It seems the Realms are Offline right now, however. Anyone else getting this?
Not sure if this is gone live yet but on PTR, the Transmog Heirloom trick to get looms to look like high level armor through the mail no longer works.

Also, jumping out of water to make you go faster no longer works. Jumping while swimming just gives you the same as the swimming speed.
Copying over a few of my old 85s. I'll be on Aricela, Necrostoner or Lyrikz riding dem glad mounts.
Loading ptr nao. Wont be on my old toons as although nostalgic and stuff, they are level 70 :3

premade druid @ 85 anasterion alliance side to play wif baffi, name will be some variation on Shft

K it's Shfty

Oh i forgot they give druid premades Bloodthirsty, soooo this is fun. Baffi come do kara with me
Alliance, I have finally managed to hit cap correctly as well
Gonna start a guild. So it will be either <Aewie Peak Stwike Fowce> or <We Made Kale AFK>. Most likely the former, whisper me ingame
I had to make another two accounts so i can have one of every class @85 in PTR:)

That's smart, I think I'll do this. lol.

I transfered my f2p 20, Phop for the looms. I'm leveling a balance druid and it's pretty fun but the low level cummunity is small. D:
That's smart, I think I'll do this. lol.

I transfered my f2p 20, Phop for the looms. I'm leveling a balance druid and it's pretty fun but the low level cummunity is small. D:

low level community is basically nothing. i transferred Insects over to quest a bit and I saw no one. dungeon queues reset when you level too, so can't get one of those to pop. was just hanging with Shft, Shau, and Mindy though, everyone make 85s
i'm super terrible but it's still fun.
Guild is made, <Aewie Peak Stwike Fowce> will make it so anyone can invite, and you should be able to find it on the guild finder or whatever
Just copy a premade Druid man it will be 85 and have all the gear you need

I can but I have to make a new account, I already have 4 on my account.

low level community is basically nothing. i transferred Insects over to quest a bit and I saw no one. dungeon queues reset when you level too, so can't get one of those to pop. was just hanging with Shft, Shau, and Mindy though, everyone make 85s
i'm super terrible but it's still fun.

Yeahh figured but I wanted to use my looms for something lol.

I'll probabaly make a second account just to make myself a Boomkin
if the characters didn't get deleted, i think it would be fun starting a twink community on the ptrs..

Mindy said her characters didnt get deleted from last ptr, so i might look into it.

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