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Hey. I was wondering what most Destro warlocks used for burst? As in what spells in what order. Thanks.

Destro burst isn't that great at 20/24. Like any spellcaster, you would need to stack a lot of SP for it to be effective in the first place (this means BoA staff, minimally; +SP chants are a must for retail users). Basically you would want to set up Immolate so you can use Conflag, then you can put down Corruption/Bane of Agony.

Ideally you could do this:

Bane of Agony

This will make 2 Soulfires and a Conflag hit within one global of eachother (as well as DoT ticks), for potentially devastating damage. However, it requires 2 casts which isn't ideal in many situations. For short-notice burst, Immolate-Soulburn-Soulfire-Conflag. Make sure to get Improved Immolate talent, as it directly benefits Conflag damage.

has anyone ever had more than 2k hp as a trial unbuffed?

It's definitely doable as a tank spec with 2 AGM and BiS gear. Not reccommended unless you are a FC, of course.
Does anybody who plays Enhancment shamans know how to take down a rogue? I keep dueling a great rogue on my Enhance shammy and he beats me with about 1000 health each time!!! I need to know because we duel all the time.
Does anybody who plays Enhancment shamans know how to take down a rogue? I keep dueling a great rogue on my Enhance shammy and he beats me with about 1000 health each time!!! I need to know because we duel all the time.

Assuming he's 20...

You really can't beat him without a one or two heals, unless RNG gods are on your side, and you really can't heal unless you can fakecast his ass (kiting is usually out of the question unless he is mental/unloved by RNG). Use Earth Shock to reduce his damage early on; if you are a dwarf you can Earthbind, Stoneform the crippling, pray to baby jesus that he doesn't reapply crip or sprint/remove the snare, waltz/wolf away, and top yourself off with one to two healing surges. Then you could potentially outdamage him, and defeat him.

Don't count on beating him, though, if he's decent.
Thanks, this will help quite a bit, he is not a dwarf but i will keep on trying. And he is one of the best rogues, maybe the best I've ever dueled on any of my 6 toons. Mariya @ Dethroc.
Will you still play f2p after gw2 is out?
Thanks, this will help quite a bit, he is not a dwarf but i will keep on trying. And he is one of the best rogues, maybe the best I've ever dueled on any of my 6 toons. Mariya @ Dethroc.

My suggestion, in addition to what Weiss said is...

  • Watch his energy, does he have enough for Kick? Does he have enough for Gouge (do you know how to avoid a Gouge)? Is he blowing it all, or is he sitting on some? Anticipate his next move.
  • Juking is great and if you can bait the kick that's excellent. If you are feeling ballsy and he is quick to kick, you can try to bait with Hearthstone:cool: (keep in mind it stops channeling as soon as you take dmg).
  • Also, you should have an idea of how fast he can burst you and what a 5 CP Evis hits you for. Don't get lured into a false sense of safety.

You don't have many cooldowns and neither does he. I would say pop what you can early and start healing early. You don't want to need to heal and get locked out.
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Will you still play f2p after gw2 is out?

I was a big fan of GW1, despite it's limited PvE content. I think ArenaNet did a real good job with PvP balance compared to ActiBlizzard, so I'm expecting big things.

However, I'll probably still f2p WoW until I get a new PC.
If you are a ret paladin, what macros are you using. I've never used macros before, and although I intend to start using them, I've got no clue where to start. The only one I've done so far, is making crusader strike start normal attacking if it is on cooldown/i'm oom. Other than that, I've got no clue what macros might be useful. Any advice would be great.

So all macros start with "#showtooltip" as their first line, and the ? icon in the macro UI.

For PvE, mouseover taunt is a must:
/use [@mouseover,harm,nodead][] Whatever the fuck the taunt is called

Maybe do the same thing to Hammer, but the 10yd range means you don't often need to cast on a non-target anyway.

I'd do the same /startattack treatment to Judgement as you have done to CS

Controlling when BoP drops is important, since it prevents you from doing most of your damage. Macro /cancelaura Hand of Protection to it's own bind, or perhaps use:

/use Hand of Protection
/stopmacro [nomod:shift]
/cancelaura Hand of Protection

^ that won't pop and insta-clear under any circumstances (just how client-server lag works), but hitting it with shift will clear when you want to, and spamming it with shift will pop and clear very quickly.

For BoP specifically, mouseover is nice to let you put it on a teammate without losing current target:
/use [@mouseover,help,nodead][] Hand of Protection

^will still use on yourself, or a friendly target, if you have no mouseover. Probably give the same treatment to Lay on Hands

I'm an advocate of mouseover macros for all heals, but this is more importand for raid healing than for pvp. It does make dungeon WoG offhealing easy though, as you can mouseover the nameplates to the side of the screen.

As far as damage-dealing macros, there really aren't any. F2P ret pallies don't really have cooldowns to speak of.
If you are a ret paladin, what macros are you using. I've never used macros before, and although I intend to start using them, I've got no clue where to start. The only one I've done so far, is making crusader strike start normal attacking if it is on cooldown/i'm oom. Other than that, I've got no clue what macros might be useful. Any advice would be great.

To follow the post above me...

When I make a new character (who isn't a caster) I always start making macros for their basic abilities.

Basic abilities
/cast Crusader Strike

/cast Templar's Verdict

/cast Judgement

Which sounds like you have, so kudos!

Sword and Board
/equip [noequipped:Shields] your1HWeaponName
/equip [noequipped:Shields] YourShieldName

2Handed macro
/equip [equipped:Shields] Your2HWeaponName

Additionally, you can combine them, but it's not like space is a premium on bars at this level.

/cast [mod:shift, @focus] Hammer of Justice; Hammer of Justice

What this does is HoJ your target. If you push shift, it HoJ your focus. You can also do a mouseover functionality if you prefer, see below.

/cast [@mouseover, harm, nodead][] Hand of Reckoning

What it does is casts HoR (your Taunt) on your mouseover. Why you may want it? Make a pet attack you while you are being CC'd #winning. It can also save that poor sap fleeing from a pet.

Like mentioned you will also want a HoP/LoH macro, probably with mouseover functionality. And a /cancleaura macro as well.

I don't heal with mouseover macros, but those do work.

Good luck!
As far as damage-dealing macros, there really aren't any. F2P ret pallies don't really have cooldowns to speak of.

1 keypress press CS, TV and Judgement, not a /castsequence and you can spam it like crazy without needing to worry about which one is on cd. No need to have them separate but that is how i do it. I like simplifying things ie combine abilities that are similar like for a ench shaman lava lash, primal strike, earth shock, and flame shock, all instant dmg cds.

macro-1 placed in actionbar 1 button 1
/cast "whatever"
/changeactionbar 2

macro-2 placed in actionbar 2 button 1
/cast "whatever"
/changeactionbar 3

macro-3 placed in actionbar 3 button 1
/cast "whatever"
/changeactionbar 4

macro-4 placed in actionbar 4 button 1
/cast "whatever"
/changeactionbar 1

you press macro 1 and casts of ability and changes actionbar 2, click it again and it keeps cycling actionbars 1-4 casting every ability. Its like a /castsequence except it doesnt reset (no need) but at the same time bypasses having to wait on cd in order to go to next ability. Overall i keep my keybinds to a minimal with my hpally i attack and heal with only 3 buttons, i have full control of my heals and dmg without having to press many buttons. Accessing Wog, Fol, CS, Judgement, HS...5 abilities reduced to 3 buttons not to mention auto focusing friends and keeping enemies as target.

@Zaxxo what is your current setup if you like my simplistic setup pm me or look at this thread, first page last post explains my setup fully off. I have yet to make mouseover Hop and Loh.
If you want one button for TV,CS,Judgement i can help you make some macros to work how you want them to.
Or if you want a button to toggle between the 2 bindings, without having to open the key binding options and find the right section, you can use this macro:

/run if GetBindingByKey("TAB") == "TARGETNEARESTENEMY" then SetBinding("TAB", "TARGETNEARESTENEMYPLAYER"); print("tab targets enemy players"); else SetBinding("TAB", "TARGETNEARESTENEMY"); print("tab targets enemy units"); end
Hunter macro question.I got this macro:
/use [pet:Scorpid] Clench; [pet:Moth] Serenity Dust

But I want to use clench(disarm) on mouseover, if it doesnt exist , on current target.
Same for Serenety Dust, but instead of checking mouseover,check for focus, if it doesnt exist, use it on target.
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