pro lvl 24 hunters that destroys our bracket (at least for us)


I played trial wow for quite awhile and the first lvl 24 that i really hated was Somfas. It was about 4months ago i believe.
Somfas @ Azuremyst - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
the reason is because he/she is not a noob lvl 24 hunter.
I usually give up when i see this hunter in a bg. he uses a potion that makes you immune to stun........ aka FAP :)D)
Free Action Potion - Item - World of Warcraft
at first, i thought he was a hacker or something since he was running while pally stun was on him.

I recently found another one
Allislayer @ Burning Legion - Game Guide - World of Warcraft
again, these hunters know how to play which is just terrifying for us F2Ps. (at least from what i saw and experienced)

I guess the point of this thread is to be aware of these people so we have a less stressful time in a bg with them.
Do you guys know any good lvl 24s?
I have yet to meet a *good* 24. I'll let you know when I do.
Dubbs, the 24 hunters have more right to be in our bracket than any of us 20s, because they are paying for their game and we are playing for free.

If you don't like the imbalance in the bracket, you can either a) Quit, b) Subscribe and level up, or c) Find some 24s on your server to group up with. Even bad 24 hunters will tear up most 20s

Every long-term F2P player, including myself, is a leech on Blizzard's servers. We are meant to be playing a trial version of the game and Blizzard has absolutely zero interest in tn making the Trial accounts enjoyable over the long term.
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Dubbs, quit complaining about level 24s playing in the 20-24 bracket.

They have more right to be there than any of us 20s, because they are paying for their game and we are playing for free.

If you don't like the imbalance in the bracket, you can either a) Quit, b) Subscribe and level up, or c) Find some 24s on your server to group up with.

Every long-term F2P player, including myself, is a leech on Blizzard's servers. We are meant to be playing a trial version of the game and Blizzard has absolutely zero interest in tn making the Trial accounts enjoyable over the long term.
Lol calm down buddy did you think that i was complaining? I am not complaining about lvl 24s. In fact, i see no point of hating them since twinking is twinking. All i said in this thread was about pro lvl 24s. Did i complain? Imirak you seem to be arguing with me on everything i post since the druid guide i made back then. You hate me or something? Quite a drama you will be making
"I guess the point of this thread is to be aware of these people so we have a less stressful time in a bg with them."
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Dubbs, the 24 hunters have more right to be in our bracket than any of us 20s, because they are paying for their game and we are playing for free.

If you don't like the imbalance in the bracket, you can either a) Quit, b) Subscribe and level up, or c) Find some 24s on your server to group up with. Even bad 24 hunters will tear up most 20s

Every long-term F2P player, including myself, is a leech on Blizzard's servers. We are meant to be playing a trial version of the game and Blizzard has absolutely zero interest in tn making the Trial accounts enjoyable over the long term.

Looks like somebody didn't read the OP.
When I am on my f2p priest, the presence of any good geared f2p ally huntard or any (even not geared one) lvl 24 ally huntard, makes me think that the game is gonna be very difficult.ANY decently geared lvl 24 hunter can faceroll his way up to victory because they hit too hard.
What is more important for me, though, is the attitude of lvl 24 hunters. Don't be a douche, and don't proclaim to the whole world that you are a pro by calling your fellow BGers "f2p noobz, who are too poor to afford 15 bucks", Don't be a f...g prima donna, and rage in the BG chat, admit that you are crutching badly on your hunter's OP abilities.Don't be condescending to others, neither to your teammates nor to the enemy team. I like Mechi because he is a very nice guy,I like Feletia because she rarely gy camps and caps 3 flags fast, but I hate .... because he is a total tool for emote spamming and gy camping while being in a 5 man lvl 24 premade.
The good thing is that I have a good memory and I clearly remember all the hunters (f2p and p2p) who killed my f2p priest , and after that I just hunt them down and try to kill them on my p2p rogue over and over again.The taste of Revenge is delicious.Actually, while on my rogue, I try to kill only hunters, that's how badly I hate them:cool:
When I am on my f2p priest, the presence of any good geared f2p ally huntard or any (even not geared one) lvl 24 ally huntard, makes me think that the game is gonna be very difficult.ANY decently geared lvl 24 hunter can faceroll his way up to victory because they hit too hard.
What is more important for me, though, is the attitude of lvl 24 hunters. Don't be a douche, and don't proclaim to the whole world that you are a pro by calling your fellow BGers "f2p noobz, who are too poor to afford 15 bucks", Don't be a f...g prima donna, and rage in the BG chat, admit that you are crutching badly on your hunter's OP abilities.Don't be condescending to others, neither to your teammates nor to the enemy team. I like Mechi because he is a very nice guy,I like Feletia because she rarely gy camps and caps 3 flags fast, but I hate .... because he is a total tool for emote spamming and gy camping while being in a 5 man lvl 24 premade.
The good thing is that I have a good memory and I clearly remember all the hunters (f2p and p2p) who killed my f2p priest , and after that I just hunt them down and try to kill them on my p2p rogue over and over again.The taste of Revenge is delicious.Actually, while on my rogue, I try to kill only hunters, that's how badly I hate them:cool:
Haha indeed
But noob lvl 24s are some times or almost all the time manageable if there's.good amount of good f2ps. 2v1 (2 f2ps vs noob p2p) f2ps will always win but good p2ps are just terrifying
A lot of people play free to play twinks in addition to our p2p accounts, including myself. I pay for the game and I hate hunters in general, you put a 24 hunter in front of me and I just laugh.
Guys like Somfas and Yozzy are NOT pro by any stretch of the imagination! If they were pro then they wouldn't NEED to play a 24 and all the ridiculous advantages of being 24 comes (and a hunter on top of that).

This is like playing a pick up basket ball game and everyone chooses to handy cap themselves by not shooting layups, but they choose to shoot layups, so obviously your gonna seem "pro" when everyone else is handy-capped and your not.

Sure, playing a 24 and two shoting full BIS 20s is fun, and I got nothing against it. But, no one is gonna consider a 24 pro because of all their huge advantages.

Now, the 20s that choose to take on Somfas, Yozzy, Etc one-on-one and make it a point to kill'em, those guys are pro.
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Potatoez, I'm so glad you have started posting in this section. I love reading your stuff. You crack me up.

In general, I don't know any 24 hunters names because they just don't make a big impression. The 24 hunters that scare me usually are the ones with less than 2k health because sometimes they are stacking agility, in which case they 2 shoot you and there's nothing you can do. There's only like one that I've seen like this besides Humantrafkir (who is p2p 20) and I don't remember his name. Which means, he doesn't play much and isn't much of a threat then. From what I've seen, the only thing to worry about with Somfas is that he ques with Duopaladin and another 24 and they don't care about 3 capping, which sucks when you're on either side.

TLDR version: not useful to name 24 hunters who can 2 shot you because they don't play much
In general, I don't know any 24 hunters names because they just don't make a big impression.

^This. I do know Somfas because they play horde and are a very agreeable teammate (at least to me), always happy to focus on objectives and so on. But I'm not gonna bother to remember the name of some other 24 hunt who is "ruining the bracket" since they're the least likely to be good players. IMO a solid player wouldn't want to play the class/lvl that was so easy your cat could faceroll the noobs while walking across your keyboard.
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Somfas isn't one of those condescending 24's whenever I've run into him/her, which is nice. Most of the time 24's are obnoxious people who threaten to get on their alliance 24 if we don't do what they say . . .

but there isn't anything pro about rolling rolling a 24 when the majority of the bracket is 20, and nothing pro about using free action potions, when the majority of the bracket can't use that potion.

but like always, there's nothing we can do, they have the right to play in this bracket as well. Plus no one forces you to rez at the GY. :)
Get a healer.


Imirak, what you said is like: This bully's parents pay their taxes but mine don't, so it's okay if he beats me up everyday and takes my lunch money cause this is his playground more then it is mine.

So called "entitlement" is not an excuse to be a bully, ever. And as far as Blizzard sells it, I have just as much of a right to play this game as the 24s, only difference is I don't pay for it. And us being leeches? The only reason this bracket isn't dead like all the others is it has a lasting reason to be alive, it's free. I think it's ironic when 24s whine about us not paying but us not paying is the only reason this 'bracket' even exists, only reason. Almost all the paid brackets are dead or go through a dead phase in-between people bringing them back. Let me re-phrase that, getting one WSG a week is not an 'active' bracket.

If F2P was gone, 24s would face their worst nightmare, themselves as made evident by this thread.

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