danny glover
Officially Retired
nice change, would be super cool if trinkets gave a set bonus.
Hey, TI. I thought since I have downloaded the PTR and a lot are interested in changes to heirlooms and the loom tab, I'd compile a list of heirlooms available right now on the PTR along with their stats at lvl 20. I'm working right now on info where to get them, how much they cost etc, as well as linking them from Wowhead. I hope it will help you get the necessary looms ahead of time, so that if re-grearing in needed, it would be as painless as possible.
Where gold cost is mentioned, then it recorded at Neutral standing. Reputation discounts apply to heirloom vendors (Undercity for Horde, Ironforge for Alliance). PvP vendor sells respective PvP looms, their cost is brought out as well.
Estelle Gendry is in Undercity, near the Rogue trainers and Engineering trainer. Rogues' Quarter.
Krom Stoutarm is in Ironforge, near the Archaeology trainer. Hall of Explorers, in the Library.
Burnished Helm of Might
7 Strength
10 Stamina
9 Haste
Polished Helm of Valor
7 Strength
10 Stamina
5 Critical Strike
5 Haste
Mystical Coif of Elements
7 Intellect
10 Stamina
9 Critical Strike
Tarnished Raging Berserker's Helm
7 Agility
10 Stamina
5 Critical Strike
5 Haste
Preened Tribal War Feathers
7 Intellect
10 Stamina
5 Critical Strike
5 Haste
Stained Shadowcraft Cap
7 Agility
10 Stamina
5 Critical Strike
5 Haste
Tattered Dreadmist Mask
7 Intellect
10 Stamina
5 Critical Strike
5 Haste
SHOULDERS- Heirloom vendor, 500 GOLD
Burnished Pauldrons of Might
5 Strength
8 Stamina
4 Critical Strike
3 Haste
Polished Spaulders of Valor
5 Strength
8 Stamina
7 Critical Strike
Strengthened Stockade Pauldrons
Honor vendor in Org/SW, 1000 Honor
5 Strength
8 Stamina
7 Haste
Pristine Lightforge Spaulders
Honor vendor in Org/SW, 1000 Honor
5 Intellect
8 Stamina
4 Critical Strike
3 Haste
Aged Pauldrons of The Five Thunders
Honor vendor in Org/SW, 1000 Honor
5 Intellect
8 Stamina
7 Haste
Champion Herod's Shoulder
5 Agility
8 Stamina
7 Critical Strike
Mystical Pauldrons of Elements
5 Intellect
8 Stamina
7 Critical Strike
Prized Beastmaster's Mantle
Honor vendor in Org/SW, 1000 Honor
5 Agility
8 Stamina
7 Haste
Exceptional Stormshroud Shoulders
Honor vendor in Org/SW, 1000 Honor
5 Agility
8 Stamina
7 Haste
Lasting Feralheart Spaulders
Honor vendor in Org/SW, 1000 Honor
5 Intellect
8 Stamina
7 Haste
Preened Ironfeather Shoulders
5 Intellect
8 Stamina
7 Critical Strike
Stained Shadowcraft Spaulders
5 Agility
8 Stamina
7 Critical Strike
Exquisite Sunderseer Mantle
Honor vendor in Org/SW, 1000 Honor
5 Intellect
8 Stamina
7 Haste
Tattered Dreadmist Mantle
5 Intellect
8 Stamina
7 Critical Strike
Ancient Bloodmoon Cloak
4 Intellect
6 Stamina
2 Critical Strike
2 Haste
Inherited Cape of the Black Baron
4 Agility
6 Stamina
2 Critical Strike
2 Haste
Ripped Sandstorm Cloak
4 Strength
6 Stamina
2 Critical Strike
2 Bonus Armor
Worn Stoneskin Gargoyle Cape
4 Strength
6 Stamina
2 Critical Strike
2 Haste
These appear to be the non-scaled numbers, is that correct? I would be interested to see the scaled numbers.
These are numbers at lvl 20. I don't have a 29 on PTR. If there is a want for numbers for 29, then let me know.
I think trusting the scaling data on the PTR portion of wowhead is probably okay? It might be faster to get enough TI people to queue up for a WSG to check scaling rather than leveling up.
Trinkets scale to +10 stamina at 34
This is nice news. I really prefer using the BM trink over AGM.
The sheer temptation to make a haste stacking fury warrior... Given these numbers 25% haste seems doable without too much sacrifice. Sadly arms will still probably be better on multiple targets.
Perhaps for you... But for me, it is battlemaster trinket all the way! Same stamina, 1000+ more health with 2 min CD. Why would you even use AGM?Nope, i'd suggest you use your agm in arenas, its better, and also buttsaving. In bgs, dont use it if its in cd.
Perhaps for you... But for me, it is battlemaster trinket all the way! Same stamina, 1000+ more health with 2 min CD. Why would you even use AGM?
I do not know. I do not play FotM toons.Whats the maximal hp a monk can get in BGs/arenas without the use of Mark ? Then ill tell.
I do not know. I do not play FotM toons.