I’m running every raid and some dungeons to get every pieces of gear for 2set.. I can test everything like I feel like truncheon will be good for duels since I have quite a bit of survivablity
Let's not get too ahead of ourselves
We are focusing on PvE here, let's keep that in mind.
Haste is strong at endgame exactly for the reasons it explains. However you're missing a few fundamentals.
Haste works for 70 too, but not optimal at all.
Your haste gain will allow you to focus much more on a solid rotation. You're a little bit more reliable (Not overly notable however) at the cost of mostly damage done, and dealing with quick enemies.
Focusing haste sacrifices you in a lot of other stats. See, haste would be good if item level was still a big factor, talking the legion levels. Right now, your damage intake is too high, and haste despite giving a solid base, sacrifices too much of your other defensives. With a higher item level, haste was good because you had a very solid basis to begin with already. Now, you don't. Blocking and absorbing is MUCH less important than completely avoiding a hit. In endgame, haste is good because a hit != 33% of your HP. Now however, it very well could. It's better to completely avoid that hit every so often, than to reduce it but take all of them.
Additionally, haste increases your rage gained. This is a big factor in endgame, but for us 70s it's not. You have so much rage already in raids because every hit you take is so big. This will basically give you enough rage that Haste will not make a visible difference.
See the point I'm trying to make is, haste is a good stat, if you've a good base to work with.
This is why endgame priorities tell nothing about our bracket at all. Our base is different. Our talents and abilities are too. And azerite traits are a deal that make differences all the same.
But to make it easy, let's compared!
Haste vs Crit
- Both increase damage, one gives parry other gives flat% reduction. Go for crit (parry).
Haste vs Vers
- Both increase damage, both give flat% reduction. Vers wins because it increases your absorption more than you can cast ignore pain more from haste.
Haste vs Str
- I guess this is equal. The damage reduction Strength gives in more armour, the damage increased by it and the infinitesimally small amount of absorption strength adds to ignore pain is about equal to how haste would affect damage done and reduced by cooldowns.