Question about f2p twinks / 20-24 twinks


ok so i have heard that twinking 24 is disrespectful to the f2p community and i was wondering if it rlly is or not. im sure f2p get mad when there are 24's with chants and stuff... but that made something pop into my head

when twinking was created, the purpose was to be overpowered, compared to all the other people that werent twink/low lvl's (before you got xp in BG's)

so for anyone who twinked back then, and is saying its wrong now, that means it was wrong back then too? or is it not wrong?

another thing is some ppl are lvl 20 twinking, but getting BoA's wich to me seems u mise well get chants and go 24 if your paying for wow.

8/10 ppl i see lvl 20 have BoA's and some of those have stuff you cant even get like the healing mace has +40 something spellpower.

so with all this said, is 24 twinking really unfair, or is it just the definition of what TWINK has always been?
Twinking is about getting the best gear for your level, enchanting it with the best enchants possible. Some say that twinking is unfair, but when has anything in a video game (or in life really) ever been fair? Even at 85 some classes just walk all over others with little resistance and that's certainly unfair, considering that they're the same level and Blizz is always trying to bring things in line.

All in all, it's just an ugly situation that's the result of Blizzard's all consuming greed. The only thing that can be done is for people to accept things as is and either pay for WoW, hope a new game comes out, or hope that Blizz will see the obvious stink of it all and do something.
Twinking is about getting the best gear for your level, enchanting it with the best enchants possible. Some say that twinking is unfair, but when has anything in a video game (or in life really) ever been fair? Even at 85 some classes just walk all over others with little resistance and that's certainly unfair, considering that they're the same level and Blizz is always trying to bring things in line.

All in all, it's just an ugly situation that's the result of Blizzard's all consuming greed. The only thing that can be done is for people to accept things as is and either pay for WoW, hope a new game comes out, or hope that Blizz will see the obvious stink of it all and do something.

well really blizz did do something about it, the xp off is for people who do not want xp of course, and also know that twinks are there. but 20's have no choice, so only thing to that is to make 20's be in xp on bracket, and not get xp after 20 tho. it seems like they be lazy and its a default.
Blizzard isn't lazy, they're incredibly stupid and greedy. They see the f2p as an advertisement and nothing more. One person stated they plastered the internet with ads saying that WoW is now f2p, but then make a statement saying that they don't want people playing on the f2p accounts indefinitely.

"Here's, a free biycle."
"Now before you ride it, you can only ride it in this little section of the yard and you can't ride it very far inside of that little section."
"So why bring me a bicycle?"
"Because I wanted you to know what it's like to ride one... before I eventually take it away. Have fun!!"
many experienced players jumped the F2P program right at the start and went alliance for the better gear. this along with experienced players alliance side 20's were near insta-equipped with BOA's and dominating even harder. BG after BG was extremely one sided, was evident from the SS's, bragging, and QQ on this forum. i rolled a F2P 20 NE druid about 6 weeks later and when i went into BGs allies were still dominating and had 24's more often than the horde. i got 3 BOA's in one weekend.

alot of horde started doing better cause they had fake F2P 20's that got BOA's from their mains and then at 20 kept to F2P guidelines. priceless catching a claimed F2P on a armory inspection and seeing they received/equipped a BOA helm and/or cloak prior to 20.....then ask them why they aren't equipping their helm? lol.

alot of my freinds (horde) were all around pissed, along with other players on this forum, and those who never visit said more or less ...F-it!....we be rolling 24's ma fa in the house.

overall the most QQ on this site about 24's comes from alliance, and the tables have turned.

20-24 games are actually more balanced than they were at the start of F2P program, games are just like 15-19 with the exception team with most 24's of the right classes wins

24's pay to play, saying they should not be in the bracket cause they have better enchants, talents points/skills is the same as a F2P 20 who knows what sequence of profs to go thru, have all possible enchancements/buffs/gear/etc over a new to WOW player who even if they stayed, would take months for them to figure it out. that is why blizzard was smart to put F2P 20's in XP OFF
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ok so i have heard that twinking 24 is disrespectful to the f2p community and i was wondering if it rlly is or not.
"Disrespectful"? I wouldn't say that. In essence you're right that since twinking is about having the best gear, twinking and 'chanting with full account benefits at level 24 would be a natural avenue to take. And it is.

Where the disagreement happens is that for some pvp-ers the challenge is the important thing, and they don't really enjoy having 4 levels and a ton of gear as an advantage against their opponents. To them it seems as though people who play in the bracket at 24 are facerolling their way to victory and getting off one shotting actual trials.

My take on it is that the bracket is 20-24, there is no reason people should hold back from playing 24s just because trials also happen to be there. People who want less gear disparity should probably look in another bracket, but as it is 24s keep things interesting (and it is always fun to surprise non-twink 24s who thought they could just join the 20-24 bracket with lousy gear and "pwn noobs")

Also yes it is Blizz's fault for poor planning (I mean really, when I saw the indefinite free trial ads twinking was the first thing I thought of, did no one on their marketing department mention it?) but I seriously doubt they care enough about imbalance in a single xp-off bracket to do anything about it.
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My take on it is that the bracket is 20-24, there is no reason people should hold back from playing 24s just because trials also happen to be there.

In all honesty: There was 0 activity in this bracket before blizz changed the starter edition.

Sometimes it sounds like: "We played this bracket for years and now f2p's joined this bracket".

Most of the people are seeking fun or challenge playing any twinkbracket. So, everybody has to decide for his own what is funny or challenging.

The biggest problem for the hole bracket is that people with 0 experience concerning pvp/gearing automatically end in this bracket by playing the starter edition.
So you have the setup of 500hp guys with white/grey gear and full twinked 24's.

In all honesty: There was 0 activity in this bracket before blizz changed the starter edition.

Sometimes it sounds like: "We played this bracket for years and now f2p's joined this bracket".

Most of the people are seeking fun or challenge playing any twinkbracket. So, everybody has to decide for his own what is funny or challenging.

The biggest problem for the hole bracket is that people with 0 experience concerning pvp/gearing automatically end in this bracket by playing the starter edition.
So you have the setup of 500hp guys with white/grey gear and full twinked 24's.


^^^^^THIS^^^^^^^ and more ^THIS^

The F2P poor reaction
1) Actual tinker finishes his F2P.
2) Hits a 20-24 BG and sees, a few other F2PS, a couple 24s and if he's unlucky... 500hps guys galore.
3) Other team has 3 24s and 7 hunters.
4) tinker gets farmed till carrots grow in his ass.
5) Irrational blame directed at 24s, rational blame at hunters... gah! huntards!!1!11!1
6) Tinker comes to TI, creates account, starts flame the 24s thread. Thread gets locked.

The 24 Poor reaction
1) Mediocre raider guy make a 24 cus he heard he can pwn 20s lawl
3) F2Ps farm the mediocre raider guy till carrots grow in his ass.
4) Irrational blame at APcommunity.
5) Goes to TI, DLs F2P chat addon, creates char on AP, levels to 3, then....

<Paysandrules says> U kids suck. U no pay scrubs.
<BoB says> Really, you went through all this work to come troll us?
<Paysandrules sasy> shutup scrub kid scrub go pay for wow scrubkid who kids and scrubs kids
<BoB says> lawl

So that's the bracket , welcome. hehe.

Anyway, reality is that these are the occasional irritaitons that people remember and hang onto. Let crap like this go and your blood pressure will be better and your experience in the 20-24s as well.

^^^^^THIS^^^^^^^ and more ^THIS^

The F2P poor reaction
1) Actual tinker finishes his F2P.
2) Hits a 20-24 BG and sees, a few other F2PS, a couple 24s and if he's unlucky... 500hps guys galore.
3) Other team has 3 24s and 7 hunters.
4) tinker gets farmed till carrots grow in his ass.
5) Irrational blame directed at 24s, rational blame at hunters... gah! huntards!!1!11!1
6) Tinker comes to TI, creates account, starts flame the 24s thread. Thread gets locked.

The 24 Poor reaction
1) Mediocre raider guy make a 24 cus he heard he can pwn 20s lawl
3) F2Ps farm the mediocre raider guy till carrots grow in his ass.
4) Irrational blame at APcommunity.
5) Goes to TI, DLs F2P chat addon, creates char on AP, levels to 3, then....

<Paysandrules says> U kids suck. U no pay scrubs.
<BoB says> Really, you went through all this work to come troll us?
<Paysandrules sasy> shutup scrub kid scrub go pay for wow scrubkid who kids and scrubs kids
<BoB says> lawl

So that's the bracket , welcome. hehe.

Anyway, reality is that these are the occasional irritaitons that people remember and hang onto. Let crap like this go and your blood pressure will be better and your experience in the 20-24s as well.


Priceless XD
ok so i have heard that twinking 24 is disrespectful to the f2p community and i was wondering if it rlly is or not. im sure f2p get mad when there are 24's with chants and stuff... but that made something pop into my head

when twinking was created, the purpose was to be overpowered, compared to all the other people that werent twink/low lvl's (before you got xp in BG's)

so for anyone who twinked back then, and is saying its wrong now, that means it was wrong back then too? or is it not wrong?

another thing is some ppl are lvl 20 twinking, but getting BoA's wich to me seems u mise well get chants and go 24 if your paying for wow.

8/10 ppl i see lvl 20 have BoA's and some of those have stuff you cant even get like the healing mace has +40 something spellpower.

so with all this said, is 24 twinking really unfair, or is it just the definition of what TWINK has always been?

24 twinking is not disrespectful in any way. Don't let anyone else tell you how to spend you $$ or more importantly your time. There is no fair/unfair.

However, like any community, if you want to belong you need to understand its mores and taboos.
thx for all the opinions. i think its a good bracket tho and from what i have seen there is more f2p than p2p most the time, its extremely active, like 24/7 active, and its close to 19, wich is what i use to twink in. only differance is a few skills, and mounts. i say no matter what, we keep this bracket alive

and btw a bunch of f2p hunters with BiS can do pretty good so its not that bad :)
So proud of you guys for keeping this civil. I bet myself 5 bucks that this would get locked. Hope I take a hot check
So proud of you guys for keeping this civil. I bet myself 5 bucks that this would get locked. Hope I take a hot check

Shaddup 24 rebel scum. There is that better? hahaha.
"m I saying all 24's are bad? No, but why a quality player would choose 24 over 19's is beyond me :) "

I may win my bet.
As for the 24's in this predominantly f2p populated bracket, I wouldn't call them disrespectful, but neither would I call them honourable or praiseworthy. Let's face it, generallly speaking bads are attracted to 24 twinking like flies to shit, because they want to feel good about their lacking level of play, which resebles mashing their keyboard with a wiffle bat. Am I saying all 24's are bad? No, but why a quality p2p player would choose 24 over 19's is beyond me :)

A lot of the good 24's in this bracket actually come from 19s, and after playing 19s since BC it's nice to play a bracket that reminds me of pre exp off games. It reminds me of the days when a single twink queing in could sway a whole BG, and until 19s shape up a bit I'll be enjoying my time here =) Just my thoughts on the subject though.
If Alliance initially won more games due to having more skill, don't you think they deserved those victories? In an ideal world (of warcraft), skill should be the deciding factor in pvp scenarios every time.

Touching on gear balance between factions, if one really looks at the issue in detail (and not just "QQ you haz eyepatch!!1!"), it really shouldn't be an issue at all. When looking at stats cumulatively, Alliance BiS vs horde BiS across all classes pans out surprisingly even. The point is, assuming even compositions, the better (i.e. more skilled) team should win. Anyone who even mentions the eyepatch is looking for a scapegoat.

Except Alliance has considerably better hunter and rogue gear, which makes up 50% of this bracket, yes, alliance does have a quite remarkable gear advantage.
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Hello twinkinfo just experienced my first few days on Alliance EU bracket 20-24 playing FC role as druid , many fun challenging games, I have noticed a lot of resentment towards 24's and poor attitude though it was greatly outnumbered by awesome F2P and P2P players alike that I got to chat, play with.

ok so i have heard that twinking 24 is disrespectful to the f2p community and i was wondering if it rlly is or not.

Here is some F2P loving I received out of the blue from both factions while FC'ing yesterday evening, rest of the screenshots I have contain a lot more colorfully raw language that would not be appropriate here, but you get the drift :


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Hello twinkinfo just experienced my first few days on Alliance EU bracket 20-24 playing FC role as druid , many fun challenging games, I have noticed a lot of resentment towards 24's and poor attitude though it was greatly outnumbered by awesome F2P and P2P players alike that I got to chat, play with.

Here is some F2P loving I received out of the blue from both factions while FC'ing yesterday evening, rest of the screenshots I have contain a lot more colorfully raw language that would not be appropriate here, but you get the drift :



That is some players for you. I have no problem with 24's (especially on my team haha) when they play the game for the objective and are nice and cool! It is irritating for me when I come a cross a 24 who "loves to ROLL NEWBS" and will constantly gank people the whole game and you get farmed till the whole team quits rezzing and then they start taunting you and such. So sir, hats off to you for playing the objective...

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