Why not just use equipment manager? Quick & easy.
What would the single-button macro look like?
Why not just use equipment manager? Quick & easy.
Apologies. I was just thinking of swapping. I use up to 10 EM sets w/ indiv buttons on some toons, but I can see how what you're looking for might be just a tad more efficient in that particular situation lol.What would the single-button macro look like?
Hi guys - need a macro wizard up in here! I need a weapon-switch-toggle macro for Strike of Hydrax2 to Reforged Truesilver Championx2 for my fury warrior.
Basically I just need it to allow me to toggle back and forth between dual-wielding those two as often as I need to.
/equipslot 16 Strike of Hydra
/equipslot 17 Strike of Hydra
/equipslot 16 Reforged Truesilver Champion
/equipslot 17 Reforged Truesilver Champion
These would be 2 different macros, or do you want 1 button with those in?
'1 button, i'm gonna be spamming the hell out of it
It's hard to do when the weapon names are the same. You have to use bag ids for that.
I think using an equipment manager will make it easier
Of course, but that wont make it into 1 button.
You are saying it's impossible to make it into 1 button?
Human ret pally looking for blue mail gloves for mog plzz help
Outrunner's not dropping? Best option I can think of. Idk my alliance 10-20 zone quest rewards, though.
It seems like with when it's with 4 different weapons, and they share the same name. I've tried every combination of macro but can't get it to work. With 1h shield and 2 hander macro is easier because it's only 3 weapons.
/script PickupInventoryItem(16); PickupContainerItem(0,2); PickupInventoryItem(17); PickupContainerItem(0,1);
Does anyone know what Metalworking Gloves scale too?![]()
Confirmed, they do still drop.Has anyone been able to get Foreman's Gloves to drop recently?
On Wowhead, it appears the gloves are no longer linked to the NPC.
If an F2P get Heirloom Hoarder achi, HE/SHE can get the Chopper mount or it will lost in the mail system.
I mean. When I get Tabard of the Explorer Bliz maild it too, when I get Seal of Kirin Tor, Bliz also mailed it. BUT I just go some people and said: Oh I lost my tabard, here you go get a new one. And he just lend me - skipping the mail system. So teher is a same way, or an F2P never get the chopper?
you will need to ask a gm for help. depending on the gm and how you word your ticket, you might get a possibility of 3 responses.
1. he directly puts the item into your bag so that you can use it.
2. he sends you another item, which you can claim since you can read mails from customer support.
3. he says no, trial cannot get the item.
if he says no, close your current ticket and open another one, wording it differently, and another gm should respond.
btw, tabard of the explorer can be claimed from the tabard vendor on any of your characters once you have the achievement.
and there is no seal of kirin tor, only ring of kirin tor. but f2p cant get that. do you mean schools of arcane magic? in that case, just speak to rhonin and he should give you one if you already have the achievement