US Project: GG Nineteen

  1. Horde or Alliance?
  2. What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why?
  3. What do you need? (Gear / Guild)
  4. Have you played in a tink bracket before?
  5. Why do you need funding?
  6. How can our funding help your tinksing experience?
  7. How do you play your class?
  8. How do you contribute to your team?
  9. Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you?
  10. What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 tink community?
  11. How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread?
  12. Have you added your battletag and armory links to the tink network thread?
  13. Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI?
  14. What do you have to offer to the 19s tink community?
  15. Do you have any friends or guildmates in the 19 community we should know about?
  16. Is there anything else we should know about you?
  17. Do you have any questions for us?

Either or, I have tinks on both factions.
Monk/BM, because of their big damage with the right builds as well as survival ability.
Gear, I will be a part of "Kill on Sight"
No I have not
I'm a transfer to Horde Bleeding Hollow from Alliance Kel'Thuzad, I don't have any gold on BH, as all of my mains are on KT.
By allowing me to be able to be the best I could possibly be, by being geared.
I like to adjust my style of play with how the situation presents itself, aggressive when needed but a vital part of a team.
I am an experienced flag runner, I have also been a PvP player since vanilla.
Not at the moment, I just got a new job that consumes alot of my time and energy, but maybe in the future.
My older brother used to play and he had a 19 tink rogue that was alot of fun in BC
Yami, GM of "Kill on Sight"
No, I'll look into it.
Yes, over E-mail
Donations and someone to talk to :)
Just Yami, I didn't hear about this until he told me about it.
I'm a pretty laid back dude and tend to go with the flow.
Not at the moment, I look forward to getting in contact with someone.
1. I prefer either, although most of my main toons are alliance. The one toon I have on Bleeding Hollow is horde, however.

2. A Discipline Priest, although I probably won't need too too much funding from you nice people :) I really enjoy playing support classes/rolls in all games (don't get me wrong I like to blow stuff up too), but there's something about keeping my buddies out of harm's way that I find very enjoyable. All of that being said, I'm willing to play whatever class is needed most.

3. I have all of the BOA's that I'll need. I may need some help acquiring BIS enchants and BOE's (though I've made tinks before and have no trouble doing it). I'm mainly here looking for a guild/community to play with!

4. Nope, not competitively! I've got several tinks in the 19 bracket on Wyrmrest Accord and I'd like to think that I can at least hold my own. I should mention that WoD is my first expac and I'm fairly new to WoW.

5. I don't really neeeeeeed funding terribly badly. I can finance my tinks on my own for the most part- I really just want to join an awesome tink community.

6. Funding from the GG19 Project would alleviate some of the financial pressure of acquiring gear and enchants, as well as jump-start my experience in an actual competitive tinksing community.

7. SHIELDS FOR EVERYONE!!!!! In all seriousness though: Keeping teammates alive is my first priority, eclipsed only by keeping flag runners alive/objective players (people who are playing the objective lol) alive. I also like to keep a healthy amount of DPS pressure on the enemy team with DoTs and Smite/Penance. In my opinion, keeping that pressure on the enemy can really help turn then tide of a close match.

8. As I said before, I think I can hold my own in a competitive PvP scenario involving tinks and bring a pretty nice set of skills to a team. However, I'm very green and definitely have much to learn and improve on; so I think my greatest assets are my quick thinking/learning ability and my positive attitude! As an aside, I played hockey and lacrosse (as team captain :) /humblebrag) for the better part of 12 years, so I definitely know how to work and play on a team AND I know how to lead.

9. Yes, absolutely. I'm green and I have a lot to learn, but I'm definitely interested. I've been gaming for years, starting semi-competitively (meaning I was bad lol) with Halo 2. In addition I managed to score a 2k+ ELO on Destiny this year and occasionally do scrims in CoD. I also played Pokemon and Pokemon Showdown pretty seriously when I was in high school. (I guess I could add Yu-Gi-Oh and Magic TG here too).

10. I've been doing XP unlocked BGs on lots of toons in the 19 and 29 brackets on and off since I started playing WoW about a year and a half ago, so when I saw someone recommend this community on /r/wow I knew that I had to check it out.

11. Discussion on /r/wow led me here, as well as some recommendations from trade chat on WrA.

12. Here's the guy I've been maining:

Here are some "tinks" that I've been working on. They're not very good, but I enjoy trying to min-max what I am able to on low-level toons.

13. Sure thing!

14. I'm a super laid back college dude who has fallen absolutely in love with WoW this past year. I love playing with others competitively and just for fun. I love to get things done and I believe I can use that attitude to potentially help grow the tink community! I play a crap-ton of WoW as well (although with school approaching finals and volunteering this summer my play time will dwindle until July) so I'm usually online every night.

15. Nope, unfortunately not. That's why I'm making this post though!

Last edited:
Edit: I do not want to only be apply as a BM monk. I am honestly very flexible and willing to roll another class as needed (I know healers are always wanted). I understand that BM monks are currently fotm, and I do not want to be pinned as a player who can only play what is currently strongest. I want to be flexible and usable in a team circumstance (whether that is a healer, dps, or tank). Please take my flexibility and willingness to learn and adapt as a consideration.
Posting again, as I received a notification about not being able to post links with only one post! Y'all can ignore this lol... (now I can add armory links!!)
  • Horde or Alliance? Horde
  • What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why? I would like to receive funding for a Discipline Priest. The reason i need funding is because im new to the server but got 2 other 19 twinks and i am really passionate about my twinks and i know i will continue to play
  • What do you need? (Gear / Guild) I need some gear and enchants
  • Have you played in a tink bracket before? Yes i have played in a tink bracket before in Wotlk i played 19's and 29's and i came back to 19's this year and love it!
  • Why do you need funding? The reason i need funding is im new to the server and i got as much as i can done on my toon with my own money but sadly could not afford everything i needed.
  • How can our funding help your tinksing experience? It can help me by making me a better geared which will make me do the best of my ability and from their all i will do is practice rotation and play at my best.
  • How do you play your class? I play my class fairly well with the gear i have now nothing to crazy against other 19's right now because sadly i dont have all the enchants and gear
  • How do you contribute to your team? i Contribute to my team by healing them when most needed while they can put out their absolute most dps.
  • Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you? I am very interested in competitive PvP because it seems like more to do in the game. Also things that qualify me are i played pvp at 100 and have some experience from their.
  • What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 tink community? The thing that sparked my interest in becoming a 19 tink was to see how people all come together to play and how well they get to know each other. Also it is very competitive and im all about that.
  • How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread? I found out about this thread from looking to find some armories to look through and i see this and asked my friends they all told me they are very nice people that help fund other people that cannot afford it.
  • Have you added your battletag and armory links to the tink network thread? No i have not but plan to add some armory links here in the future once i am at my best and can give other people tips
  • Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI? Yes i am able to provide you with a UI
  • What do you have to offer to the 19s tink community? i have alot to offer to the 19's tink community i can further help out people once i make some gold on my server to help out other people and i can teach them some rotations.
  • Do you have any friends or guildmates in the 19 community we should know about? No but i am in the guild Alpha Cure Mom. they have helped me out alot on my other tinks!
  • Is there anything else we should know about you? I am mostly online everyday so you can catch you online.
  • Do you have any questions for us? Nope im just hoping all goes well for all your funding to people my btag is iler#1455
  1. Horde or Alliance?
  2. Horde
  3. What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why?
  4. Resto Shaman because I see how good they can be without having to have grandfathered gear.
  5. What do you need? (Gear / Guild)
  6. For me I need gear mainly.
  7. Have you played in a tink bracket before?
  8. Yes I played in the 29 bracket and 70 bracket. I also have some experience in the 19 bracket.
  9. Why do you need funding?
  10. Because I am too poor on BleedingHollow to buy most things.
  11. How can our funding help your tinksing experience?
  12. It could help me possible get into a comp guild and get me to be able to play in the TC.
  13. How do you play your class?
  14. Healing players in battles as well as FC when he needs it the most. I like to stick with the mass majority of my teammates and heal them as they fight.
  15. How do you contribute to your team?
  16. Healing mainly as well as grabbing flag if ever needed and giving to the friendly FC
  17. Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you?
  18. Yes I am very interested because with maining a Alli healer I feel like I could help my guild get far in the TC.
  19. What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 tink community?
  20. What sparked my interest was mainly the competitive aspect of it. Also the fact that there is a whole tourny open to 19s.
  21. How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread?
  22. My friend CWKing.
  23. Have you added your battletag and armory links to the tink network thread?
  24. No.
  25. Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI?
  26. Not at the moment.
  27. What do you have to offer to the 19s tink community?
  28. A new aspect of competition.
  29. Do you have any friends or guildmates in the 19 community we should know about?
  30. My friend Domingo but that's about it.
  31. Is there anything else we should know about you?
  32. No.
  33. Do you have any questions for us?
  34. No.
Accepted Please add my btag xxpezzxx#1734 I will be on 2maro
1.Horde or Alliance? - Horde
2.What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why? - Resto shaman/Resto Druid
3.What do you need? (Gear / Guild) - need help with gear/enchants, wouldn't mind a guild
4.Have you played in a tink bracket before? - Yes, 19s/49s/60s/70
5.Why do you need funding? So I can get gear to do the best damage in WSG so we can win
6.How can our funding help your tinkering experience? id be able to play a fun class and i enjoy healing bgs
7.How do you play your class? I play offensive if i know i wont get put in a bad place, if not id usually just stick with fc
8.How do you contribute to your team? teamwork
10.What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 tink community? the people
11.How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread? no one
12.Have you added your battletag and armory links to the tink network thread? Not yet
13.Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI?
14.What do you have to offer to the 19's tink community? experience.
15.Do you have any friends or guild mates in the 19's community we should know about? troncat, marb
16.Is there anything else we should know about you? nope!
17.Do you have any questions for us? nope!
Accepted Please add my btag xxpezzxx#1743 I will be on 2maro
  1. Horde or Alliance?
In all honesty, Horde or Alliance works for me. I have played both and tinksed on both in the past. I prefer Horde (I just like the Horde community and atmosphere a little more), but over all I feel very flexible when it comes to picks. I want to go where I'm most needed, and where I can learn the most.
  1. What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why?
I would like to receive funding on a BM monk. I have the most fun playing the class, and I feel that I have the most potential when playing that class for competitive edge. I want to see how far I can go competitively, and BM monk is my most comfortable class. Also, I feel that there is a shortage of Horde 19 BM monks.
  1. What do you need? (Gear / Guild)
I have all of my heirlooms except for Stained Shadowcraft Pants. Ideally, I would like to land in a guild where they are available, as well as receive funding for them. I guess if I'm going for BiS, I would also need a Gloomshroud Armor as well as 2x Shadowfangs. I have no problem with farming my other BiS from dungeons. Besides all that, I would need enchants.
  1. Have you played in a tink bracket before?
I used to play in a competitive tink bracket back in 2010, but I have taken quite a few years off since then. The game has changed a bit since, and I need to learn all the new strats. I still have basic skills and understanding of game flow, but I am out of practice. I should pretty much be considered a fresh player again, and I would love help with coaching as well as gameplay tips.
  1. Why do you need funding?
Honestly, I'm a poor college student. I lost my old account to it being hacked and permanently banned, so I have no max level characters. I would love to play in a tink bracket once again, but I do not have the means of making gold. I would really appreciate all and any help that I could receive.
  1. How can our funding help your tinksing experience?
Your funding could help me get right back in to the tinksing experience quickly and effectively. I really want to be a competitive edge in the community once again, and I want to have fun while doing it. I really miss doing premades and arenas with friends and other good players. Without having a level 100 to fund myself, it would mean the world to me in order to get help and funding to play at the competitive level that I have been craving.
  1. How do you play your class?
I tend to play a control based style based around tempo and CC. I am a very team oriented player, and I am very based around communication and helping teammates. When needed to go aggressive, I will, and when I need to back off and be defensive, I can. Over all, I consider that I play my class with diversity and teamwork.
  1. How do you contribute to your team?
I communicate constantly while also maintaining an upbeat attitude and over all optimism. Gameplay wise, I go where I am needed and do what is needed of me. I'm not a very flashy player, or the best, but I can learn fast and I am quick on my feet. I really love playing on a team, and I feel that my positive attitude and my flexibility helps in almost every situation.
  1. Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you?
I am very interested in competitive PvP! I used to play on an MLG circuit in CoD, as well as being in the top 100 Destiny players for year one in PvP. Along with my experience in FPS games, I constantly play competitive League of Legends with friends, and I love the edge of knowing that something is on the line. I would love to get in to the competitive tinksing scene of WoW, mostly because I miss the game and the community. I had a lot of fun when I used to tinks, and I would really love to move in to a more competitive position than before.
  1. What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 tink community?
When I originally created a 19 tink back in 2010, it was because my friends were doing it. I just wanted to play with my friends. But after years of being away from the tinksing community, I found how much I have missed it and really want to be a part of it once again.
  1. How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread?
I found it on my own. I used to frequent, and when I found out had taken over the scene, I quickly jumped on my research and read every thread I could get my hands on. I originally considered only doing a vet 20 tink due to money, but I am willing to spend $15 a month if I could get a 19 tink again.
  1. Have you added your battletag and armory links to the tink network thread?
I have put them in my personal info, but I can attach them here:

BT: Pibs#1678

My only character of value is my 20 BM monk:îbs/simple

  1. Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI?
Here's a quick snapshot of my UI:

I still need to get updated addons.

  1. What do you have to offer to the 19s tink community?
I am able to offer my previous experience in tinksing, as well as my eagerness to learn and grow as a player. I am very friendly and I love getting to know people and make new friends. I have a competitive edge, and I love bringing the best out of other people. Over all, I can be a very active member within the tinksing community, and I hope to bring a lot of enjoyment, fun, and value out of me being in the community.
  1. Do you have any friends or guildmates in the 19 community we should know about?
My 20 Bm tink is currently a part of Perfection on the BH server. I am a new member, but so far everybody has been extremely friendly and helpful on there. I have yet to premade or play much with any of the other guildmembers, and that is something that I am looking for. I want to play as a community, and not only solo.
  1. Is there anything else we should know about you?
Currently, I am doing volunteer work in Nepal. I will be here until mid May, and I will officially be back home in June. I have good internet and I have power quite often, but the time difference does make things difficult from time to time. On weekends, I am extremely flexible (and I know that is usually the best time for everybody to play). During the week, it is a little harder for me to have access to playing, but I can make it work in to my schedule if there are any important premades or meetings.
  1. Do you have any questions for us?
Is this the best way to apply -- posting a reply? Or should I send a PM to somebody? Besides that, I really look forward to hear back from GG Nineteen, whether it is an acceptance or rejection. If anything, I hope to be a part of this community and get to know you all!
Accepted Please add my btag xxpezzxx#1734 I will be on 2maro. The gloomshroud and 2x shadowfangs are not bis for 19 bm and will not be funded.
1. I prefer either, although most of my main toons are alliance. The one toon I have on Bleeding Hollow is horde, however.

2. A Discipline Priest, although I probably won't need too too much funding from you nice people :) I really enjoy playing support classes/rolls in all games (don't get me wrong I like to blow stuff up too), but there's something about keeping my buddies out of harm's way that I find very enjoyable. All of that being said, I'm willing to play whatever class is needed most.

3. I have all of the BOA's that I'll need. I may need some help acquiring BIS enchants and BOE's (though I've made tinks before and have no trouble doing it). I'm mainly here looking for a guild/community to play with!

4. Nope, not competitively! I've got several tinks in the 19 bracket on Wyrmrest Accord and I'd like to think that I can at least hold my own. I should mention that WoD is my first expac and I'm fairly new to WoW.

5. I don't really neeeeeeed funding terribly badly. I can finance my tinks on my own for the most part- I really just want to join an awesome tink community.

6. Funding from the GG19 Project would alleviate some of the financial pressure of acquiring gear and enchants, as well as jump-start my experience in an actual competitive tinksing community.

7. SHIELDS FOR EVERYONE!!!!! In all seriousness though: Keeping teammates alive is my first priority, eclipsed only by keeping flag runners alive/objective players (people who are playing the objective lol) alive. I also like to keep a healthy amount of DPS pressure on the enemy team with DoTs and Smite/Penance. In my opinion, keeping that pressure on the enemy can really help turn then tide of a close match.

8. As I said before, I think I can hold my own in a competitive PvP scenario involving tinks and bring a pretty nice set of skills to a team. However, I'm very green and definitely have much to learn and improve on; so I think my greatest assets are my quick thinking/learning ability and my positive attitude! As an aside, I played hockey and lacrosse (as team captain :) /humblebrag) for the better part of 12 years, so I definitely know how to work and play on a team AND I know how to lead.

9. Yes, absolutely. I'm green and I have a lot to learn, but I'm definitely interested. I've been gaming for years, starting semi-competitively (meaning I was bad lol) with Halo 2. In addition I managed to score a 2k+ ELO on Destiny this year and occasionally do scrims in CoD. I also played Pokemon and Pokemon Showdown pretty seriously when I was in high school. (I guess I could add Yu-Gi-Oh and Magic TG here too).

10. I've been doing XP unlocked BGs on lots of toons in the 19 and 29 brackets on and off since I started playing WoW about a year and a half ago, so when I saw someone recommend this community on /r/wow I knew that I had to check it out.

11. Discussion on /r/wow led me here, as well as some recommendations from trade chat on WrA.

12. Here's the guy I've been maining:

Here are some "tinks" that I've been working on. They're not very good, but I enjoy trying to min-max what I am able to on low-level toons.

13. Sure thing!

14. I'm a super laid back college dude who has fallen absolutely in love with WoW this past year. I love playing with others competitively and just for fun. I love to get things done and I believe I can use that attitude to potentially help grow the tink community! I play a crap-ton of WoW as well (although with school approaching finals and volunteering this summer my play time will dwindle until July) so I'm usually online every night.

15. Nope, unfortunately not. That's why I'm making this post though!

Accepted Please add my btag xxpezzxx#1734 I will be on 2maro
Re: Operation: GG Nineteen

  1. Horde or Alliance? Alliance.
  2. What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why? Monk, Brewmaster.
  3. What do you need? (Gear / Guild) Both.
  4. Have you played in a tink bracket before? Yes, level 10 in MoP and I also play a level 19 Disc Priest at the moment.
  5. Why do you need funding? Enchants and Gear.
  6. How can our funding help your tinking experience? I'll have more fun and I'll be able to apply in Tournaments etc.
  7. How do you play your class? Well.
  8. How do you contribute to your team? Hugely.
  9. Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you? Yes and I've twinked for many years now and I'm coming back, I know what I'm doing. :)
  10. What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 tink community? I was reminded.
  11. How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread? Arena
  12. Have you added your battletag and armory links to the tink network thread? No, not yet. I will be updating my page soon though.
  13. Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI? I don't have a screen shot right now.
  14. What do you have to offer to the 19s tink community? Support and knowledge.
  15. Do you have any friends or guildmates in the 19 community we should know about? Arena
  16. Is there anything else we should know about you?
  17. Do you have any questions for us?
Re: Operation: GG Nineteen

  1. Horde or Alliance? Alliance.
  2. What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why? Monk, Brewmaster.
  3. What do you need? (Gear / Guild) Both.
  4. Have you played in a tink bracket before? Yes, level 10 in MoP and I also play a level 19 Disc Priest at the moment.
  5. Why do you need funding? Enchants and Gear.
  6. How can our funding help your tinking experience? I'll have more fun and I'll be able to apply in Tournaments etc.
  7. How do you play your class? Well.
  8. How do you contribute to your team? Hugely.
  9. Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you? Yes and I've tinksed for many years now and I'm coming back, I know what I'm doing. :)
  10. What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 tink community? I was reminded.
  11. How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread? Arena
  12. Have you added your battletag and armory links to the tink network thread? No, not yet. I will be updating my page soon though.
  13. Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI? I don't have a screen shot right now.
  14. What do you have to offer to the 19s tink community? Support and knowledge.
  15. Do you have any friends or guildmates in the 19 community we should know about? Arena
  16. Is there anything else we should know about you?
  17. Do you have any questions for us?
accepted, please add my btag xxpezzxx#1734 when you are rdy
  1. Horde or Alliance?
  2. What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why?
    Survival hunter. I've always played hunters and loved the class. It's the most relatable to myself irl as lame as that sounds. I enjoy that they are good in the mid clash as well as can play super objectively.
  3. What do you need? (Gear / Guild)
    I'd love the enchants that I can't get for myself. My only other toon is a 100 hunter on Zul'jin which doesn't get played anymore. I'd love a guild, people to chat with, share strats, and learn from others.
  4. Have you played in a twink bracket before?
    I've played in 20 f2p as well as 29's. I'm finding as I go on the bracket is a joke and I'm looking for something more.
  5. Why do you need funding?
    I need funding just to get the enchants I can't get alone. I'm fully capable of funding my loom enchants and all that but I probably won't be able to farm what I'd need at level 19 to get my other enchants.
  6. How can our funding help your twinking experience?
    I feel like if I'm a fully enchanted hunter I'd be more useful to the team as well as I'd be contributing more to the 19 bracket as a whole.
  7. How do you play your class?
    I play hunter as a heavy damage class as well as a objective utility tool. I peal for healers and follow the target calls.
  8. How do you contribute to your team?
    Follow orders, take constructive criticism, play as a group rather than an individual, and ugh, yeah.
  9. Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you?
    I'd be interested in competitive play, however I don't think I'm qualified in the least. I've only been a 1750 rated pvp in my entire wow career (wrath) and I was carried to that. Really I'm about a 1550 hunter. I never hit "S" though so I got that going for me. I just like the idea that you connect with a core group of people and set out with certain strats to beat the other team.
  10. What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 tink community?
    Honestly, I watch the streams daily and active in Thenwl chat quite abit. I was told to make a twink along time ago and apply for GG nineteen but didn't think I was good enough to hang with you guys. I'm not enjoying 29's at all anymore however I feel it's time to make the change.
  11. How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread?
    Conq actually did while I was hanging out in twitch chat. He said he wasn't really playing anymore but is still a huge part of 19's.
  12. Have you added your battletag and armory links to the twink network thread?
    I have not, no. However right after this post I will try and figure out how.
  13. Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI?
    I can. It's just stock UI though.
  14. What do you have to offer to the 19s twink community?
    I feel like this questions been asked three times already in different wordings. However I would take it upon myself to donate all BoE's I get while grinding instances, try to recruit other dedicated twinks, and do what's asked of me to a certain extent.
  15. Do you have any friends or guildmates in the 19 community we should know about?
    My roommate is Operationivy and is probably going to fill out a application right after I do. Other than that I really don't have friends that play 19. Few close friends in 29's but don't think they've ever played in this bracket.
  16. Is there anything else we should know about you?
    I work, have a dog, a girlfriend, and enjoy being outdoors. I'm an active player but I have a "Never turn down outdoor adventures for a video game" personality.
  17. Do you have any questions for us?
    I thought this application used to have a mentor section. (Like I said I've read this a couple times before and never filled it out)I'm wondering if that's still available. I feel I'm fairly decent at playing hunter but there's always room to improve/learn the bracket better.
  1. Horde or Alliance?
Prefer Horde but will play for whichever factions needs more players
  1. What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why?
I enjoy off meta class/specs, so I would like to play a holy paly. However, again, I will make what the community needs me to make. (I'll also be tranfering over my warrior who is pretty much done)
  1. What do you need? (Gear / Guild)
I will need help with obtaining all non-heirloom gear, to include enchants and dungeons runs, etc.
  1. Have you played in a tink bracket before?
I've played wow on and off since vanilla and have played tinks since I started. I've played in 19s, 29s, 39s, and 49s.
  1. Why do you need funding?
I need funding because I'm already planning on xferring my warrior over and can't afford do do the same for my main or to be buying tokens. Basically just want to help and be a part of the community and could use some funding to get a tink on its feet on bleeding hollow.
  1. How can our funding help your tinksing experience?
Will allow me to have more than just my warrior and to be able to contribute to the community as an active member. I plan on being on a lot and making as many events as possible.
  1. How do you play your class?
I tend to do whatever I want and dive the enemy 1v10.


I prioritize cc and focus targeting over raw damage. I'm generally more of a strategist than a super skilled player so I focus on objectives and winning whatever the game theme is.
  1. How do you contribute to your team?
I help to make decisions when it is my place to, and I make sure that my tinks have more than one set of gear so that they can always contribute to the situation at hand.
  1. Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you?
I love competitive pvp. Competition is what drives any gamer and I'm no different. I have a mind for strategy and make up for any lack of micro skill with map movements and objective based decisions. Nothing wrong with some skirmishes either though!
  1. What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 tink community?
I've never stopped being a part of the commuinity as I've always regeared and played tinks each time I've come back to wow, but I've never really talked much to other tinks besides my irl friends, so I'd like to change that by moving to bleeding hollow and joining a big guild and know what times people are queueing, etc.
  1. How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread?
I found it by browsing tink sites and this seemed the most legit and then saw this awesome opportunity!
  1. Have you added your battletag and armory links to the tink network thread?
No, I'll need to do that soon. For now if anyone need to reach me, my btag is gildedhorn#1766
  1. What do you have to offer to the 19s tink community?
I'm a friendly, intelligent person, and I'm willing to play whatever the community needs more of, be it healers, dps, tanks, or certain classes. I just want to be a part of making the 19 bracket as lively as possible.
  1. Do you have any friends or guildmates in the 19 community we should know about?
I have a friend who I've convinced to get into the 19 bracket and he'll probably be submitting an application as well. His btag is jrump14#1859.
  1. Is there anything else we should know about you?
I'm 24 years old, I am a graduate of the University of Richmond. I was down in Quantico, VA for the Marines and now I am working in a gym in NJ and basically just work, workout, and play wow/lol.
  1. Do you have any questions for us?
Regardless of my application acceptance, I'd love to hear back from some of the main people on bleeding hollow to ask them questions about gear, the community, queue times, guilds, etc. Thanks so much in advance!
  1. Horde or Alliance? horde please

  1. What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why? brewmaster monk so I can frontline for the horde and possibly find a team for twink cup
  2. What do you need? (Gear / Guild) bracer major stam, fang /w glove reinf, FoL with minor speed, and ring of vers x1
  3. Have you played in a tink bracket before? yes I play in most twink brackets
  4. Why do you need funding? I am financially unstable in this game
  5. How can our funding help your tinking experience? it will help me be the best player I can be
  6. How do you play your class? better than alot
  7. How do you contribute to your team? in the past I have not been a team player but I am working on it and I think I play for more than myself now
  8. Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you? yes, I have been twinking for 6-7 years and I have been in many premades
  9. What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 tink community? a new level of twinks different meta
  10. How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread? I see it on xpoff
  11. Have you added your battletag and armory links to the tink network thread? overlord#11519
  12. Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI? yes
  13. What do you have to offer to the 19s tink community? my soul
  14. Do you have any friends or guildmates in the 19 community we should know about? I used to play for wfs and have played for starter under the name "burdy"
  15. Is there anything else we should know about you? realest nigga u will ever meet
  16. Do you have any questions for us? no
1. horde
2. hunter because its my favourite class since beginning of wow, i have 9 on main account, and id love to receive your funding to further improve my twinking and gain a reputation for being a high respected hunter in this bracket and id be playing surv/BM specs
3. gear i would require would be gloom (+2 stats), lynx (minor speed), gloves of fang (+5AP), defies gloves (glove reinforcements) Ring - gift of versatility x1, Bracer - major stamina x1, bracer - superior agility x1, chest - greater stats x1 / i would like to join too Cute or skill ratio
4. i have played 20-24s in MoP and 20-29 in WoD and have gained an interest in 19s since WoD
5. i need this funding to further my twinking in this bracket and because i don't have any toons on BH
6. the funding will improve my dmg output by giving me a more variety of gear that i have yet to obtain on my current 19 hunter (Suudi)
7. Using different pets/specs/gear to achieve a win
8. using a variety of pets to contribute different buffs for my team which would be suited to enhance our playstyle, e.g. a hyena to gain a haste buff for faster casts to help healers and cc's that classes may cast, bear for spam increase for survivability of fc and front liners and for max dmg id be BM with Worm pet for 5% stats and 3% versatility. and to help others kill off healers i can use my carron bird to reduce healing by 25%
9. i am interested in competitive pvp in this bracket and i haven't received any glad achieves etc but if u want references from players about my pvp ability you can message, deej, spookers, snug and iggy
10. seeing old school 19 twinks with the full GF'd gear made me so jealous and watching TC last year was great. also wanting to be apart of the community due to 20-29 bracket i was getting rather tired of and needed a change so since i dislike levelling why not twink at 19 xD
11. Spookx told me about this thread because he wants me to play on BH and meet a lot more thinks who can aid me in becoming a better player
12. i haven't but my bag is belip#1501 and my hunter I'm currently playing is
14. i can offer great company, easy friendship, my knowledge base and a team player :)
15. spookx, iggy (jessesgf), cheeser
16. easy to get along with, never afk'd out of a bg and am willing to learn/try out new things

  1. Horde or Alliance?
Either is fine. I prefer Undead to all other races though :p
  1. What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why?
Not sure I would need much funding, but I do prefer Hunter/Rogue. I'm really not a fan of playing Warrior/Paladin.
  1. What do you need? (Gear / Guild)
Guild mostly and Gearing advice.
  1. Have you played in a tink bracket before?
19's during late Vanilla to end of WotLK xpac. Dabbled in 49's as well.
  1. Why do you need funding?
Don't really need funding
  1. How can our funding help your tinking experience?
As mentioned earlier, not here for funding, but mainly to get back in the game with people I can play with. I'm old school, so I'm extremely out of touch.
  1. How do you play your class?
I've always been able to kite with my Hunter when I 1st learned you could kite Teremus the Destroyer to Stormwind, otherwise, I'm dishing out as much damage as I can. (preferably people out of range of healing). I prefer to work as a team and not go "ham" into enemy group. I try to help keep control of mid during WSG matches and focus on helping FC back to base as well as stopping enemy FC. Playing a class with very little CC/Heals, I tend to put more emphasis on returning the Flag as opposed to helping team FC. As a Rogue, I always look for the healer in the back and target them while trying to utilize LOS as much as possible. Rogue's are too much of an easy target in mid, so my focus will be either in Base or enemy Base. Unless our team has good healers and I can contribute to controlling mid.
  1. How do you contribute to your team?
I'm a humble person, so I don't pretend to know things I don't and am always willing to learn. I'm a team player and very loyal. I enjoy helping guild mates with whatever their needs may be; ie. Dungeon run, Escort while fishing, AGM help, etc..
  1. Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you?
Not really interested in 19 Arena (unless it's lvl 100), however, I am interested in WSG premades. I'm not sure if anything would qualify me now. I don't know any strats except for what I've seen/used during my twink days.
  1. What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 tink community?
I've always been a twink. Around the same time as Draynor. Our guilds would premade each other. We became pretty good buddies and when he used to have a blog, I suggested he add a forum section. was born and I was the 1st registered member :) (Aside from Draynor of course)
  1. How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread?
I come back to this website every now and then and noticed it on the front page. It peaked my interest and was wondering if it was still going on.
  1. Have you added your battletag and armory links to the tink network thread?
No, but here's a list of twinks on my account.çarlet/simpleîrran/simple

  1. Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI?
Not at this time. But I can once, I get on my desktop. I'm on a ship in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico and will be for the next 2 weeks.
  1. What do you have to offer to the 19s tink community?
Adding to the population. Another friend to add :)
  1. Do you have any friends or guildmates in the 19 community we should know about?
They don't play anymore.. or I don't know if they do. Wheezie & Sylvatic I know still play, but I don't think they play on their 19's anymore. Anarcan still plays, but same... never on his 19.
Bone, Painaid, Cirran I'll run into while playing League of Legends, but don't think they play 19's or WoW anymore (well.. actually I know Cirran will never play again - or at least what he's said)

  1. Is there anything else we should know about you?
I'm getting old and I need to stay out of trouble.. I mean, if I'm not at home hanging out with my brother or playing online games or with my kids, I'm at the bar getting drunk. No need to be wasting all that money.
  1. Do you have any questions for us?
Do a lot of 19's also do lvl 100 pvp, Raids, Dungeons? I'm really interested in playing my lvl 100 as well.
Horde or Alliance?

What class and spec would you like to receive funding on and why?

What do you need? (Gold / Gear / Guild)
gold/gear/enchants, I currently dont have characters on BH

Have you played in a tink bracket before?

Why do you need funding?
No mains on BH, no char space on main server to fund and xfer a toon to BH

How can our funding help your tinking experience?
Would help me queue on Horde side when alli begins to dominate. I only have a hunter on Alliance currently and I'd like to be able to switch to a BM role when something more tanky is needed.

How do you play your class?
With calculation. I try to be as objective oriented as I can when I play my other classes so I'll do the same with this one :)

How do you contribute to your team?
Calm, never rage, and I can pick up the reasoning behind losses/wins/failures/successes easily and communicate those well.

Are you interested in competitive PvP? If so, what qualifies you?
Yes, I've played tinks competitively since brackets were "21-30, 31-40, etc" and I've played pvp competitively at max level since Wrath in both arenas/rbgs. During S9/S10, I was on a team that was in the US top 10 and 20 respectively for RBGs. Can link achieves/etc if needed.

What sparked your interest in becoming a member of the 19 tink community?
Boredom with leveling in Vanilla and desire to just PvP rather than PvE to max level and then eventually PvP after grinding tremendous amounts of gear.

How did you find out about / Who referred you to this thread?
Conq/Camo/Muskie/other members of the 19 bracket

Have you added your battletag and armory links to the tink network thread?

Can you provide us with a screenshot of your UI?

What do you have to offer to the 19s tink community?
I love activity and queuing PUG games/Premades purely for their competitive nature. I offer a long history of experience and understanding of various 19/max pvp concepts/strats/etc and I can communicate them in a straightforward manner that can allow my team to pull ahead.

Do you have any friends or guildmates in the 19s community we should know about?
A lot of different people, I've been in this bracket since release. Can list every reference if needed.

Is there anything else we should know about you?
Love competition, and would love to help it grow by being able to queue on a side that sometimes suffers with getting proper comps in pugs.

Do you have any questions for us?
Nope, thanks for your consideration!

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