LOOL WOOOOOOSHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhh. Theres something attractive about wearing huge snapbacks, big ass sports jerseys/large graphic tees that make you look like an easel, tall white socks out of air force 1s, and basketball shorts the size of man-capris though =/ If only we could be on their levelI like girls having to guess at where my actual frame is at... likewise it makes good a good distraction to anyone trying to busta cap.... if you move in this apparel you will appear to be a flying pile of clothes. Especially when the wind lifts your shirt like a sail and provides maximum wind resistance while you walk down the street.
= Attractive attire that showcases a man's confidence and muscular body which----> women are by nature sexually attracted to.
don't take this the wrong way but this is the worst thing i have ever read