PvE - Gearing your 19 PvE

Ymir said:
I'm not one of those who hates raiding, but I know it can be a huge drag when you've cleared the instance, seen it all 20 or 30 times before, and you're going back anyway to farm loot.

Im sure everybody who is registered to this website has done Gnomeregan several times, so theres nothing new about what your doing; its not like Blizzard just released an instance that twinks are able to go in.

Realistically.. are you just going to go into Gnomer complete it once, and then stop? No.. you will probably do it a few times, so basically you are doing the same thing at 80, but this time your making it even more boring by having no rewards except a achievement that truly means nothing.
Lucris said:
Im sure everybody who is registered to this website has done Gnomeregan several times, so theres nothing new about what your doing; its not like Blizzard just released an instance that twinks are able to go in.

Realistically.. are you just going to go into Gnomer complete it once, and then stop? No.. you will probably do it a few times, so basically you are doing the same thing at 80, but this time your making it even more boring by having no rewards except a achievement that truly means nothing.

We're not doing it for achievements, gear. We're doing it for fun, to show that 19's can do it.
Lucris said:
Im sure everybody who is registered to this website has done Gnomeregan several times, so theres nothing new about what your doing; its not like Blizzard just released an instance that twinks are able to go in.

Realistically.. are you just going to go into Gnomer complete it once, and then stop? No.. you will probably do it a few times, so basically you are doing the same thing at 80, but this time your making it even more boring by having no rewards except a achievement that truly means nothing.

Nothing new about gnomer at 19? You must be pretty good at pve.
iaccidentallytwink said:
GL with getting Zandalar or Warchief. I'm lucky to grab that once a month nowadays.

It's pretty easy :p We wanted to get the buffs for kicks.

We made a trio of DKs and one of us used her brothers 80 prot pally to run us through the instances. Takes a couple of hours, lasts a couple of hours. The more people you take with you, the more times you can refresh the duration on it.
Using world buffs is pretty cheap anyway and I won't have my guild using them, even if it doesn't make Gnomer an instagib.
iaccidentallytwink said:
Using world buffs is pretty cheap anyway and I won't have my guild using them, even if it doesn't make Gnomer an instagib.

Oh yeah I can understand that. Just saying that it would be easy for someone to trivialize the whole thing in this way if they wanted to.

All i can say is that its going to be difficult to get through gnomer with 10 ppl. I remember leveling my 29 hunter with black whelp tunic and getting gnomer runs for the charged gears. I was hitting the mobs for small damage around level 20. And i had about 9 hit at the time. Keep in mind hit scaled differently for ranged. I think its still doable for 10 man, Not for 5 man.

remember to record it if you down plug. thats all :)
It's not a "challenge" it's whether or not you have enough of some stats. The instances are really easy. It's just your gear vs the instance, there's nothing requiring concentration or anything.
Hamcake said:
It's not a "challenge" it's whether or not you have enough of some stats. The instances are really easy. It's just your gear vs the instance, there's nothing requiring concentration or anything.

Avoiding multiple pulls.

Keeping aggro.

Running a good healing rotation.

Boss fights.
Is mind numbingly dull. Keeping aggro, honestly? Sunder sunder sunder sunder... Anything else is out of your hands. It's not your fault whether or not you actually keep aggro, it's your gears.
Hamcake said:
Is mind numbingly dull. Keeping aggro, honestly? Sunder sunder sunder sunder... Anything else is out of your hands. It's not your fault whether or not you actually keep aggro, it's your gears.

Actually, it's your dps.

To be honest, I would regard this as a bigger challenge than just about any raid blizzard has designed to date. It's pretty easy to sit back and say 'oh that's easy' when you have the excuse 'I would find it boring, so I'm not going to' to fall back on when someone asks you to prove it. Really says something about a persons character.

Anyway, we know you don't like pve, all that's left is to determine why you're posting in pve threads.
I'm not saying it's easy, I'm saying it's not really anything to do with skill as boss fights aren't complex at low levels and the only thing different is that you'll need lots more of different ratings... honestly all those dungeons are 3 mannable with no tank in just levelling gear at around the "suggested" entry level.
Hamcake said:
I'm not saying it's easy, I'm saying it's not really anything to do with skill as boss fights aren't complex at low levels and the only thing different is that you'll need lots more of different ratings... honestly all those dungeons are 3 mannable with no tank in just levelling gear at around the "suggested" entry level.

3 bosses in each instance from SFK -> Gnomer have special abilities that require coordination.

The hardest of course being Gnomer.

We can also enable "hard mode" encounters on some bosses. One example would be on Thermaplugg. Don't disable the bomblings? There you go, more coordination needed, more than just gear.
Hamcake said:
I'm not saying it's easy, I'm saying it's not really anything to do with skill as boss fights aren't complex at low levels and the only thing different is that you'll need lots more of different ratings... honestly all those dungeons are 3 mannable with no tank in just levelling gear at around the "suggested" entry level.

Boss fights aren't complex at high levels either. If you take away the fluff, nothing changes in wow.

Stand here until this happens, then stand here. Don't stand anywhere else. Hit this until this happens, then hit this. Don't hit anything else. Collect loot.

Which boss am I describing? All of them.

The difficulty is typically in execution, because there's always someone who is in a guild with 25 guys who can take the day off work on patch day and post who to hit and where to stand for you. That's why I say this is likely to be more challenging than any raid blizzard ever designed, as you'll be forced to deal with unforeseen situations. Odd aggro through the walls for starters.
Sorry for reposting but I would like this question to be answered. What would the class make-up be for 10 man gnomer?
kablam said:
Sorry for reposting but I would like this question to be answered. What would the class make-up be for 10 man gnomer?

Many of the gnomer bosses have some AoE type of damage, so no Melee DPS is likely, unless you can balance it out with healers. The ideal 10-man Gnomer makeup would most likely be the following:

1 Bear Tank

1 Warrior Tank

2 Druid Heals

2 Priest Heals

4 Ranged DPS

No caster DPS, they'll never be able to hit anything in that instance =[.

This is all just something I thought up now. It hasn't been tested, but I've been reading up on the fights and this should work. For the 5-man it would basically be 1 of each, but 10-man gives more leverage so more heals and more DPS. The druid heals would HAVE to use the Glyph of Healing Touch, it's a necessity.
So i did not take the time to read through the 10 pages of arguments about whether or not pve is fun or not so im not sure if anyone has posted this yet. A really good way to get def and hit rating for tanks and dps is the food from the midsummer festival. 20 hit rating 20 def. this could be a great way to handle those tougher instances like gnomer also with the hit rating it may be possible to bring caster dps. Hope this helps :)
Honestly I can say this has to be the most retarded thread I've ever seen.

Let me spell this out for you since most of you are a little...impaired.

You are going to "PvE" on your level 19s when most of you have level 80s that you can raid on.

And let me remind you, 80% of the bosses in these instances don't even have special mechanics.

Honestly, how stupid can you be?

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