Purj's Beta Changes Compendium

I briefly talked about it on stream yesterday. Since we cannot do the quest for Goblin or Gnome engineering, some BoP items like the high ilvl mail helm are still unobtainable.
Is there any chance that Nat Pagle's Extreme Anglin' Boots moved down in lvl req? Or other items like Tree Bark Jacket, Staff of the Blessed Seer, or Staff of the Friar that we lost?

Nat's fishing boots have already been covered, but I can also confirm staff of the friar is still level 20.
So goblin/gnome eng quest requires lvl 20? or more? And if you had it complete in live realm, what happens when you copy to beta? It dissapears with recipes too? I don't think so, but lets see
its level 20. the only way around would be level to 20 and get a gm to unlevel you to 19
I know this is for 10-19s, but this seems like the best thread to get my question answered since I don't play the beta and this thread is getting a lot of attention. I just want to ask if someone can do me a favor and see what the scarlet set looks like, at least the set bonuses and the BoE parts of the set cuz I have the whole set except the legs. Reason I ask is I saw (from screenshots on this thread) that the blackened defias set got changed alittle and I was wondering if the scarlet set did too. Anyone know?
I know this is for 10-19s, but this seems like the best thread to get my question answered since I don't play the beta and this thread is getting a lot of attention. I just want to ask if someone can do me a favor and see what the scarlet set looks like, at least the set bonuses and the BoE parts of the set cuz I have the whole set except the legs. Reason I ask is I saw (from screenshots on this thread) that the blackened defias set got changed alittle and I was wondering if the scarlet set did too. Anyone know?
For some reason the set bonus doesn't work anymore.

boots 4 agi 10 stam
legs 10 agi 15 stam
wrists 8 stam
gloves 7 agi 11 stam
belt 10 agi 11 stam

Edit: looks like no set bonus works.. tried it with fang and defias set.
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Vultros rare has respawn rate about 15-30 min (killed approx 47).

Talon of Vultros still drops:BfA Beta Talon of Vultros.jpg

All 3 versions in BfA Beta:
BfA Beta Talon of Vultros Beta Drop.jpg That is currect drop
BfA Beta Talon of Vultros Beta Cataclysm.jpg That is Cataclysm version
BfA Beta Talon of Vultros Beta BEFORE Cataclysm.jpg And that is pre-Cata version.

#Talon of Vultros #ToV
[doublepost=1528710556,1528707751][/doublepost]Also got world drop Petrified Shinbone (Str) in Westfall in deadmines cave (not instance) from mob Undead Dynamiter
BfA Beta Petrified Shinbone Beta Drop.jpg BoE.
#Petrified Shinbone
[doublepost=1528711931][/doublepost]And also got Foreman's Leggings (Ag/Int) from Foreman Thistlenettle
BfA Beta Foreman s Leggings Beta Drop.jpgBoE.
#Foreman's Leggings
[doublepost=1528713599][/doublepost]Also got Skeletal Gauntlets (Str/Int) from Undead Excavator
BfA Beta Skeletal Gauntlets Beta Drop.jpg BoP; still lvl 20 req.
#Skeletal Gauntlets
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Does anyone have a comparison for say... an “old” (item level 24 req level 19) shadowfang and a “new” one? (Req level 19 item level 25).

Similar comparison would be good for other items in similar situations. Thanks!
Does anyone have a comparison for say... an “old” (item level 24 req level 19) shadowfang and a “new” one? (Req level 19 item level 25).

Similar comparison would be good for other items in similar situations. Thanks!
Old ilvl 24 one stays ilvl 24 new one becomes ilvl 23
Does anyone have level 19 Magefist Gloves that they can copy over to Beta to see the stats of?
There is no 19 magefist just level 15 ilvl 23 and I believe those ones stats are 5/7/5

Edit 6/7/5 :)

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