Purj's Beta Changes Compendium

So lvl 19's and 20's can get to lvl 300 engi.. and other proffs?! thats so awesome... i guess it's obvious that engineering is one of the proffesions we must have for the gear and gatgets we get from it... but which other proff is the second best or what are the choises?

What first comes to mind is jewelcrafting maybe.. with those statues who heal you, and maybe some trinkets which we can get... what else would be good? actually im gonna scroll wowhead a bit now.

this could be a nice one from alchemy Alchemist's Flask
This is for Blacksmitting Golden Skeleton Key and i remember there was like a trinket which gave you an epic hammer for an hour right? is that still obtainable? and what about the trinket from BS that would break fear?
The only thing i could find for Jewel crafting is Dense Stone Statue i think they heal for a lot.. but probably cant use them in BG's.
And the last thing i found to be usefull is Netherweave Net from tailoring.

For me the Alchemist's flask and the netherweave net are probably most valuable.

Another thing is We can add engi tinker enchants on BoP dungeon blues through the trade window with a higher level player right?
And when we get engi to 300 we can probably use some of those tinker enchants.... Does anyone know which one would work?
Because i need to get all of them before BFA in case they might change stuff.
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Currently leveling Engineering to 300 on Beta on my 19 Hunter, and have encountered an issue.
You can't seem to take the quest to choose either Goblin or Gnomish engineering. The quest is greyed out, indicating you can only take it for a higher level, as it was in Legion.

Cant take quest.PNG

From the looks of it, some of the Goblin/Gnomish gear are BoP, and others are BoE. So you can still craft the BoE gear on a higher level and then send them to your twinks.
Ive never seen a 28 boe for 20s on live servers :/

I've only picked up a few during Gnomer runs.
Weapons unfortunately scale to ilvl 30, req lvl 22. See below.

So it's only Armor that can scale to 28 and usable by lvl 20's.
I wonder if the overhaul of scaling in BFA will make dungeon bosses and specific drops scale correctly for lvl 20's & 19's? I hope so. I wouldn't mind a http://www.wowhead.com/item=9490/gizmotron-megachopper for my Huntard! ;)
Another find with engineering. Not sure if it was like this with higher levels in Legion.

The Green Lens cloth helm shows +20 Stamina and +13 Intellect. Although after crafting them, you receive:
Green Lens.PNG

This is the only one i've made so far, will make more and edit this post with each result.
These are the 5 Green Lens' I have crafted.
Vari 1.PNG
Vari 2.PNG
Vari 3.PNG
Vari 4.PNG
Vari 5.PNG

Two of which has the same suffix. I'd assume you can get any combination of Vers/Haste, Vers/Crit, Haste/Crit. Unsure if Straight Haste, Crit or Vers pieces can be crafted.
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Is there any chance that Nat Pagle's Extreme Anglin' Boots moved down in lvl req? Or other items like Tree Bark Jacket, Staff of the Blessed Seer, or Staff of the Friar that we lost?
Have on my horde 19 mage.
Fishing 68/100 (WoD)
Can equip.
But when i tryed to use it, i got an "Wrong Faction" error.
View attachment 7651 View attachment 7652
I've only picked up a few during Gnomer runs.
Weapons unfortunately scale to ilvl 30, req lvl 22. See below.
View attachment 7653
So it's only Armor that can scale to 28 and usable by lvl 20's.
I wonder if the overhaul of scaling in BFA will make dungeon bosses and specific drops scale correctly for lvl 20's & 19's? I hope so. I wouldn't mind a http://www.wowhead.com/item=9490/gizmotron-megachopper for my Huntard! ;)

They are scaling correctly. You aren't supposed to be in gnomer. Though you can still get the mog I imagine.
U can get the mogs of all the BoP’s in Gnomer, and if in a group u can need the chests to get mogs of higher ilvl items.
Still, we can live in hope. ;)

Yes you can get the mogs by binding it just like you can get Nat Pagles boots mog even though they req lvl 35.

Exactly the group thing was what I meant. But ye unless they level down gnomer in the group finder and take down the floor you wont be able to wear it. It is not supposed to scale on other levels than 24-60.
Another find with engineering. Not sure if it was like this with higher levels in Legion.
View attachment 7654
The Green Lens cloth helm shows +20 Stamina and +13 Intellect. Although after crafting them, you receive:
View attachment 7655
This is the only one i've made so far, will make more and edit this post with each result.
These are the 5 Green Lens' I have crafted.
View attachment 7657 View attachment 7658 View attachment 7659 View attachment 7660 View attachment 7661
Two of which has the same suffix. I'd assume you can get any combination of Vers/Haste, Vers/Crit, Haste/Crit. Unsure if Straight Haste, Crit or Vers pieces can be crafted.

Hey, So you made 1 Green lens on the PTR? And what about those other 5 lenses? did you craft them on the PTR or before?
And did the stats on them get changed or what?... For example if i had a green lens of the monkey.. would it stay the same in BFA or?
Hey, So you made 1 Green lens on the PTR? And what about those other 5 lenses? did you craft them on the PTR or before?
And did the stats on them get changed or what?... For example if i had a green lens of the monkey.. would it stay the same in BFA or?
I made them all on Beta, have not tested changes from Live > Beta. This is all from leveling Engineering from 150 - 300 on my 19 Hunter on Beta.
Btw, how you level engi with empty AH? Any advice for fastest lvling?
I bought all the mats required from 150-300 on Live, then copied that character over to Beta. I cost me around 3k gold, but that can change from realm to realm
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