Pros and Cons of GY "Containment"

Been away from the 19s bracket for about a year and i come back to people who fight with each other instead of helping each other and create awesome games which we all enjoy.

I would really like to see people threating each other nice and that's not gonna happen if we keep posting these useless gy camping threads which only look for more trolls which leads automatically to fights again...
Naw guys, we're just trolling though. :rolleyes:

Been away from the 19s bracket for about a year and i come back to people who fight with each other instead of helping each other and create awesome games which we all enjoy.

I would really like to see people threating each other nice and that's not gonna happen if we keep posting these useless gy camping threads which only look for more trolls which leads automatically to fights again...
This has been going on for over 2 years allready, there's always the trolls and then there's the assburgers.
This has been going on for over 2 years allready, there's always the trolls and then there's the assburgers.

Well if its really going on for 2 years already like you say so, don't you think its time to end this craziness for ever?
PRO: Containment IS PRO (Simple)
CON: Cons will trick you into believing it's not. (Complex)

The truth is simple my bros.
Waiting for "pros and cons"
Of making gy camping thread, thread

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Havent played tons of games yet, but so far its just been containment. Not farming. Although im sure there are those games.
GY farming was frowned upon in the 10-19 community for years. At one point in time, even the goons of the bracket would tell randoms to get away from the GY.

Once a few groups continued the use of it and use it as strategy, it became widely acceptable.

Pushing a team back and keeping them at their GY can be extremely useful, but I still dislike joining a game which is clearly one sided, and has no necessity for GY farming. Hanging as a ghost until its over isn't my cup of tea, but you gotta do what you gotta do.
GY farming was frowned upon in the 10-19 community for years. At one point in time, even the goons of the bracket would tell randoms to get away from the GY.

Once a few groups continued the use of it and use it as strategy, it became widely acceptable.

Pushing a team back and keeping them at their GY can be extremely useful, but I still dislike joining a game which is clearly one sided, and has no necessity for GY farming. Hanging as a ghost until its over isn't my cup of tea, but you gotta do what you gotta do.

I think people forget 19s arent RBG's.
Lol you guys get so heated over this <3

Wasn't meant to be a troll thread, but you somehow found a way to bring it onto my thread. The internet is a magical place.

From reading all of this crap, I have reached absolutely no conclusion, other than those defending the strategy are bullshitting themselves, and those opposing it are just plain nice people. Both sides of the argument are loaded with emotion and bias, however, so it's not really easy to reach a conclusion. Elitists will be elitists, and nice people will continue to be nice.
Notice the con-artistry here

those defending the strategy are bullshitting themselves, and those opposing it are just plain nice people
and here
Elitists will be elitists, and nice people will continue to be nice.

If someone told you they would kill you if you give them the chance, this person is so nice that he thinks you should give them the chance.
Lol you guys get so heated over this <3

Wasn't meant to be a troll thread, but you somehow found a way to bring it onto my thread. The internet is a magical place.

From reading all of this crap, I have reached absolutely no conclusion, other than those defending the strategy are bullshitting themselves, and those opposing it are just plain nice people. Both sides of the argument are loaded with emotion and bias, however, so it's not really easy to reach a conclusion. Elitists will be elitists, and nice people will continue to be nice.

This discussion will never reach it's end. We should all just stop making those threads because it always turns out into fights and other negative situations.
Howabout you run with a crap team and get GY CAMPED the whole game and see what it feels like. OH WAIT, thats right your one of those guys who premades with a 5man group that camps all the time which negatively affects the bracket causing new twinks to be turned down by this garbage. Not sure how you are getting pissed off seing how your "premade" team never even gets contained....

Why on earth you would want to keep rezzing and get spawn killed is beyond me. Seems like you just want to get GY farmed so you can complain on here. I solo q 95% of the time. I hate group queuing alot of the time because I find it boring. You've come to this bracket thinking you know it all. You started, what playing like a month ago? I have played alliance and been contained many more times than you little man. I'm sorry to say I don't have a premade team, tho I did have one in early MoP but I gkicked them all because they were annoying.

You might want to read my quote again, because i'm pretty sure it explains why I'm pissed off.

It really looks like you're just trying to shit here.

You keep whining yet I see you in the gulch all the time. Must not be that bad matey.

Edit: Not sure why Awesome liked your post. He should know that isn't me. Guess he assumes that all people on BH q together, who knows.
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This is just wrong. Coming from someone who has played 19s almost every night and only group queued four times since I started playing 19s in late December, it is clear that it mostly comes down to who has the stronger players and better class composition. For example, you can group queue but if you don't queue with a healer and end up getting into a game where your team has no healers and the other team does, you're going to have a very hard time winning. Also, you have to realize that just because there are players from the same realm in the same game, they aren't necessarily group queueing. I'm not saying that group queueing never happens but you have to realize that a lot of times these players are solo queueing and getting into the same games. With the high number of 19 twinks on the server Bleeding Hollow, this is inevitable.

It's not that horde group queues more, it's that horde has the stronger players and class composition in general. Compared to horde, there are only a handful of 'top tier' players that queue Alliance often.

In my experience the only time Horde effectively contains the GY when I play is when a select group of BH twinks queue together. Otherwise it is the complete opposite and generally Alliance is dominating the match or it becomes a really good game. Now I can tell you that I do not queue often all day every day as I have alot of Real Life responsibilities so my opinion is skewed from what I know and see. But in no way am I wrong and you really need to back up before you accuse people of such, these are opinions from my point of view and just because you play nightly doesn't mean you know everything. I do not disagree with what else you have to say on the matter and thank you for your input.

This is absolutely false and I know by personal experience. Because I swap to the faction that is weaker and often get contained, I believe it has helped me improve a lot. When you are getting contained, you are put under higher pressure. I use it as a challenge to land as many kills as I can under this high pressure situation. Through being contained, I have learned how to burst enemy players through a method that, to my knowledge, only one other person in the bracket uses. From a healer's perspective, you will have to work really hard to keep your team alive and it will force you to work on your fake-casting skills.

Completely false you say, Ok since Mid strat has started there has been a plummet in twinks knowing how to do jumps and how to use their surroundings correctly. The game was much more about the basics and knowing strategy over "KILL IT!!!! ITS IN RANGE!!!" there was alot of coordination and strategies played and knowing how to counter these was how you won. The things a new twink will not learn will never put them on the level a old school twink was on.

What twinks today know how to do is the most damage possible in the shortest amount of time, meaning you know how to raid. Your focused on your one thing burst and that is it and lack the general objective playing that make twinks a all around better player than pvpers at late game. Rarely seen is a crowd control that turns the tide in ones favor as most of the time that CC is broken the second it is put on for the fact that you have so many range dps trying to pump their meters over actual good gameplay.

From what I have witnessed most new twinks have learned to tunnel vision the GY once the they have pushed the team back and rarely once someone gets pass the masses they are free to roam, hence why there has been many times where the containing team loses due to the fact that they got capped on in the last moments of the game. You will notice only the people who have been playing longer actually have the awareness to stop someone from crossing leaving the firing squad to tunnel and not learn much of anything else.

Now I do not claim that this is how the bracket is all the time, I dont know as I maybe play 1-2 games a night while running going afk alot to run my shop. This is my opinion and what I have seen the games I have played.
To the original poster, Awesome, you queueing rogue is far more detrimental to the bracket than 'GY containment' is due to the high number of rogues queueing on your faction.

See the warrior in my sig? Yeah, working on that bit. I have an argument about rogues, too, but this is the wrong thread for that. <3

Can mods start deleting this garbage? I'm being serious. Seeing these types of threads annoy the ever loving shit out of me.

Just because a baby can't chew a steak doesn't mean that a man shouldn't be allowed to eat one.

Here is my opinion on GY Containment/Farming

The list of Pros I am giving is from a logical point of view and that is how best you can justify the concept/strategy
  • The most effective strategy in capture the flag type games, You can find this strategy being used in multiple other games that have respawn and designated respawn points.
  • Using this strategy you force team the other to do the same or their team will be at a major disadvantage.The reason for this is when one team goes at a group with a full 10 it will always be unlikely that anything less than another full 10 will be able stand toe to toe.
  • This strategy compliments teamwork more than skill, A strong team that communicates and coordinates will defeat a team of all stars that lack such. By me saying this does not mean that the teams who are doing this does not have skilled players I was just explaining that Team Work > Individual Skill
  • Compliments Ranged DPS- Range DPS are the kings of Battleground pvp, in such a open playing field a ranged dps thrives more so than a Melee as they can actually survive longer. Being able to do damage from far away and more so allowing their healers to be even further from the danger zone.

The list of Cons is on the opposite end of the spectrum as Pros, this is looking at it on how to have the most fun for all. Comes down to everyone being happy.
  • The biggest part that I disapprove of with this Strategy is the fact that it keeps new players from growing into better players. For both sides of the spectrum. The Containing team once you have established dominance it quickly becomes shooting fish in a barrel and thus keeping the players who are partaking from growing individual skill and lacking the knowledge of what to do in many other situations. Also on the other side it keeps those who get contained from growing as a player as there is not possible way a player can compete versus a full team. Hence why when core groups that are experienced and know more than just the strategy are not queuing the games tend to be alot more balanced and fun for all.
  • Morale does suffer to the losing team, which in turn makes queue times longer and kills activity as a whole.
  • Growth as a community, Twinks are a dying breed. You compare pure numbers of twinks to numbers in wrath (3-4 games going at once) to today, it is just sad. It is very hard for a new twink to become a part of the community when they spend their whole time in the GY, giving the picture that this bracket is cutthroat and anti social (which really isnt the case).

Those are my pros and cons of GY Containment/Farming. Will the bracket die from people continuing to use this strategy, No it will not, will This bracket have a strong fun community with this strategy, No it will not. When people wait, wasting their time in queue to just be contained in a GY it will cause harsh feelings/opinion on the containers. There is no longer that respect for fellow twinks there once was.

Do I condone containment, No I do not, but I am not telling people not to do it. To tell people to not use the most effective strategy in the game is idiotic and your asking to be trolled. People like to win, especially people who have been playing this bracket and have built their teams around such a strategy.

How to Fight the Current Strategy

To be able to stand up and fight in this bracket anymore you must know people, you must be willing to group queue with those people and be willing to play the class role needed to win. Melee is at a huge disadvantage against the Mid Strat that it just hurts your team to play those classes. Unless you can utilize its utility to its maximum (Rogues coordinating Ambush to turn the tide for their favor for example)

If you want to complain about the bracket then do so, but do not just stand their and point the finger, do what you can to fix it. Do you solo queue often? Start looking for people to queue with, a Guild is the best place to do this but Battletag works aswell. Start with healers, get yourself a solid healing core and if you cannot find one build one, take your dps class and bench it and play a healer, learn their role and encourage others to do the same, once that is established compliment your healers with Range DPS. If you want to run a Melee class, Make it your FC, they can still be useful in utility and play a huge role in a Capture the Flag game, They can actually take the damage with the right healers.

Try to have fun, even in the worse situations make it somehow worthwhile. Set goals, my personal goal is always to try and get away from the GY once containment happens. If I get to the middle I feel like I have accomplished something weakening their containment slightly from the one/two dps they send after me.

I hope this helps, I would say add me to battletag and ask me to group with you but it has gotten to the point where I maybe play a few games a night and when I do I try to group with fellow guild members. But please do still add my btag and if I am not queuing with guildies or we have room for another I will try and get you a invite to the group.


Why on earth you would want to keep rezzing and get spawn killed is beyond me. Seems like you just want to get GY farmed so you can complain on here. I solo q 95% of the time. I hate group queuing alot of the time because I find it boring. You've come to this bracket thinking you know it all. You started, what playing like a month ago? I have played alliance and been contained many more times than you little man. I'm sorry to say I don't have a premade team, tho I did have one in early MoP but I gkicked them all because they were annoying.

You might want to read my quote again, because i'm pretty sure it explains why I'm pissed off.

It really looks like you're just trying to shit here.

You keep whining yet I see you in the gulch all the time. Must not be that bad matey.

Edit: Not sure why Awesome liked your post. He should know that isn't me. Guess he assumes that all people on BH q together, who knows.

You're kinda mean, yo... maybe one of the reasons people don't like GY camping so much is because the people who support it are always dicks? But on topic, though, you complain that teams are noncompetitive, so GY camping is inevitable, because what else is a 5+ group of geared semi-PMs to do when faced with basics and maybe one or two skilled players (who always AFK because they can't take GY camping)..?

But in this post, you basically just discouraged Frozen from rezzing, and playing 19s altogether... are you attempting to cull the weak, or weaken the competition?

I have always assumed that you were one of the WT goons, and I kind of clumped you all together. Don't pay attention to 19s politics, reminds me too much of the 6th grade. But yeah, I did assume that. I know you solo queue a lot, though, so oops~

Fuck me if I even know what gender anyone is.
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In my experience the only time Horde effectively contains the GY when I play is when a select group of BH twinks queue together. Otherwise it is the complete opposite and generally Alliance is dominating the match or it becomes a really good game. Now I can tell you that I do not queue often all day every day as I have alot of Real Life responsibilities so my opinion is skewed from what I know and see. But in no way am I wrong and you really need to back up before you accuse people of such, these are opinions from my point of view and just because you play nightly doesn't mean you know everything. I do not disagree with what else you have to say on the matter and thank you for your input.

Completely false you say, Ok since Mid strat has started there has been a plummet in twinks knowing how to do jumps and how to use their surroundings correctly. The game was much more about the basics and knowing strategy over "KILL IT!!!! ITS IN RANGE!!!" there was alot of coordination and strategies played and knowing how to counter these was how you won. The things a new twink will not learn will never put them on the level a old school twink was on.

What twinks today know how to do is the most damage possible in the shortest amount of time, meaning you know how to raid. Your focused on your one thing burst and that is it and lack the general objective playing that make twinks a all around better player than pvpers at late game. Rarely seen is a crowd control that turns the tide in ones favor as most of the time that CC is broken the second it is put on for the fact that you have so many range dps trying to pump their meters over actual good gameplay.

From what I have witnessed most new twinks have learned to tunnel vision the GY once the they have pushed the team back and rarely once someone gets pass the masses they are free to roam, hence why there has been many times where the containing team loses due to the fact that they got capped on in the last moments of the game. You will notice only the people who have been playing longer actually have the awareness to stop someone from crossing leaving the firing squad to tunnel and not learn much of anything else.

Now I do not claim that this is how the bracket is all the time, I dont know as I maybe play 1-2 games a night while running going afk alot to run my shop. This is my opinion and what I have seen the games I have played.

I didnt read alot of this post, but instead of overthinking so much, u shud improve ur gameplay, you type alot but you still backpaddle 40 yards in the gulch, and you are overall an awful player... Sorry for attacking u but you type alot on the forums but you are still playing like uve been in the bracket for a week.

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