Remember when...

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AGM just gave 1% dodge, not 12 rating

BG's were single server, had to beg the other side to que if they got pwnt (pve servers only)

You wern't automatically put into a group in BG's, and people used to fight to be raid leader

Scout's blade took 8 months to get

Seeing shadowfangs on the AH for 4g

All paladins used to do was autoattack

Wrecking 200hp players when you had 800

Improved concussive shot was a stun
curleypwnsu said:
Not in your case.

LOL curley's still mad because I call him out for being big-headed and shouting at everyone about how awesome he is...

And btw Curley, personally I was never, ever a keyboard turner or anything even metaphorically similar.
remember when you had to queue at the warsong lumber camp?

remember when you had 100 of every mark saved up, queue'd up for WSG or AB on your twink, then turned them all in and got like 3 levels and went into the BG?
Skanktmonius said:
LOL curley's still mad because I call him out for being big-headed and shouting at everyone about how awesome he is...

And btw Curley, personally I was never, ever a keyboard turner or anything even metaphorically similar.

You seem upset, I hope that some day you can find peace in this life.
I remember the time, but I don't remember that, because I didn't twink then. ^^

I was just talking to my friend a bit ago about how I miss old WoW, taking days and days to get to level 10. Everything was mystical and fun back then, but with knowledge comes boredom, and with age comes maturity :(

I miss being 9 years old and playing on my Tauren Druid, swimming up the river between Orgrimmar and the Barrens, seeing the (skull) Spider NPCs as I passed by Ashenvale and wandered how I was ever going to be near as good as I needed to be to go in there.

I miss being bad and having no idea what I was doing, and having the ignorance about the game I had then.

I want it back :(
I remember...

- 40-man+ horde raids on SW through the tram

- seeing a 19 Sergeant rogue with the awesome green and purple glow of lifesteal and +15 agi on their SF/AB

- anxiously watching the AQ gates open and one lucky player getting Scarab Lord title and mount

- being afraid to level up in STV or Ashenvale on the PvP server, knowing there was likely some 60 rogue stealthed nearby and ready to gank me (yeah, world pvp)

- crapping myself seeing a HWL tauren warrior ride by on his kodo with T2/T3

- wondering if I'd ever see Molten Core on my lowly 46 hunter

- getting my friends together to go gank some levelers in Darkshore and feeling like hot shit... until they called their 60 friends to come help them
Lots of laughs in this thread



Deathstone and Seep vent arguments

Forming Naxx runs for Naxx enchants

BC exploits

100% dodge


kek > HI

ttu #1

ptr premades

We Eat African Babies and lol Seep thinking he was a bad ass and then getting stomped by Salt from vengeance who was barely considered a good rogue when he went to Cyclone
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