Read before you decide to play the 60-64 bracket.

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hey guys brains > gear.. who gives a fuck if some dudes rockin naxx gear.. ill kill him naked with a lvl 1 dagger. owait i think ive done that already.
Buynlarge said:
So 60s are NOT popping because all of the 60s are now playing their 85s...

... but the 70s, 19s, and 49s ARE popping because those players are NOT playing there 85s?


That makes complete sense, since only those who have 60 twinks also have 85s.


makes a lot more sense than blizzard is intentionally crippling the 60 bracket while "fixing" others. if they could fix one bracket they could fix them all...dont be so paranoid imo.
Falkor said:
makes a lot more sense than blizzard is intentionally crippling the 60 bracket while "fixing" others. if they could fix one bracket they could fix them all...dont be so paranoid imo.

I'm not being paranoid, I'm just saying that if almost every battleground is getting pops except 60-64, it seems like more of a technical issue then anything else.

Just because other battlegrounds work doesn't mean none with have issues; everything has glitches from time to time. Since when does believe in the possibility of a glitch equal paranoia?
afaik only 19s 49s and 70s are getting pops and thats with a lot of coordination on the 49s part. 70s get a lot just b/c the sheer number same for 19s i beleive, they might coordinate a bit too.

why would a glitch persist this long and only effect 60-64. seems like you can get pops when you try as per some of the other threads here. and eu is getting pops. so seems as if its more of a population/coordination problem and less of a glitch. oh and gms dont usually know jack for people saying theyve talked to gms
glancealot said:
those 70 twinks must be bad.

btw, your gears are nothing compared to this guy, he quit playing tho so we can only get the wowhead profile page.

Profiler - Wowhead

And I'll never be able to compete with that Tier 3, thanks for the salt in my paper cuts you have inflicted.

Your point that you think 64s will automatically dominate all 60s is still invalid.
I had no naxx gear.... NO tier 2.5.... only bc gear with BC gems and some tier 2, and a raped face as an arms warrior. melee classes without t3 r bad my ass.
If I logged off in my ret set at 60 you would crit your pants broski. No such thing as a T3 retadin (the set is for Holy spec). Using all gem gear at level 60 is no longer the best option either. I have no problems killing anyone in this bracket.

At 64 I can see a ret pally having good stats and be better off due to being able to get all PLATE gem gear and the additional talent points but then again the difference would still be small. I unlike random level 64 twink number XXX actually took the time to find and compile gear sets where as they just ran regular BC dungeons to farm a cookie cutter set that took no time at all and was done so they can be carried by gear with a toon they are completly unfamiliar with in order to be on top of the bracket and use said level and gear as a crutch to compensate for their lack of skill.

The sad part is I havent found many 64 who can actually make good use of the slight advantage (with one exception) and ever since the queue issue I dont even see them in BGs when they do pop. Right now though there is one grandfathered engineering DK at 64 who has that new engineering gun and all they are doing is stacking stamina and using the gun to net kills while in blood spec. This is a prime example of a crutching bad with no skill who for some reason thinks that they are some how not ruining the bracket with type of behavior.

Making a toon that can 1 shot everyone and cant be killed in any bracket is assinine and this person is the outlier while everyone else with grandfathered professions who have the gun know better not to use it.
Deadpool said:
The sad part is I havent found many 64 who can actually make good use of the slight advantage (with one exception)

I reckon you mean Lifebloom for druids. Because it is quite a good thing to have some form of dispell protection for your HoTs, not to mention an extra HoT.

In addition, you can get ~30% dmg reduction from resilience at 64 (for druid atleast), while still maintaining high HP, decent SP and mana. However your mana costs for spells will be higher.
Metamorfos said:
I reckon you mean Lifebloom for druids. Because it is quite a good thing to have some form of dispell protection for your HoTs, not to mention an extra HoT.

In addition, you can get ~30% dmg reduction from resilience at 64 (for druid atleast), while still maintaining high HP, decent SP and mana. However your mana costs for spells will be higher.

No i have not see a druid doing anything like that but then again I specifically mentioned a particular DK. Just thought about the new changes and realized Gift of the naru being non dispellable and healing 20% of your health coupled with Lifebloom would also be pretty sweet as a paladin or DK to go along with your other self heals. might make a space goat to test it and throw them into a macro for luls. Try that for absurd self healing.

Resil stacking doesn't work that well to be honest with the fact that if you are stacking as much of it as you can then you are loosing out in other departments for stats. That is just like any other gem toon who stacks resil, they end up always lacking elsewhere and in the end most of them realise the stat scaling does not work as well as they thought.

for example lets say you have 7k health and 30% reduction from resil. My Ret as of yesterday after I did some testing hits for 5200 damage with exorcism from an art of war proc.

5200 * .3 = 1560

5200 -1560 = 3640

that is still half your health and no counting what else you have been hit with.

Plenty of players have tested resil stacking and have found it not worth doing due to the fact that burst damage is so high its as if the resil does not really matter because health pools are too low for the damage.

To give you an example of why resil would not save you anymore than stam stacking does think of it in a situation. Lets say you an I meet on the FOS in AV. I am playing my ret or rogue and you are anything other than a druid or frost mage. Resto Druids dont die and lol frost mage will kite me to death.

In any given turn of events if i get some kind of uptime within a very short burst i can front load 10k+ damage VERY quickly. If you do not have 7k+ health to go with that resilience you are dead. This is obviously worst case scenario for you with me having rng smile on me and giving me procs or huge crits very early in the attack.

Its the nature of the bracket to be honest. The bit about lifebloom is very good info indeed but a lot of us have visited resil stacking and still find it not as favorable as we hoped it would be.
interesting, since i posted this thread, i actually noticed some 63~64 new gnome twinks using my template!

good to see that i have a big influence on the twinking community.
glancealot said:
interesting, since i posted this thread, i actually noticed some 63~64 new gnome twinks using my template!

good to see that i have a big influence on the twinking community.

you don't D:
good to see that i have a bad influence on the twinking community.

Fixed it for you.


Big influence my ass.. you saw some players who used a similar/identical setup as you, and feel like a person with a lot of influence?

Honestly - morons like you, who go lvl 64 just to get the annoying socket gear, is what some of the 60 twinks in this community has

been trying to stop. All you do is attract more idiots like yourself to this bracket, making it suffer from not only a lack of BGs, but also

complete and utter re*ards who lvl four levels up for one more ability and some pieces of socket gear.

I normally don't prefer such language, but in this case, it's done with good intentions.

You disgust me, glancealot.
now that 60-64 expoff games are popping after 4.1, has anyone tried fighting 60 twinks with the set-up in the OP? it looks good on paper to say the least.
there are certainly enough players, it likely has to do with the way that random bg works. we usually get 5-6 games a night, and a full (40v40) av, but queues still take forever. I personally am in a guild with 20 or so twinks on at a time, and i know we have a horde guild with similar numbers queueing up opposite us on our server, so why don't we get games? it seems we mostly get AV, occasionally eots, and rarely AB, i don't think i've ever seen a WSG pop, but i've seen other people in them.
The fact that I sit neck and neck with 64s as a 60 in every BG I am in for objectives and killing blows pretty much sums up why they are nothing special. If you armory the pally I play don't be surprised if I logged in some vanity crap but my all plate gem set up mixed with AQ40 gear does an awesome job. That and my guild usually has plenty of heals backing us up.

Just wish blizz would stop ruining the queue system every time they fix it for a week lol. The most dangerous classes at 64 are mages and rogues if that is anyone's concern. they go gnome typically and fire or frost spec as mages and a typical sub spec for rogues.
Deadpool said:
The fact that I sit neck and neck with 64s as a 60 in every BG I am in for objectives and killing blows pretty much sums up why they are nothing special.

i am tempted to roll a 64 priest just to prove you wrong.
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