Premade <or> Pugging?

I like PuG'ing. But it sucks when either side gets steam rolled. Though, the most challenging games only come when you're PuG'ing. You've just gotta cross your fingers and hope neither team is absolutely bad.

Premading only in the evening to hang out with friends. BG's are also a hell lot more unbalanced in the evenings with Horde full of 24's and Alliance full of baddies. Queueing on Alliance with friends makes that a hell lot more bearable.
This question is really quite simple.. People who like premades like wow for the social aspect and for having easy wins while people who pug like having a challenge of pvp. Some people don't but I make pugs social and try getting people to talk so premades aren't really worth the bordeness of constant 3 caps for me personally. Pugging gets annoying for sure when you get bad group after bad group and facerolling gets boring quickly.. It all basically stems down to why you play wow. To be challenged or to be social.

Not sure if premades have rose so much as of late because people want to faceroll (what I'm leaning towards) or because people are enjoying the social aspect more lately of this bracket.
I have to disagree.

I don't think the issue is that simple :)

When you pug, there's a good chance the game is going to be awful, for a lot of reasons. I'm not a very social person, so pugs are kind of intimidating to me (this goes both ways really, full premades are awkward too). Telling people I don't know that maybe we should do this or do that is quite awkward for me.

Now, if I'm in a group with people I like, I have two ways to win! First I have people I can count on and who won't tell me I'm an idiot for suggesting something. That makes me feel at home. Secondly, even if the game is unbearably bad, I'm still probably having fun cause I'm hanging out with friends :eek:

And the end of the day, winning or losing isn't that big of a deal. I'm really bad at being competitive, I'll "throw" a game cause someone I like is on the other side. There are a lot more important things to me than winning. I try really hard to win, I always play the objective, I'm almost always on point and if I'm not I'll be there shortly. In the end though, it's the game that matters, yeah the end is great too but it's the story that matters. All stories must have an ending but the ending doesn't change what you had experienced up to that point.

Every good games has a struggle, both sides are good, tough. They play the objective, the battles are hard fought and back and forth. Give and take, give and take. Stacks are high but still no returns, no caps. Then something amazing happens, someone does something crazy, and the game changes. Then the game ends in victory or bitter sweet defeat as the other team caps just as the game is about to end, in a triumphant last call. You're either screaming "yes" or "no" but everyone is thinking "damn, that was an awesome game". Win or lose, it was a good game!

Kind of- got off course there, heh, I'll stop ramblin' now :)
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I have to disagree.

I don't think the issue is that simple :)

When you pug, there's a good chance the game is going to be awful, for a lot of reasons. I'm not a very social person, so pugs are kind of intimidating to me (this goes both ways really, full premades are awkward too). Telling people I don't know that maybe we should do this or do that is quite awkward for me.

Now, if I'm in a group with people I like, I have two ways to win! First I have people I can count on and who won't tell me I'm an idiot for suggesting something. That makes me feel at home. Secondly, even if the game is unbearably bad, I'm still probably having fun cause I'm hanging out with friends :eek:

And the end of the day, winning or losing isn't that big of a deal. I'm really bad at being competitive, I'll "throw" a game cause someone I like is on the other side. There are a lot more important things to me than winning. I try really hard to win, I always play the objective, I'm almost always on point and if I'm not I'll be there shortly. In the end though, it's the game that matters, yeah the end is great too but it's the story that matters. All stories must have an ending but the ending doesn't change what you had experienced up to that point.

Every good games has a struggle, both sides are good, tough. They play the objective, the battles are hard fought and back and forth. Give and take, give and take. Stacks are high but still no returns, no caps. Then something amazing happens, someone does something crazy, and the game changes. Then the game ends in victory or bitter sweet defeat as the other team caps just as the game is about to end, in a triumphant last call. You're either screaming "yes" or "no" but everyone is thinking "damn, that was an awesome game". Win or lose, it was a good game!

Kind of- got off course there, heh, I'll stop ramblin' now :)

You put this all so well - I think you described my Pug/Premade situation nearly spot on!
I hope Lil has seen this so she doesn't immediately continue think anybody who premades is scum... I just play for the social aspect... and I am NOT competitive at all, it's a game for me.
This question is really quite simple.. People who like premades like wow for the social aspect and for having easy wins while people who pug like having a challenge of pvp. Some people don't but I make pugs social and try getting people to talk so premades aren't really worth the bordeness of constant 3 caps for me personally. Pugging gets annoying for sure when you get bad group after bad group and facerolling gets boring quickly.. It all basically stems down to why you play wow. To be challenged or to be social.

Not sure if premades have rose so much as of late because people want to faceroll (what I'm leaning towards) or because people are enjoying the social aspect more lately of this bracket.

So, if i'm understanding correctly. The challenge for yourself is dealing with terrible players and a team that doesn't communicate? That is pretty hard. I think You're assuming that all premades are facerolls. maybe the 10-15 ones are, but i normally run 5's on MG. Today we played a 5 man AP. We lost, by a few hundred points, but i would say it was pretty damn challenging and fun. Theres just something about knowing you're about to jump in the ring with pro players and duke it out that i really dig. Do you play on a lonely server, or does no one want to play with you?
both are fun in their own ways but ive always been a pugger at heart. playing with friends is fun for sure but i really enjoy trying to deal with the pug team you get assigned. i do wish WoW taught new players how to focus, burst, cc, etc better and didnt rely on them having to learn it on their own or from other players, but even if my teammates dont know how to do any of that and cant focus i still have fun trying to carry the group or teaching anyone who is willing to listen. i do get frustrated sometimes, especially on my mage or warrior, but theres nothing i can do about that as long as i know i did what i could.
I have to disagree.

I never really based my argument around winning or losing however your last 2 paragraphs seemed to address that. Winning isn't everything and that's for sure. Better games are games you lose however you would know since you have been around this bracket long enough.. How often do 5 person premades lose? How often do 5 person premades have a tough game? I'd say maybe 1/5 or maybe 1/10 games are a tough game or any kind of challenge for them. I'm not here to bash premades or any1 who does and didn't try basing my argument around that..

It is that simple imo and what I have seen since I have been here is that majority of premades do so to faceroll. Some also do so for the social aspect which can be argued is the main reason of WoW. Pugs can be aggravating however the only real consistent challenge you will get out of this bracket is pugging and for me personally I play this game for a challenge so I prefer pugs..
So, if i'm understanding correctly. The challenge for yourself is dealing with terrible players and a team that doesn't communicate? That is pretty hard. I think You're assuming that all premades are facerolls. maybe the 10-15 ones are, but i normally run 5's on MG. Today we played a 5 man AP. We lost, by a few hundred points, but i would say it was pretty damn challenging and fun. Theres just something about knowing you're about to jump in the ring with pro players and duke it out that i really dig. Do you play on a lonely server, or does no one want to play with you?
Yes dealing with pugs is a challenge. Having 4 other good players guaranteed isn't normally a challenge. Like I said you either play premades with MG for the social aspect of playing with some friends or to faceroll. If you do so for the social aspect then you probably get the unwanted side effect of getting easy bgs however I never said you have to be wanting to do both while premading. It can be either/or. Since you are ally I guess there could be another option and that's to counter the faceroll however how many facerolls did it take for your MG crew to meet the AP crew and actually have a competitive game? Just curious.. I know cause I have done quite a bit of premades with flex n them and almost all were facerolls cause MG is probably the best server by far skill wise but they were still their own version of fun.

I like carrying a pug or winning games thanks to my own effort that we should have never won more personally. Like I said I become social (in a good or bad way depending on the group) in bgs and sure some bgs are completely aggravating and some make me mad when I am literally the only good person there but I still think getting mad or angry is better then getting bored and quitting cause when mad or angry sometimes you are a better player however when bored you normally just want to get off. 5 person premades just aren't my thing or fit why I play. As for the server thing I do play on a low pop server for sure and I really don't care if people wouldn't want to play with me (even though ik ppl do) cause most pugs I meet 2-3 people who know me and sometimes work with me so premading would have been pointless.

Like I said I'm not here to bash one side (keeping my anti premade faceroll opinions out of this) but instead just giving how I view pugging and premading just like every other person (some has said the exact samething as me) has ^-^
I prefer premading. It's like 80% win chance.
I enjoy playing with 1-2 like-minded people. I'm perfectly happy pugging, so I'll usually choose that over queuing with people I don't know (or who play much differently than I do). Its been a couple months since I've done 5 mans, but they can definitely be fun with a good group. Premades are like hunters! - they have the lowest fun (skill) floor with the highest fun (skill) cap, they're really effing frustrating to have on your team when they don't play objectively and the skeying ones can beat you when you have no support. The easy games are a waste of time, but nothing can top a game that's close because both teams played well. Two solid opposing groups make for the best games.
Generally speaking I enjoy playing with 1-2 like minded people (but who play in a similar fashion). If I don't need to type that I'm doing something or guess what my bud is doing it's better. 'Suppose vent/skype solves all those problems though...

Anywoozle, depending on how I'm feeling sometimes I'm really into PuG v Premade. I enjoy trying to outplay a group of reasonably decent players. Sometimes I get the itch to 5 man premade. And then I start searching for people x-realm. Sometimes I want to PuG, even when the option to play with people is there. Sometimes it's social. Sometimes it's not. I wouldn't say it's ever OMGIWANTTOFACEROLL. Mostly because that can/does happen regardless of grouping.
I always thought of premading as a way to avoid GETTING facerolled rather than being the ones doing the facerolling
Premading, impossible to beat a horde 7-8 healer comp with a pug. I heard you like heals, so we put a healer in your healer so you could heal while you heal :3

Didn't they changed that in a patch, where both teams have plus/minus 1 healer ?

Also, 100% pugging since 2011 and I highly dislike premades on either side.
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Didn't they changed that in a patch, where both teams have plus/minus 1 healer ?

Also, 100% pugging since 2011 and I highly dislike premades on either side.

People still cheese it to get in. You can queue as dps if you're really a healer. Typically you'll see mostly fotm ele shammys, a few rdruids, balance druids, hpals and priests, all these have medium to strong heals. Typically you're not going to break through that and down a key healer. Today though MG had a 5 man going and we managed to beat an 8-9 AP premade which was pretty cool. Lost to a different 5 man AP premade with swelly though. Dem heals are l33t.
People still cheese it to get in. You can queue as dps if you're really a healer. Typically you'll see mostly fotm ele shammys, a few rdruids, balance druids, hpals and priests, all these have medium to strong heals. Typically you're not going to break through that and down a key healer. Today though MG had a 5 man going and we managed to beat an 8-9 AP premade which was pretty cool. Lost to a different 5 man AP premade with swelly though. Dem heals are l33t.

swelly doesn't lose. She premades to make sure of that so when you see a AP failmade with her in it you know it's normally a loss

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