Questions about 20 twink

it was when things were more balanced.

I would imagine that shouldn't be a problem, if class imbalance is a thing, you can quickly re-roll whatever class you like, and get to "end game" 20 in no time, unlike 70 which takes lots of effort, and "simpler" to play too, and gearing up in dungeons to blue 61 ilvl is pretty quick, getting epics takes more time but it's part of the fun. I think 20 twink is the best F2P pvp game out there, even better than 70, I guess people let sub expire just are tired of wow and go to other games... right now 70 BG is pretty stale, everyone all geared up, no more gear to look for, and people quit until S2
just ran a BG, the queue was fine, 14vs15, but we got steamrolled by horde, the highest dmg is by a 29 horde hunter twink, I checked his stats, all 112 epic with some gem slots, but most of his gear got enchants? I thought only weapon can enchant above ilvl 50? I searched AH but found no enchants that can work for 112 ilvl, are those done by enchanter himself? a 20 twink is no match, hp is 1/2 of his lol
a 20 twink is no match
Didn't we try to tell you this? Maybe we didn't but that's what I meant when I was talking about things being balanced, 29s > 20s by quite a bit.

He's got grandfathered enchants. Farmed up all his gear pre-patch and enchanted it before the changes went live.
Didn't we try to tell you this? Maybe we didn't but that's what I meant when I was talking about things being balanced, 29s > 20s by quite a bit.

He's got grandfathered enchants. Farmed up all his gear pre-patch and enchanted it before the changes went live.

yeah no match, just ran another, 10 vs 6, we only have 1 level 29, rest all 20, we won but only barely, my guess horde mostly 29 but haven't checked, well the good news is the queue is actually ok, I hope more 20 folks will join, dilute the 29's, those 29 twinks with paying accounts just want to grief 20's are the minority I hope, lol
My cynical view is that Blizz did this to push twinks to Classic or Wrath which requires a sub, and to some extent there was a large migration away from Retail.

I’m certain something like this happened previously and they eventually joined the queues. But problem we have this time round is low level PvP is so busted they just figure it’s easier to keep twinks out of the 20-29 XP on bracket,

I live in hope….. however so slim that we do eventually get back into good PvP games and queues.
My cynical view is that Blizz did this to push twinks to Classic or Wrath which requires a sub, and to some extent there was a large migration away from Retail.

I’m certain something like this happened previously and they eventually joined the queues. But problem we have this time round is low level PvP is so busted they just figure it’s easier to keep twinks out of the 20-29 XP on bracket,

I live in hope….. however so slim that we do eventually get back into good PvP games and queues.

the thing is, once subbed, then players can do everything, blizzard can't "push" those subbed players to do something they want, like niche queue for particular BG, but taking away xp-on queues they disable pretty much the only thing un-subbed players can do, so they move on to other F2P games, and forget about wow. I don't think those players will re-sub just because they can't play the 20 twink BG. so it's a bad idea for blizzard. I think removing xp-on queue to gain revenue will surely be a fail, actually will be counter productive, but it may take some time and data for blizzard to see that, it's worth a try for them, lol
I 100% promise you, the decision wasnt made in regards to revenue or making money.

F2P players who play for an extended time either have other paid accounts (like everyone on these forums) or they don’t have the money/desire to ever sub and nothing blizz does will affect that

Blizzard removing f2p/vet characters from leveling bgs is consistent with their 15 year old policy of separating twinks from regular players in pvp. Nothing more.
I 100% promise you, the decision wasnt made in regards to revenue or making money.

F2P players who play for an extended time either have other paid accounts (like everyone on these forums) or they don’t have the money/desire to ever sub and nothing blizz does will affect that

Blizzard removing f2p/vet characters from leveling bgs is consistent with their 15 year old policy of separating twinks from regular players in pvp. Nothing more.

why do they want to separate, because they don't want to piss off regular paying customers leveling up in bg, it's for the money ultimately
it's not like some "principle" they want to abide by, classic has it mixed also for players experience, i.e. sub money, well we will see how it goes if anything will change
The separated twinks from levelers long before f2p existed.

It’s neither here nor there. The fact of the matter is that a huge number of factors have colluded to drive twinking even farther out of the mainstream than it ever was

This, in turn, saw f2p revert to the niche style of play that it’s always been.

What we’re witnessing isn’t f2p dying. It’s f2p going back to normal after an abnormal blip in popularity
I know marks hits hard but I dont think people realize what a menace surv is. This is a raptor strike, my top is 3.9k
I just leveled a 19 with paying account and xp-on, ran a BG saw level 10 twink with many WF epics, how could that happen? if he is paying account with xp-off, he shouldn't be in the same queue as xp-on leveling players right?
could be exploiting, though thatd be odd on a 10. More likely he could be a 10 twink that decided to level to 11/12/13 for some reason and wanted to do it through BGs. Or he just turned xp off, got some epics and then turned it back on. Lots of ways that could happen, man.
question, after my sub expires, with xp-on, if I run dungeons, will the xp accumulate or not? I don't want the twink to go ka-boom gain a few levels when I re-sub in the future... thanks
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question, after my sub expires, with xp-on, if I run dungeons, will the xp accumulate or not? I don't want the twink to go ka-boom gain a few levels when I re-sub in the future... thanks
nope. when your sub runs out you're considered a veteran, veteran accounts don't bank XP

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