Question: I understand the motivation for players to play this bracket, due to the limits, achievement hunting, gearing, proffessions et cetra. But I don't understand the motive in competitive pvp surrounding this bracket, I have never played f2p, or mop twinking. but from past experience in reading these forums; it shocks me how people can enjoy the pvp environment the community evokes. in addition when reading these forums or watching videos, all I see people is mashing several buttons, generating huge crits and damage, sometimes killing people in mere seconds. and healers insta healing people to full, never going OOM.
The only thing which would make me play this bracket is outplaying p2ps; but even that seems near-impossible due to their gear and enchants. just previously stated, i would not get the same satisfaction from outplaying someone at the same level as me, as i did 2 - 3 years ago, just because of the fact that damage is so high, and the balance issues within the bracket (personal opinion but may be the answer to my question).
In contrast to this the WSG meta seems to only revolve around GY containment and mid fights, as some of you old twinks rememeber, WSG highly gyrated around the offense & defence strat, and was actually quite fun because it required a little more brainpower and thought, than the current meta.
I understand that my question actually answers my question, because really it's personal opinion for every individual person, but I'd like to know the perspective of the actual players in the f2p bracket, explaining why they enjoy the competitive pvp within the bracket. and i'd be very happy if someone answered this question. thankyou