Premades vs AGMS?? You Decide

D: I actually won't be fishing tomorrow :( I got a lot of packing to do :)

No troubles. :)
Packing is always fun! Today I decided on some impromptu vacationing in a week and I anticipate the packing. ^^

Marginally less off topic, hopefully some day soon:

Aerie Peak: A New Hope
Aerie Peak: Return of the Original Pro Twinks

AP alliance is getting so bad. A bunch of random, annoying awfuls. Honestly, I made a hunter on AP and i absolutely hate it. I just made a character on an empty server and i am having a much better time.
AP alliance is getting so bad. A bunch of random, annoying awfuls. Honestly, I made a hunter on AP and i absolutely hate it. I just made a character on an empty server and i am having a much better time.

Horde is the same way now.
AP alliance is getting so bad. A bunch of random, annoying awfuls. Honestly, I made a hunter on AP and i absolutely hate it. I just made a character on an empty server and i am having a much better time.

Ya man, that 8 STA makes twinking such a better time. No dueling, no arena, no communication....but LOOK AT MY STAMINA!
Ya man, that 8 STA makes twinking such a better time. No dueling, no arena, no communication....but LOOK AT MY STAMINA!

Who gives 2 shits about dueling? I won a duel. My epeen is big. Carry on. I have meh buddies in vent. And i don't give a care about arenas. And 8 stamina is way better than being with a bunch of retarted douche bags. Wouldn't you agree?

And this

WSG and Vent are all the communication and pvp I need.
Who gives 2 shits about dueling? I won a duel. My epeen is big. Carry on. I have meh buddies in vent. And i don't give a care about arenas. And 8 stamina is way better than being with a bunch of retarted douche bags. Wouldn't you agree?

And this

Winning duels doesnt mean shit, but they can be used to drastically up your 1v1 game.

Wsg is fun sure, but if that was all you needed for fun, you wouldn't be communicating on these forums. Half the fun of twink brackets is communication and ego, both of which are paramount in arena. We can't respect your skills unless you put up in that ring.
Winning duels doesnt mean shit, but they can be used to drastically up your 1v1 game.

Wsg is fun sure, but if that was all you needed for fun, you wouldn't be communicating on these forums. Half the fun of twink brackets is communication and ego, both of which are paramount in arena. We can't respect your skills unless you put up in that ring.

I'm not in twinking for ego and being the best there is. It's a game, have fun. And thats what im doing. I don't want to be surrounded by a bunch of immature, annoying, douche bags who jizz their pants when they win a duel.
Getting AGM in Aerie Peak is not impossible, it's just difficult.

You will get the best F2P experience by going Aerie Peak.
Posting on Twinkinfo.

Most of the people on here aren't epeen fags who all they have in their life is WoW. I'm one of them. A game is supposed to be fun, not life changing. If it's inspiried you in a good way, good for you.

Getting AGM in Aerie Peak is not impossible, it's just difficult.

You will get the best F2P experience by going Aerie Peak.

Honestly, My experience was fun the first few weeks. Then everyone started leaving and it became an Epeen war. I'm happy as ever on a deserted server.
I'm treating my f2p experience as a mostly single player game that can be played offline to level and played online for the end game stuff. I can farm anything I need by myself on Boulderfist without much problem. I can solo AGM with a little bit of patience or if I can ever get in touch with my friends. When I want to PvP I can queue and get in games. When I want to do dungeons I slap on my tank set and get in a dungeon. I can even head on over to other zones and engage in some world pvp if I choose to.

Although I do have friends on Aerie Peak that wouldn't really hesitate to help me if I wanted an AGM there, I'm not sure I'm cut out for being on a server where things are that packed. I've farmed all my profession stuff and done all my dailies so far with zero competition from other people. On AP I'm not sure how much that would happen. I just enjoy the idea that I can log on and do whatever and not have to worry about anyone else.
I'm treating my f2p experience as a mostly single player game that can be played offline to level and played online for the end game stuff. I can farm anything I need by myself on Boulderfist without much problem. I can solo AGM with a little bit of patience or if I can ever get in touch with my friends. When I want to PvP I can queue and get in games. When I want to do dungeons I slap on my tank set and get in a dungeon. I can even head on over to other zones and engage in some world pvp if I choose to.

Although I do have friends on Aerie Peak that wouldn't really hesitate to help me if I wanted an AGM there, I'm not sure I'm cut out for being on a server where things are that packed. I've farmed all my profession stuff and done all my dailies so far with zero competition from other people. On AP I'm not sure how much that would happen. I just enjoy the idea that I can log on and do whatever and not have to worry about anyone else.

There's is no more competition for those things on AP than any other server. Even the AGM is only a problem because of the 85 Achievers, not because of the massive amount of twinks.

You can justify your choice for not being on AP, but it's easier to remake here and play with us.
AP or low population server benefits? For me the low pop server option is better, as things currently stand.

Playing state side: I live in Europe and play on a shitty laptop, so the additional latency I'd get playing on a US server would be unacceptable to me.

General resources: When it comes to farming things (which us true f2p's have to do), I want the process to be as quick and painless as possible, so a low pop server with minimal competition serves me well.

AGM: It's not something I need, but as a completionist it's something I want. As previously stated, a quiet server can take a lot of the pain away, and I'm all for that. As for the QQ regarding AGM, lol really? Skill > AGM, so if it's an issue, L2P ;)

Community, premades, etc: The main reason to roll AP it seems, but personally such benefits are not high on my list of priorities. I find making friends on a quiet server quite easy, and when I bg, there are almost always regulars who are both skilled and friendly. That's more than enough community for me. As for premades/arenas, I'm not that fussed, and can live without. I'm also going to be brutally honest and say that although most AP TI contributors seem cool, I can't help but notice that many of the trolling/epeen dipshits on TI play there too. Major turn-off.

Hmm, think that's all I have to say on the matter for the moment. Quick shout out to notable EU players (inexact spelling) - Brokendemon (pala), Redesigned (priest), Zino (warrior), Zielle (shaman), Celestsys (priest), Flipzmytoast (hunter), Darro (hunter/rogue), Cavejuice (traitorbout theie eppe) ;)

makes me want to play my BH paladin. Albeit i find myself completely alone now that no one is there anymore (2 friends who god knows what happened), my community would be pug bgs. I got to meet some of the most amazing ppl by bgs. Thats all i would do just wsg after wsg after wsg and the occasional ab. Havent pug much after the two weeks in ap mainly because re gearing and attempting to find certain recipes can take a bit long. Some people can sometimes be dicks with large epeens talking down to new people who re roll in ap and labeling them as inferior. Yeah switch to another server and try to compete with some bis vs your dungeon gear. Premades are not even that common in ap only when bg weekends it seems. i could do 20 bgs before a premade gets going. In the end it didnt come out to what i was expecting and that expectation was arena addicted bg whores <3. Instead I found just the same 7 out of 20-30 ppl wanting to premade and have those same people tired by the third bg. People mention competition for the agm but i only see an organized alliance with 85s who wreck and troll any horde. Yeah horde is empty when it comes to 85s but even so alliance are better at attracting attention from 85s and have them come to help. Who knows maybe qqing will eventually land some horde an agm. But i guess ill stay in ap since i already have MM and swift pots from a lucky dungeon run i guess ill just do the same and do bg pugs and grind two boas a week :p. In the meantime ill turn f2pchat off and keep those ppl that i found the most rewarding to play with as friends and just mention that if ur itching for a duel or arenas to hit me up anytime ill drop that bg or dungeon group just for you for some heated brawls. Too bad the welcome was not even so rewarding having a certain player make accusations on how i left my BH community ( those 2 players that stopped playing) and was some sellout, annoying for attempting to make cross premade and was planning to use ap for premades as some tool and.....well i forgot how that part went didnt take a pic.

heck go to this very thread and read the second page first post. You know what iam talking about. I had fun cross realm simuqs no one seemed to bother. Its not like i made a scene for people not wanting to premade. They were willing to allow me to play with them. apparently you found it annoying and dont recall you playing with me at all. I found it so fun early on that i decided to re roll.
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I have to agree with Miacon, its not impossible finding a few other f2p'ers even on a low population server. But i guess i can't exactly speak on this matter...I took 3 months to get my first AGM lol :p

off topic: /salute miacon. I've actually kinda left the game though. Come on once a week now and only play like 1 or 2 bg's...

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