This sounds like fun but I'm sorta weary and I'm curious to know how this works.

Do you just make a character and it comes with the armor? How do you get your character to 85?

I assume it isn't an active thing so will you need others to be online in order to have some fun?

Thanks in advance.
This sounds like fun but I'm sorta weary and I'm curious to know how this works.

Do you just make a character and it comes with the armor? How do you get your character to 85?

I assume it isn't an active thing so will you need others to be online in order to have some fun?

Thanks in advance.

Go here and copy what you like. Also keep in mind disreguard sex/race/faction if you don't like them you can change them for free at any time on PTR.
If anyone gets it up and running i forgot to mention im on Anasterian realm

I can verify also that this works.-Punisher

Post is credited to Vashdakari from

There is a problem with the current "Installer Tome.mpq" file that comes with the Blizzard PTR installer. There was a community fix to the MPQ file to get it working posted on the PTR forums that has worked for many people, but since it wasn't an official Blizzard file, and more quickly resolved than blizz's boffins could manage, the thread was removed from the "official" forums.

However, you may find the link to the "fixed" installer MPQ, here.

To use; Download this mpq file, replace the broken Blizzard mpq in the "PTR Installer enUS" folder with this one, and enjoy!

-Disclaimer- Use at your own risk as this is not an "official" Blizzard file, yada, yada, yada. In short, if you don't trust it, don't use it, and wait for the official Blizzard fix to get your PTR folder installed. -/end Disclaimer-

*Edit - Found the original thread with all the necessary info's.

thanks alot for this.

its a big download, so i will play tomorrow ;P
I have quite a couple characters and I see Arknoodle a lot every now and then. The ques are bad but I would reccomend more people to join, it's really fun and you get all the gear you need.
I have quite a couple characters and I see Arknoodle a lot every now and then. The ques are bad but I would reccomend more people to join, it's really fun and you get all the gear you need.

Whos your characters? WHy havent you contacted me?!
All my toons on PTR

Bawlollin - Alliance

Arknoodle - Alliance

Laglol - Alliance

Arkrofl - Alliance

Arkhealz - Alliance

Authentik - Horde and I dont play him much cause alliance is more active

Hit me up at anytime playing Arkrofl atm

I copied 2 chars to Broxigar, gonna let the client download while I'm in class today.

Bro dont go to brox come to Anasterian its full of noobs that love getting destroyed

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