Queue Up At 7 PM DAILY

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only reason you don't see any TL queing is because none of them wants to solo que, and if they some how miraculesly do solo que they afk rather quick.

I know right, it is like take instance stubs, instead of him trying playing solo now that he for once has a chance to prove his individual skill, what does he do, winlog and play the winning side until they get another TL premading going it is just ridiculous
Only stubs and vianco are able to carry horde a bit. Guess thats why all TL disappear when they dont queue. Beside anglebiatch who also use to be seen solo queueing.

last time I saw ridwane soloqueue it was when I was playing in the same game that mesikämmen was FC'ing in and ridwane played healer, he got outhealed by every single healer in the game(alliance had even 1x 1k hp healer with whites outhealing him rofl) and just fucking stood still instead of healing anyone, like I don't know how hard it is to press 1 single buttom but obviously too hard, also stubs doesn't wanna solo queue 'cause he knows he will lose every single match he does, instead he winlogs until he gets another premade rolling like anyone can get a premade and faceroll pugs but when they have to prove individual skill they can't 'cause there is none, take instance HSA 3 man vs 6 man TL (roula, cally + td) vs the current TL a-team roster we won 1-1 with me and roula playing 2 man for half of the game vs TL's 6 man I can't even explain how they lost
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Trialdruid just set premade you speak alot in my eyes. Or 3vs3 arenas ?

thats exactly what he's talking about, you can do shit without your mates.

Oh comon you seems to forget you can't kill a heal solo but if you want let's do duel. And you what's up still dodge duel priest ?
Oh comon you seems to forget you can't kill a heal solo but if you want let's do duel. And you what's up still dodge duel priest ?

i dunno..... but i think it's trying to communicate.
only reason you don't see any TL queing is because none of them wants to solo que, and if they some how miraculesly do solo que they afk rather quick.

Rather not que into a ASNC turtle group solo thankszzzz

to prove individual skill they can't 'cause there is none, take instance HSA 3 man vs 6 man TL (roula, cally + td) vs the current TL a-team roster we won 1-1 with me and roula playing 2 man for half of the game vs TL's 6 man I can't even explain how they lost

Correct me if im wrong, but im sure that was the game where you magically lagged when stubs had you hoj by our hut, and then you ended up at your tunn still in a hoj? Great skill, totally outplayed us all teach me the ways of the lag macro :( almost as skillful as the swiftness pot/darkflight caps
Rather not que into a ASNC turtle group solo thankszzzz

when you was part of the ASNC's turtle group it was fun though? or is it just more fun to be part of a TL gy containment ​group? :rolleyes:
Are you fucking serious i solo queue everytime.

I was pretty tired this morning while posting this. I'm aware that you are one of the few in TL who solo ques and stays the full 20 min, same goes for Udmalelock.

My bad.

Please tell us more about afk'ing..

You and most of your guild members leave battlegrounds before they end, while solo queing.

Rather not que into a ASNC turtle group solo thankszzzz

I'm not blameing you for doing so as i afk games vs TL group ques as well. I just find it amusing that some TL members complain about something their doing themselves.
only reason you don't see any TL queing is because none of them wants to solo que, and if they some how miraculesly do solo que they afk rather quick.

i dont understand statements like this, you afk a lot of games and i dont think ive seen you solo que once in mop
can u post like Stubs says he will que horde solo if some1 pay his druids Faction Change

-msg from djstubbe xox
same goes for ppl in TL but no1 cares about that, this is sad im out byyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeee
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