Queue Up At 7 PM DAILY

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Ally raped last one, queue horde s'il vous plais

heh i understood wut u said in french ;DPp ídc smarter than most ppl think yo eu
s'il vous plait s'écrit avec un "T" non un "S" nice try.

okok its spelled with a T sorry I can't write in french ;P Je comprends un peu, mais pas beaucoup, studied it for a bit about 9 years ago :p

Edit: I realise that in french I probably talk like the equivalent of: "ME HAV GUD ENGRISH"

OT, Queue up today please and thanks!
Horde needs to learn that they are nothing without us. We are going to let the alliance farm them for a while.
Hordes problem is that without TL there is a complete lack of class diversity (every game has ~50% rogues in team), and the players which could make a difference have adopted some shitty mindset where they contribute in no way to the game and hunt down weak/stray allys. (Looking at Bubu/Hysterio and a myriad of other players, Jana for another example.) It seems the few people who actually queue horde to make a difference are always let down by these folk, (and also the randoms who have no interest in objective). People like Tehbaws, Mesi, Roula and a few others who will log the losing side to try and keep games competetive receive no thanks, both from the shitty horde teams they try and assist and from the ally teams who just roflstomp them anyway even though it's killing the pops.

This is just what I'm seeing from the past few days anyway. I don't care whether or not i'm winning/losing games on either faction, just so long as it's competetive and it's not atm.
only reason you don't see any TL queing is because none of them wants to solo que, and if they some how miraculesly do solo que they afk rather quick.
Games really haven't been that fun these last few days.. Alliance won with 0 healers versus Horde with like 3 healers and a tank, and all seem to be fairly geared. I really need to get my Horde 19 done so I can switch whenever.
Tough Lovers, come queue a bit.
only reason you don't see any TL queing is because none of them wants to solo que, and if they some how miraculesly do solo que they afk rather quick.
Please tell us more about afk'ing.

Horde needs to learn their place before we start carrying their awful pug's again.
Only stubs and vianco are able to carry horde a bit. Guess thats why all TL disappear when they dont queue. Beside anglebiatch who also use to be seen solo queueing.
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