Honestly, I prefer having above 4.5k hp scaled cause i'm going to be frontlining 99.99% of the game. And having the high ap doesn't matter when you can just get Crusader procs and still hit MS for 800 - 1k w/o crits and have your Rends just tick for truck loads of dmg.
Then again I can understand when you have the offhealer, but you just have a lesser frontline presence compared to the Warriors sitting in Def Stance w/ 4.5k+ or so hp, unless you're just 100% ignored in Battle Stance just Rend muilt-dotting and Whirlwinding everything out of existence.
I currently roll a Crit Gear / Versa enchant set. Quite like it -
http://us.battle.net/wow/en/character/kelthuzad/Boredumjaja/advanced rolling w/ 4,704 hp, 199 str, 24.10% crit, and 11.52% versa scaled.
But besides the whole, theory crafting for Warrior etc, I do like the transmog black always looks good, just not a fan of the Laughing Skill helmet myself but that besides the point. I really want to be able to Tmog our Heirloom items but lol haha jk not happening till Legion ( i guess.. please? )
Also for those who didn't know this like, at all if you refresh Rend once it's timer is 5 seconds or less, you get the "final burst of bleed dmg" aka the last tick of the dot. It's basically a mini-execute for when some1 is low hp and you have 30+ rage or just to whittle people down and annoy enemy healers. My 2 cents.