Rate the twink above you.


-0.5 glove enchant

-1 trinkets

-1 skin < engi

-0,5 28/30 hitrating

my rog is just a 7^^ or lets say 7,5 as i have no access to BoAs.

As a side note I haven't been able to find the of shadow damage shoulders yet so for now I stick with the boa ones as they're decent.
Banana said:
mine: [char=eu-Aggramar]Banana[/char]

10/10 Great balanced gear, just grab a leg armor patch.


Oops, that wasnt the last person


9/10 6/7 bracers and I think you can get 2 more shadow dmg to goggles
nonono, banana wont get a 10 here^^

too lazy to get the RFC bracers? ;-)

the only item i would change...nice priest!
Bansil said:
nonono, banana wont get a 10 here^^

too lazy to get the RFC bracers? ;-)

the only item i would change...nice priest!

i am :< will do it one of these days
Hassassin said:

Can't even post the correct link.

Rating your shaman;

Looks to me as maxed out, except for the 16 armor on legs, AGM (maybe 2) and a BoA version of the PvP trinket. Also, if you really want it all maxed you should *sigh, sorry* unlearn your professions...

Bansil said:

-0.5 glove enchant

-1 trinkets

-1 skin < engi

-0,5 28/30 hitrating

my rog is just a 7^^ or lets say 7,5 as i have no access to BoAs.

Everyone has access to BoAs, no excuse.
Rayu said:
Rating your shaman;

Looks to me as maxed out, except for the 16 armor on legs, AGM (maybe 2) and a BoA version of the PvP trinket. Also, if you really want it all maxed you should *sigh, sorry* unlearn your professions...


everyone has access to spider's silk, int enchants, crafted shoulders, herbs and the fishing tournament.

really 9/10?
Rayu said:
Everyone has access to BoAs, no excuse.

with 2x39 as your highest chars and a vanilla account you have no access to BoAs, no. and you wont have BoAs rollin on the opposite faction atm.
Bansil said:
with 2x39 as your highest chars and a vanilla account you have no access to BoAs, no. and you wont have BoAs rollin on the opposite faction atm.

Only secluded island inhabitants have an excuse not to get BoAs, as they have no access to WoW nor internet. You have, so you can get BoAs.
I'm very impressedwith your gear, justfrom what little i know of the 19's bracket but i still gotta give you 9/10, just for the professions not being maxed out

pinprick said:
I'm very impressedwith your gear, justfrom what little i know of the 19's bracket but i still gotta give you 9/10, just for the professions not being maxed out


I don't know anything about 29 twinks... but going to rate anyways as you've rated me too.

On first sight your gear looks nice, though I see an inferior version of an AGM which you should at least get one of. Also I see you have a bow equipped - I think throw is too essential for a PvP rogue to add another second to your casting time for some extra agility, but that can be different at 29 because you have more abilities that might fill in for throw. Aren't BoA shoulders better either?

Anyways, I wish you the best with this one, looks very nice.

Missing herbalism, lacking another sf and your weapon enchants dont make sense to me. Thats with me guessing you have boa pvp trinket in bank. 9/10.
I like your setup, a bit different than most warrs i've seen but still good. i personally like blackened defias chest a lot but i se your reasoning in getting the 3 set peices of fang. i'd get the BOA bow though if i were you.

Ramune said:
I like your setup, a bit different than most warrs i've seen but still good. i personally like blackened defias chest a lot but i se your reasoning in getting the 3 set peices of fang. i'd get the BOA bow though if i were you.


Max out Herb and Skinning and your perfect. 9.5/10
I like your setup, a bit different than most warrs i've seen but still good. i personally like blackened defias chest a lot but i se your reasoning in getting the 3 set peices of fang. i'd get the BOA bow though if i were you.


Its strictly arena set-up and you want to have a throw in arena. Got the bow in my bags for random jerking tho.
Rayu said:
I don't know anything about 29 twinks... but going to rate anyways as you've rated me too.

On first sight your gear looks nice, though I see an inferior version of an AGM which you should at least get one of. Also I see you have a bow equipped - I think throw is too essential for a PvP rogue to add another second to your casting time for some extra agility, but that can be different at 29 because you have more abilities that might fill in for throw. Aren't BoA shoulders better either?

Anyways, I wish you the best with this one, looks very nice.


thx, for input and i"m currently working on leveling a main on pinpricks account so i can get those BOA shoulders

As for AGM i got one so far but my server is full of achievement whores so it's a pain but i'm continuing to work on it. seriously every hour there are no less than 12 80's waiting when trinket pops even on off hours

thanks alot for info and i always love input from others to help me refine

edited cause i just read a post my 29 and am now switching out my bow for thrown, just cause he explained the utlity that i hadn't thought of so now i feel belittled, lol, thnks twnetynine29
Link in Sig

What I have ATM - 4 other weps, +1 agi sword, +15 agi, +1 agi dagger, +15 agi, +1 stam dagger, crusader, +1 agi dagger, +15 agi.

Armor - Embossed Leather Boots - +7 agility, minor speed, +5 hit

Cloaks: Feral Cloak of Agility, +3 agility, The cape I have on ATM with +70 armor

Rings - Another 1 ring

Chest - DarkMoon Vest, 3/3 monkey +4 stats, 3/3 bandit, +4 stats, Formal Dangui, +150 hp (soon to have) Formal Dangui +15 resiliance.

Just waiting on 3.2, a engineer with the damned voice amp mod and my fishing hat ;), then i'll drop engineering and get herby :p

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