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Tbh 10/10 I have a backstab rouge specd same talents and wep choices. Love it :D

Logged out in Mana regen/int gear i think. Still working on the fishing hat, I havent tried to get it on this one yet but been trying 7weeks on my priest and still no luck so ive half given up, il try again this sunday. Goggels aint too bad seeing as i can use the spirit :) ofc i would like fishing hat more but this is fine.


Love the setup and build. Thats a fairly good setup I've seen on a few healadins. 6.66% crit gives you a +1 right off the bat. Shame you still need a second AGM and the Fishing Hat. Over all, I give your twink a 9/10 :], BoAs aren't needed to be GG in BG these days, just gotta know how to play ^^


Just finished him off today. Has +150 hp on a haliscan jacket. Currently questing fishing hat and AGM trinkets. Still looking for that engineer to make me a Voice Amp ;)
Looks pretty good! I'll give you an 8/10 for level 10 twink, need that fishing hat/agm and esp. the voice amp man!! gotta get on those interupts

p.s - I expect a recap once 3.2 hits! need some fatty numbers


Currently my only twink in the 10-19 bracket that I play anymore, need to finish up 225 herbalism D: and AGM's are a W.I.P - GG TI guild and 120 twinks to get AGM's for amirite?
9/10. Nice mana pool :). I'd probably throw +spell power on the gloves, but that's just me :). Nice crits btw :)


Go easy on me, it's my first *proper* twink, and it still needs a significant amount of work :[. Been too busy in BG to even think about levelling herb or getting twin AGM's (haha yeah right :p)
Cruelfool said:
looks like you need alot of work, alot of things i could name... bit tired atm

ill say 6/10

but i can see you are a fresh twink who hasnt finished yet.

get a max sp set imo :)

Rate Me

A rogue to my liking, 9/10. =]

Sorry, but I'm missing the Wristbands.

<- Click the 'My Twinks' link.
^^ 9/10 -> Finish your professions! :)


*Edit* to your post Cptheal, yes my original profession was JC and I dropped it for herbalism and kept the trinket while I still could. I find that I use the herbalism hot much more than the JC trinket, especially since I never take off AGM.
10/10 0.o

just a thought tho...have you considered Ruby Serpent from JCing?

Cptheal said:

10/10, assuming you have another weapon/offhand combo to replace your +INT weapon when you're through the first hunk of mana. Nice work! You know you found a good twink when you learn something new just by looking at their armory -- nice trip to the ghostlands for that wand, eh? :) I had no idea that was the only wand with stats all the way through the 19 and 29 bracket (except for the wand with shadow resist, but meh). Also, smart talent choices.


[char=Silver Hand]Nirise[/char] (She needs BoA gear, but she doesn't run out of mana. Also, she logged with the +16 spell damage buff on -- please ignore that).
my lock


i know i need underworld bands but im a big believer in farming stuff myself so im not paying 1200g each for them.

and herbalism sucks >.>
Castrophy said:

Un Perfect Shadow Lens, No Chest Enchant, and no Underworld Bands :p

The World of Warcraft Armory

woops i forgot i logged out in that chest.....i was trying it out for the extra stam so its not enchanted :p

-0.5 second best weapon (3rd with BoA, 4th in 3.2)

-1 legs (draenei start with 1% hit, scarlet legs are superior imo)

-0.5 neck (WSG neck < medal of courage)

-1 mining < herb even as draenei


i cant see the enchants on revs and signet, but stating they are bear/power there is no room for more point decreases.

my rog

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