Unsure what to make of this. But I don't think I'm going to be spending my money with Blizzard, anymore. I am unsubbed for a couple weeks now, don't see a reason to resub. Investing all that time... this is why I left in 2015. Can't have nice things unless you engineer a social experience within a friends group, excluding the toxicity and bad game design.
From now on, if anyone would like to play 20s Wargames (friends from Teldrassil Firefighters, Golden Twinkies) hit me up. I will not be queuing into random BGs, they were already bad with Blizzards unwillingness to effort at this level. I'm sure I could get a double 5 man sync queuing, but fuck it.
Would rather play wargames without the personalities, at that point.
Hit me up!