Rate the twink above you.

Regroovenate said:
There is no hit in the Fang set.


if i change the chest, i will get 3 agi more but loose 1ap

get 3 stamina more,

but the important is that i loose 4 expertice, so i have to wear the belt of the fang set to get it back with defias chest and in that way i loose 3 hit

15 expertice rating is in my eyes a must have for a 19 rogue, thats 3.75% dodge/parry reduce and sure more worth then 3 agi and 2 stamina!!

same with 11 hit to get style caped
Rate my Rogue please. I will be getting both my professions and my 2 AGMs after the upcoming patch. Thanks!


2/3 bracers are not the best but it's very hard to find perfect 3/3. And as you said you don't have any trinkets yet but that firework thing :rolleyes: Big plus from weapons but not 2x Shadowfang :p . I can't find any wrong chosen enchants and overall your gear is good. Just cap your professions and 2x AGM in next patch so you'll be pretty perfect.

8.5/10 ATM.
THANKS! Finally a good comment i usually get shit from not gonna say any names but if you know this forum -


Well you know who you are, and im ally fyi ;)
Ogsir said:
THANKS! Finally a good comment i usually get shit from not gonna say any names but if you know this forum -


Well you know who you are, and im ally fyi ;)

I won't 'DUHRRRRR'... but Thief's Blade is and always will be the crappiest, most noobish OH in the history of 19 rogue twinking.
Rayu said:
I won't 'DUHRRRRR'... but Thief's Blade is and always will be the crappiest, most noobish OH in the history of 19 rogue twinking.

Explain please. Instead of just saying what i imposed you should'nt have said, tell me whats better and why, thats why i posted here.
roudy said:

missing gloves of holy might and im logged out in the wrong legs, usually use wardens woolies 12int/12stam

Worn Running Boots would be an upgrade, Nordic Longshank instead of Sent blade, obviously some sort of 2nd trinket, and professions could all help.

But other than that + what you mentioned above, you have a very nice twink. Nice BoA's as well. +++

Me: [char=Draka]Shirk[/char]
Shirk-US said:
Worn Running Boots would be an upgrade, Nordic Longshank instead of Sent blade, obviously some sort of 2nd trinket, and professions could all help.

But other than that + what you mentioned above, you have a very nice twink. Nice BoA's as well. +++

Me: [char=Draka]Shirk[/char]

worn running boots are horde only:D

and your armory keeps giving me an error
Shirk-US said:
Odd, its loading for me.

And sorry about the boots mistake, always forget about that.

7/10 needs to finish professions and get 9/8 or 8/9 shoulders :cool:.
I am very much confused with your gear, why Spidersilk Cape, Tree Bark Jacket, BoA staff, and the two rings you chose, Ima give you a 9/10 though cus im sure you have your reasons but also the gear you do have is enchanted and your herbalism is 225.


I still got a long way to go, need BoA shit (main is only 68), need AGM trink, and profs, anyhting else? please let me know
ScatMan103 said:
I am very much confused with your gear, why Spidersilk Cape, Tree Bark Jacket, BoA staff, and the two rings you chose, Ima give you a 9/10 though cus im sure you have your reasons but also the gear you do have is enchanted and your herbalism is 225.


I still got a long way to go, need BoA shit (main is only 68), need AGM trink, and profs, anyhting else? please let me know

7/10, good gear plan, need boas/pvp trink/agm/profs


my rogue
Terrible. I can tell you made this rogue to crutch on herb and clearly superior paladins =)

And Pizza uses spidersilk for the hit.
rate me? i know i'm missing hat... i have horrible luck. i know im missing shadowfang i have no main so no money

Drop Thiefs Blade. I would suggest getting a fiery set if you dont have one. Its a huge difference =D.. Cruel Barb 15 agi/Scout's Blade 15 agi.

Yeah... Its un-updated so no it doesn't show my AGM yet.. but I'm planning on leveling herbalism.
Faceroll said:

Yeah... Its un-updated so no it doesn't show my AGM yet.. but I'm planning on leveling herbalism.


Drop engineering and pick up skinning, herbalism as you said.

Gearwise: fishing hat, spidersilk drape, blackened defias armor (or BoA, when possible), beetle clasps.

I'm not terribly knowledgeable about protection paladins, so what's up with all the +intellect gear? If you want the mana pool, replace the Night Watch Shortsword with the BoA mace for some extra useful stats.

All in all, well done, just professions and a couple gear choices I'd make differently, but it really is all down to playstyle.


As for me, I present to you Cooperation. Arena Master 9/12, Darkweave Breeches coming whenever they finally show up in the frickin' AH, and...uh, I don't know why it says she does Tailoring. I'm working on Herbalism and Skinning at the moment.

She's pug-oriented, since there isn't always a lot of premade activity on Stormstrike. I value health over raw spell power, because renews get purged but health doesn't. It's a bit of an old-fashioned setup now with 3.2 having arrived, but I like the extra health. It keeps me alive longer than the other priest with 800 health.
I dun see a link :(

As for me: 4/12 AGMs, fishing hates me, herbalism in the process of levelling.


edit: lol thanks i'm kinda new to the site :X

not too experienced with 19 priests but you look pretty solid. 9/10.

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