US Real life pictures - 19's only - this is necessary

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I would suggest you sprint, evasion and AGM away before you gets in troubles!
She's a cowgirl, she knows how to handle a rope. Sprint, Evasion and agm won't help him even a bit i'm afraid :(

W8ing for my football..sorry SOCCER practise
m16a2 rifle with a .50cal browning machine gun night vision scope mounted to it. I was the unit armorer, so I got to store and maintain all the cool toys. I had to pull perimeter security that night so I bolted it up and took it out with me just to see how well it worked compare to the regular night vision goggles.
If Pizza is in fact a bro, why is the Biebs in his sig? <.<

To stay on topic, is every photo added within the thread located within the first page or is Hex slacking? :p

I should add my photo next!
If Pizza is in fact a bro, why is the Biebs in his sig? <.<

To stay on topic, is every photo added within the thread located within the first page or is Hex slacking? :p

I should add my photo next!

You Should! Need Moar Picz! :D
That picture made me laugh sooo hard when I first saw it... The guy in the back has the most epic face of all time.

And heres another because this threaddy needs moar

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