Premades vs AGMS?? You Decide


Hello all fellow Aerie Peakers. I have noticed lately a lot of toons moving to low pop servers for easy agms. Do you guys think it is worth it to have 12 stam and absorb 1k damage to be in random pugs, alone in que times, etc. Im really not sure at this point and before i make a toon on a different server I want some other peoples opinions. Thanks

The AGM convo has been worked over on this board ad naseum, and it has been determined that AGM is not remotely required, and you can be 10x a better player if you learn to keybind.
just get a second account and simu q with ap horde. :p. Youll be the one with the agm in the pack.
I just really can't decide to roll my next toon on an empty server i found or AP, the toons going to be a warrior. Which imo would be good with agms.
the agm is nice and i've gone crazy a few times because some 85's came and took the trinket for the achieve. It took me 3 months to get my first agm. at times i did wish i was on a less populated server but when i play a few arena games or bg with some friends i totally forget about it. plus i've seen some players do exceptionally well without agm. i guess it depends on the person whether he'd like an easy agm or not, but i myself would prefer some company.
Two things though. First, if AP is rolling 10, you aren't going to get in (which was often). Second, if you try to initiate the queue from another server people are going to hate you (like that holy paladin did a while ago). AP isn't a toy that you can play with from another server.
It's only worth rolling on AP if you plan on playing horde in my opinion. The alliance population is on life support. Roll a human on a low pop server and get dual AGMs.
But the Alliance people that are there are really nice, so if you are into levelling tons of alts, want to go Alliance, and want a bit of community, I wouldn't say AP is bad. Maybe the community is on life support right now, but as soon as more people show up, they'll be that life support. I don't think there's another Alliance community on any other server, anyway, is there?
But the Alliance people that are there are really nice, so if you are into levelling tons of alts, want to go Alliance, and want a bit of community, I wouldn't say AP is bad. Maybe the community is on life support right now, but as soon as more people show up, they'll be that life support. I don't think there's another Alliance community on any other server, anyway, is there?

It was definitely nice to have other ppl to hobknob with while fishing for LFH last Sunday. Consolation in numbers and all that x3
It was definitely nice to have other ppl to hobknob with while fishing for LFH last Sunday. Consolation in numbers and all that x3

I ought to dust off my priest and go fishing with you tomorrow. ^^
@evocate thanks.....ppl were find with it. Once the premades filled i went along with my own business no complaining no qq. What is your problem btw.
Meh, Aerie Peak is past it's prime. Just because you have tn people in a bg doesnt make it a premade.

Past it's prime? So you're suggesting we all secretly roll toons on another random server and not tell anyone about it?


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