Currently playing my DK - Arknoodle

I might switch to my warrior - Bawlollin

Or my pally - Arkrofl

Make sure you get them into our guild
Which guild shau?

Oh and shamans and druids get bloodthirsy gear cause Rshams and feral druids are retardedly OP
Is now an official member of Aweie peak stwike fowce

Hit me up in game if you want to run through any stuff ill be on most of today
Thinking about faction changing one or 2 of my toons ill post here which ones if I do
i think someone mentioned I Made Kale Afk or something like that

Alliance, I have finally managed to hit cap correctly as well
Gonna start a guild. So it will be either <Aewie Peak Stwike Fowce> or <We Made Kale AFK>. Most likely the former, whisper me ingame


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