these guys keep "forgetting to turn on their xp" what gives?too many fucking support tickets
these guys keep "forgetting to turn on their xp" what gives?too many fucking support tickets
It's more about having some respect for the people you're queueing against so you don't 1 button delete them from the game with an advantage that requires money to maintain and could irreversibly destroy a toon if the change is reverted. But oooh, new talents! Sick man!
I don't know why one would level their current 20's and "destroy" them. Super easy to level a new 29 on a different (paying ) account. Maybe a Blizz number cruncher saw vets as an untapped revenue stream. We probably would add over a million dollars a year in subs, tokens, game services, and more hooks into higher level content to stay subbed.
TBH, I think pre-Dragonflight spells/talent additions for L29's makes more classes viable instead of the hunter stink fest it is today. I'd love to see @Supäcow with a full kit rather than the very limited L20 resto druid. I miss Lifebloom, Leather Specialization, Ysera's Gift, Ursol's Vortex, L25 talent choice, and Barkskin. A L29 mistweaver or resto shaman with an expanded kit makes for a fairer fight against a team of hunters. They also are missing a ton of their healing/survivabilty/utility stuck at L20.
Yeah that was my first thought tbhunsubbed 16 with xpon: 4 min avg queue
subbed 10 with xpoff: no avg queue
this is a targeted change with the intent of limiting the "level 20 ftp/vet xpon bg/arena twink"
Dusty L70 sunwell toons, I'm coming to get you @Chey !
Dealt with them today and could actually beat them in 1v1 without using mine.WW spamming Fury warrior enters the chat: Dark Iron Pulverizer
Let's be real the vast majority of twinks are in it just to crush levelers, then complain that levelers are the reason why bgs suck. They will also be the first to reroll 29 hunters.
Like I plan on making a 29 rogue so I can't judge to much. 29 sub is really nice to play, very enjoyable
It’s more like Blizz saying show me the money