Alliance or Horde, I don't super care!
- What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why?
Probably a survival hunter. But I'm flexible
- What do you need? (Gear / Guild)
Both haha, I came back to wow after a long break and I don't have any characters or know anyone on BH
- Have you played in a tink bracket before?
Yup, I played in the 19s and 29s bracket a looooong time ago. My 19 tink was a Night elf Hunter and my 29 was an affliction lock Around 2007-2008. I'm also making an 70 enhancement shaman and a 29 balance druid.
Sadly I don't have any characters on BH so no money to fund a tink. But I have have about 200k on KJ + KT and I'd be happy to donate some for the cause. Unfortunately I have no BoE's to offer
- How can our funding help your tinking experience?
I'd be able to play both 19 and 29 brackets and can start looking for a TC team. I also have some friends that might be interested in joining the scene and my thoughts are more people is never a bad thing for the bracket.
- How do you play your class?
I'm a pretty aggressive player. Always attempting to top either damage or healing meters. I use to target call for my rag team with a pretty high amount of success.
- How do you contribute to your team?
I'm a pretty positive person and I really enjoy learning. I've been out of the game a while so I'm sure there's a lot I need to catch up on. I also talk a lot, so I'm very vocal about my thoughts during the BGs. I think most things in life can be improved so I'll often share my opinion on what I think we can do better.
- Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you?
Yes, I'm interested. I have 2200+ xp in rbgs, two time glad resto shaman/resto druid, sadly I've never r1, and for that I'm a complete failure.
- What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 tink community?
I was leveling a shaman recently and I saw a ton of 70 tinks outside Org and it seemed fun so I started to tink my shaman, still need a few more BiS stuff and she's done. Then I wanted to make a 29 since it seemed like a lot of people were doing that as well. Then I watched a video of JamesB vs Fancy. Long story short, I ended up watching a 19s premade and it looked fun.
- How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread?
Found it when I was looking through the website for the first time. I found the website when I was looking at BiS enhancement gear
- Have you added your battletag and armory links to the tink network thread?
Not yet! My battletag is Champloo#1425. I don't have any characters fully BiS but I'll add them when they're done.
- Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI?
Of course! I'm currently at work but I'd be happy to if you guys need me.
- What do you have to offer to the 19s tink community?
I'm a rusty but experienced player who loves competition. I'm a very positive person. Also, I'm hilarious.
- Do you have any friends or guildmates in the 19 community we should know about?
Nope, I know no one!
- Is there anything else we should know about you?
I was an officer in sup fresh our turn baby. I've beat oomz, talbadar, vrocks and neurological in a duel so obviously I'm a huge baller. I do have a daughter and a wife with a pretty demanding job so I can't be on 100% of the time. But I do play for about 3 hours every night after my wife goes to bed.
- Do you have any questions for us?
Nope, even if I'm not picked I do think this is a pretty cool idea. I'm not brown nosing!