Premades vs AGMS?? You Decide

WoW = Social Time

the agm is nice and i've gone crazy a few times because some 85's came and took the trinket for the achieve. It took me 3 months to get my first agm. at times i did wish i was on a less populated server but when i play a few arena games or bg with some friends i totally forget about it. plus i've seen some players do exceptionally well without agm. i guess it depends on the person whether he'd like an easy agm or not, but i myself would prefer some company.

I have a Completely Geared Hunter on Bleeding Hollow and I went through a few months and acquired 2 Guru trinkets and
I have left it behind to have more community and folks to Game with...
BUT, if the alliance community doesn't start doing more premades...
I'll either go back to BH or I can't believe I'm saying this... Become Horde on AP...
Yeah I'm exploring the idea of rolling a caster horde side. Maybe a resto sham or an ele sham or something on AP.

one more caster in ap.
Once you roll on AP, you won't want to play elsewhere. Just saving you the trouble now.

it took me two weeks to play somewhere else.
AP is the ideal server for twinks, but i don't want to put up with that much shit. So much idiotic conversations and flaming and bad trolling in f2p talk its just unbearable. Most people are randoms and are awful. All the leaders and good people went to different servers, like Baffi and what not.

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