then quit. It's the same as lvl 80. Bads can basically keyboard turn/click and still win based on OP gear/class
Restoshaman said:

That was the sound of, the entirety of my posts meaning, going straight over your Troll head. Please reframe from flaming Mr.Bad Lifeblood crutcher.


lol nerd rage more

Restoshaman said:
Did We not have to work CONSIDERABLY harder to get the fishing boots than we did to get proffession buffs in about 99% of cases? ( excluding those lucky bastards who caught fishing hat first try LOL :p) and what happened to those? they instead of having their Item Level reduced to remove issues with the High level enchants being placed on them, had their Level requirement raised, and taken from our bracket.

no, not in one way..

herbalism is a bitch to level compared to the 1 fishing hat and 2 pairs of boots i caught prenerf for my friends 19 hunter in one sitting :S
Stealthbot said:
Pretty stupid thread can't belive it went for this long it's like a 1 sentance answer ... Stop qqing about the past and l2 addapt. Stop dreaming about librams and legpatches to come back cause it ain't gonna happen

OT: i hope you have another set of armor that isn't just "LOLSTAM" because if not, you my sir wasted that shadowfang. :/
ITT: Trolls Trolling Trolls
jailbot said:
OT: i hope you have another set of armor that isn't just "LOLSTAM" because if not, you my sir wasted that shadowfang. :/

OR he can GET another set of armor. Way cheaper than another SF.

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