I have a few 39s (mainly clothies and leatherwearers) that have hit a high enough average ilvl to get the stat bonus. Clothies at like 7% cuz of wands and rogue and druid both at ilvl 54 for a 1% stat bonus (which I think is more than 1% cuz when I hit ilvl54 with my rogue he got an extra 7 base agi). However, recently, I was able to win the fishing tournament twice in a row on my hunter and he is one epic away from 54, but my question is; do I have to hit ilvl 54 on chain mail/plate wearers to get the more significant stat bonus or do I have to get my average ilvl higher? Now I know that there are plenty of hunts/shammy/pallies/wars that took advantage of the legion invasions at 39 so they most likely have hit higher than ilvl 54 so if there are any of you out there who know for sure and can tell me, it would be a great help to me so that I know if it is even worth it to farm epics and the fishing trinket. I tried asking blizz........but.....they told me they can't "reveal that info cuz they don't wana give anyone an advantage......". xD