Premade <or> Pugging?


Which do you prefer Premading or Pugging, personally i prefer pugging and playing by me self when doing bgs, but sometimes its fun to do premades ;) and i just thought if pugging was a word?
I prefer both but i usually solo que so pugging for me.

so dude are you dirtdriud? if you are, think you have a feral driud do? Driftdriud i believe, if its you man, you are the best fucking feral driud i've seen man. Your the only feral driud who got more kills and DMG in a bg with my hunter. Your an amazing driud, if its you ;)
Grp queueing with a few frriends and talk shit about eyepatches is always on top of my list.
I prefer premades but sometimes my premades are as bad as pugs. :p

I guess I am old and crotchety and everyone I liked/could put up with has stopped playing this bracket lol.
there's very few people left in wow i can stand being in the same bg as, never-mind the same grp...

Exodar, ColinasPardas, Minahonda, Shen'dralar and Tyrande are all excellent servers full of pros.

Germans > Spanish > Portugese > French = Russian in terms of server quality spread over languages. The last 2 usually consist of 24 premades are really, really awful. They are likely to make your eyes faster pregnant than an American teen girl on Facebook.
I pug, I can only log on for 1 to 2 battles. I prefer to get in, get out and get back to work.
Premades. When you get a consistant crew going, its a ton of fun. Though I will do the occasional pug to meet...interesting...individuals :p

This question is really quite simple.. People who like premades like wow for the social aspect and for having easy wins while people who pug like having a challenge of pvp. Some people don't but I make pugs social and try getting people to talk so premades aren't really worth the bordeness of constant 3 caps for me personally. Pugging gets annoying for sure when you get bad group after bad group and facerolling gets boring quickly.. It all basically stems down to why you play wow. To be challenged or to be social.

Not sure if premades have rose so much as of late because people want to faceroll (what I'm leaning towards) or because people are enjoying the social aspect more lately of this bracket.

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