Powerglove's 39 Arms/Fury Warrior Guide

39 Warrior guide written by Powerglove - Perenolde for patch 3.2

link to my pvp videos:

1: http://warcraftmovies.com/movieview.php?id=102895

2: http://warcraftmovies.com/movieview.php?id=119965

2.5: http://wwwnew.filefront.com/14322563/arenas.wmv/

Updated 3/29/2010


As you're gearing up, it's important your gear contains a balance of stats. Luckily, the gear with maximum itemization at this level is pretty balanced, so going with the top gear in every slot will yeild good results.

For 39 warriors, itemization can be split into two parts: offensive and defensive stats. Offensive stats are Attack Power (AP) and Crit. Defensive stats are Stamina and Armor. Every gear selection has a tradeoff of each of these four stats.

Since most of your gear you'll be choosing from has pretty balanced stats, every stat has an equal diminishing effect (less so for Armor than other stats), where the more and more you stack of one, the less and less you can stack of the others. For example, if you are going for the maximum possible AP level on a 39 warrior, you will have to take an item that has 11 Str/3 stam over an item that has 5 str/14 crit/10 stam (these aren't actual values). The latter of these has far superior itemization, but the farther you reach to obtain AP, the more you have to let go of all your other stats.

Aside from diminishing stats on gear, having balanced stats benefits you in other ways.

Your offensive stats, AP and Crit, work like two variables in a multiplication problem. The more you have of one, the more effective the other one is at producing a higher product.

If you have 800 AP and only 10% crit, you will do more damage on non-crits, but your overall damage is being bottlenecked by your lack of crit. Likewise, if you have 400 AP buffed and 40% crit, you will be critting a lot, but probably not for much more than you would be with ordinary attacks with the other setup. If you stack too much AP and Crit together, you will die way too fast.

Your Attack Table

This isn't just for warriors, but I feel that if you play a warrior, it is important to understand how this works.

Every time you swing your weapon, the random number generator chooses whether it's a dodge, miss, crit, parry, etc. This all depends on your stats and your opponent's avoidances.

Here's how this is calculated:

Take your chance to hit and crit. For demonstration purposes, let's say you have 0 hit rating (which means 5% chance to miss with a 2h), and 25% chance to crit. Your target has 0 avoidance.

You have:

5% chance to miss

0% chance to dodge

0% chance to parry

25% chance to crit

70% chance to get an ordinary hit (100%-5%-25%)

The random number generator picks a number from 1 to 100 that decides what happens when you swing. If it rolls 1-5, you miss. If it rolls 6-30, you crit. If it rolls 31+, you get an ordinary hit.

In pvp, your opponents will always have some sort of avoidance, so let's do it again but this time we will use realistic stats.

You are hit capped (still have 1% chance to miss), you have 30% crit chance, and your opponent has 20% dodge and 5% parry.

1% miss

20% dodge

5% parry

30% crit

44% ordinary hit (100%-1%-20%-5%-30%)

RNG picks a number again from 1 to 100. A 1 will mean you miss, 2-21 will be a dodge, 22-26 will be a parry, 27-56 will be a crit, and 57+ will be an ordinary hit.

Due to these mechanics (crit never being affected by avoidances until crit% > ordinary hit%), crit itemization becomes stronger when your opponent has a lot of avoidance or you aren't hit capped UP TO the point where your crit chance = your chance for your swing to land on your target. If a prot warrior stacked avoidance and you only had a 25% chance for your swing to land, but you have 30% crit, 5% of that is being wasted on him. This isn't a common situation though.

In a perfectly ideal situation, you will be hit capped and your opponent will have very little avoidance. In this situation, the more crit you stack, the less and less crit benefits your overall damage. Let's say you are at 25% crit and you stack on 1% more crit to your gear to hit 26%. Going from 25% crit to 26% crit is a 4% increase in the chance you have for your swing to be a crit.

Let's say that now you are up to 30% crit, and you want to stack on another 1% to hit 31% crit. This is now a 3.3% increase in the chance your swings have to crit.


I've listed the gear in each section from best to worst (top to bottom, respectively). This is just a general overlook of the available items. I didn't rank them, but generally, items I find better are at the top of their slot lists.

In your gear, you'll want to go for the maximum itemization. Itemization is the amount of effective stats an item grants. Max itemization on every item will give you the most of every stat in the long run.

Warriors are one of the more difficult classes to fully gear at 39. If you're going for a perfect twink, having an 80 main is necessary.


[item]Bloodied Arcanite Reaper[/item]

[item]Pendulum of Doom[/item]

[item]Reforged Truesilver Champion[/item]

[item]Lumbering Ogre Axe[/item]

[item]Whirlwind Axe[/item]

[item]The Pacifier[/item]


[item]Shovelphlange's Mining Axe[/item] (if Axe Spec)

[item]Legionnaire's Sword[/item] (if Sword Spec)

[item]Mallet of Zul'Farrak[/item] (if Mace/Axe spec, or 2h fury) - see post #4

[item]Stonevault Bonebreaker[/item] (if Mace Spec)


[item]Legionnaire's Sword[/item]

[item]Mallet of Zul'Farrak[/item]

[item]Vanquisher's Sword[/item]

I haven't done any math yet on whether it would be more effective to use zf mallet in main hand or off hand.


[item]Aegis of the Scarlet Commander[/item]

[item]The Green Tower[/item]


[item]Whirling Steel Axes[/item] crafted

[item]Baelog's Shortbow[/item] only if youre not at 30 hit rating


[item]Raging Berserker's Helm[/item]


[item]Medal of Courage[/item]

[item]Scout's Medallion[/item]

[item]Darkmoon Pendant[/item]


[item]Polished Spaulders of Valor[/item]

[item]Strengthened Stockade Pauldrons[/item]

[item]Revelosh's Spaulders[/item]


[item]Scorpashi Cape[/item]


[item]Polished Breastplate of Valor[/item]

[item]Blood-tinged Armor[/item] (Horde only)

[item]Robes of the Lich[/item]

[item]Captain's Breastplate[/item]

[item]Gelkis Marauder Chain[/item]


[item]Revelosh's Armguards[/item]

[item]Crushridge Bindings[/item]


[item]Gloves of Holy Might[/item]

[item]Gauntlets of Divinity[/item]

[item]Revelosh's Gloves[/item]


[item]Ogron's Sash[/item]

[item]Boar Champion's Belt[/item]


[item]Legguards of the Vault[/item]

[item]Scarlet Leggings[/item]

[item]Firemane Leggings[/item]


[item]Ironheel Boots[/item] (Alliance only)

[item]Worn Running Boots[/item] (Horde only)

[item]Ancient Greaves[/item]

EDIT: I'm taking [item]Golden Scale Boots[/item] off of this list. Before I understood the way armor pen worked, I thought they were good. The bottom line of arp rating is that unless you can stack a lot of it, it's not good. These boots give you ~2% arp, which would lower a 1550k armor target (about what my warrior has) to 1519 armor, which only reduces damage mitigation from 29.44% to 29.02%. [item]Ironheel Boots[/item] and [item]Worn Running Boots[/item] are way better. Armor penetration is most effective when you have a lot of it because damage mitigation is not linear.


EDIT: There's an 'of the Soldier' ring (str/stam/crit rating) you get from the daily random instance reward satchel. This is best in slot along with Aquamarine Signet

[item]Aquamarine Signet[/item] of the bear

[item]Legionnaire's Band[/item]

[item]Truesilver Commander's Ring[/item]


[item]Insignia of the Horde[/item]

[item]Arena Grand Master[/item]

[item]Figurine - Black Pearl Panther[/item] req jc 215

[item]Figurine - Golden Hare[/item] req jc 200

[item]Tidal Charm[/item]

[item]Mark of the Chosen[/item]



Enchant Weapon - Crusader

Steel Weapon Chain

EDIT: If you are vehemently opposed to taking weapon mastery, put a weapon chain on your 1h and keep crusader on your 2h. Rogues will tear you apart if they can disarm you for 10 seconds. If you do take Weapon Mastery, Crusader is always the best enchant, bar none.


Steel Weapon Chain

Enchant Weapon - Crusader


Librams were given a lvl 50 requirement in 3.1, so there are no helm enchants.


Enchant Cloak - Greater Agility


Enchant Chest - Exceptional Stats

Enchant Chest - Exceptional Health


Enchant Bracer - Brawn

Enchant Bracer - Stats

Enchant Bracer - Fortitude


Enchant Gloves - Precise Strikes

Enchant Gloves - Blasting

Enchant Gloves - Major Strength

Enchant Gloves - Superior Agility


Librams were given a level 50 requirement and leg armors were given a level 60 requirement in 3.1, so there are no leg enchants.


Enchant Boots - Surefooted

Enchant Boots - Boar's Speed

Enchant Boots - Cat's Swiftness

Enchant Boots - Fortitude

My suggested builds:

Alliance (Human)

[item]Bloodied Arcanite Reaper[/item] Crusader

[item]Mallet of Zul'Farrak[/item] Weapon Chain, or Crusader if you have 2/2 Weapon Mastery

[item]Aegis of the Scarlet Commander[/item] 18 Stamina

[item]Whirling Steel Axes[/item]

[item]Raging Berserker's Helm[/item]

[item]Medal of Courage[/item]

[item]Polished Spaulders of Valor[/item]

[item]Scorpashi Cape[/item] 12 Agility

[item]Polished Breastplate of Valor[/item] +4 Stats

[item]Revelosh's Armguards[/item] 12 Str

[item]Gloves of Holy Might[/item] 15 Hit

[item]Ogron's Sash[/item]

[item]Legguards of the Vault[/item]

[item]Ironheel Boots[/item] Surefooted or Boar's Speed

[item]Aquamarine Signet[/item]

[item]Legionnaire's Band[/item]

[item]Tidal Charm[/item]

[item]Arena Grand Master[/item]


[item]Bloodied Arcanite Reaper[/item] Crusader

[item]Mallet of Zul'Farrak[/item] Weapon Chain, or Crusader if you have 2/2 Weapon Mastery

[item]Aegis of the Scarlet Commander[/item] 18 Stamina

[item]Whirling Steel Axes[/item]

[item]Raging Berserker's Helm[/item]

[item]Medal of Courage[/item]

[item]Polished Spaulders of Valor[/item]

[item]Scorpashi Cape[/item] 12 Agility

[item]Polished Breastplate of Valor[/item] +4 Stats

[item]Revelosh's Armguards[/item] 12 Str

[item]Gloves of Holy Might[/item] 15 Hit

[item]Ogron's Sash[/item]

[item]Legguards of the Vault[/item]

[item]Worn Running Boots[/item] Surefooted or Boar's Speed

[item]Aquamarine Signet[/item]

[item]Legionnaire's Band[/item]

[item]Insignia of the Horde[/item]

[item]Arena Grand Master[/item]

Gear sets vary between races. See post #5

Glyphs are now included in the links to each spec.

30/0/0 Bleed

-There's a disparity between gearing for bleed spec and gearing for the spec below. Speccing bleeds requires that you have the hardest hitting weapon (Pendulum of Doom), and does not rely as much on crit gearing. With this spec, you should be fine with around 20% crit because you will still be keeping rend up and getting taste for blood procs, where you have a high chance of reapplying deep wounds to your target before it expires.

27/3/0 I want to be arms but I didn't roll a warrior to be a melee warlock spec

-39 Warriors have trouble with generating enough rage to do things they can do at higher levels, due in part to their lack of talents. This build will let you hit harder and crit more. I took Iron Will over Imp. Charge because I believe the stun duration to be far superior.

-You may swap 2h spec for Taste for Blood. It's all preference. Or you can take both and be a badass.

-Dropping Weapon Mastery for 5/5 cruelty makes this a full crit spec.

-If you spec for sweeping strikes, always always always glyph for it.

0/30/0 Fury

-Imp intercept is back in the fury tree! This spec's damage lies within flurry. With flurry procced you will put out more dps than any other spec if you are glued to your target. Don't expect to out-burst an arms warrior without Death Wish though.

-Rogues will own you as this spec because you don't have imp. overpower.

-You can trade off talent points and gear itemization with this spec in regards to hit (spec more into precision if you'd rather take 15 str to gloves, etc)

-A note about death wish: this talent will make you do more damage than impale when you have it up. Impale only increases crit damage by 20%, so your crit multiplier is 220%. With death wish, your normal attacks do 20% more damage (120%), which makes your crit multiplier 240%. Time death wish with crusader procs and call a swap. You can kill people real fast.

I took out the retard specs that nobody in their right mind would use.



[item]Glyph of Hamstring[/item]

[item]Glyph of Whirlwind[/item]

[item]Glyph of Sweeping Strikes[/item]

[item]Glyph of Execution[/item]

[item]Glyph of Rending[/item]


[item]Glyph of Charge[/item]

Equip 1h/Shield you can type in /equip and shift click your items to fill their names in




Equip 1h/1h For DW warriors



Defensive Stance/Taunt Taunting pets off of people made faster

#showtooltip Taunt

/cast Defensive Stance

/cast Taunt

Hamstring + Attack Hamstring will turn on your autoattack when you have 10+ rage. This macro turns autoattack on no matter how much rage you have. I use this macro for all of my damage abilities, not just hamstring.

#showtooltip Hamstring

/cast Hamstring


Mouseover Int Shout Int shout makes your target stand in place while feared, while all the others run around. The person you casted it on will be freed from fear if they are damaged, but the others can have dots ticking on them and still be feared. Therefore it is important to choose the correct target, and you can't always target swap. easily.

#showtooltip Intimidating Shout

/cast [target=mouseover] Intimidating Shout

Focus Intercept

I recommend downloading the addon Quartz. This is an addon with a focus target cast bar in it. You can set a target as your focus target using /focus. With this focus intercept macro, you can switch to berserker stance, target your focus target, and interrupt his cast with an intercept by mashing one button. It looks very impressive and will probably get you laid irl if enough people see you doing it.

/cast berserker stance

/target focus

/cast intercept

Focus Pummel/Shield Bash

It's important to keep your kill target targeted so your white attacks aren't interrupted. Sometimes you'll need to pummel a caster when they're right next to your target. If they're set as your focus target, you can interrupt them with this macro while keeping your current target. If you have a shield equipped and you're in battle/defensive stance, this will shield bash them.

/cast [target=focus] pummel

/cast [target=focus] shield bash
Random things

Mallet of Zul'Farrak vs. Shovelphlange's Mining Axe with 5/5 Poleaxe Spec

These calculations average out every attack (including crits), so this is about what your damage would look like on a deeprun rat.

SPMA = Shovelphlange's Mining Axe

MZF = Mallet of Zul'Farrak

y=damage (output)

x=attack power (input)

Basically just put your AP in for x and calculate it and you'll get your damage

MZF white damage formula: y=(3.1x+1449.56)/14

SPMA white damage formula: y=(3.6526x+1314.936)/14

MZF yellow damage formula: y=(2.976x+1449.56)/14

SPMA yellow damage forumula: y=3.1308x+1314.936)/14

putting each set of equations together you get the intersections:

SPMA white swings hit harder than MZF after 244 AP

SPMA yellow swings hit harder than MZF after 870 AP

With a perfect setup, youll have 650-700 AP with battle shout up, so your damage would look something like this (not including AP from weapon stats). Not mitigated.

MZF white: 253

SPMA white: 270

SPMA > MZF by ~17 damage

MZF yellow: 247

SPMA yellow: 245

MZF > SPMA by ~2 damage

As your AP gets higher, SPMA's damage pulls further and further away from MZF.

They are very close, and while the dps on MZF is higher by around 8 dps, the benefits from a swing timer reset are good enough for a number junkie to drool over.

Furthermore, putting crusader on SPMA would yield more procs than MZF. Crusader is a 1 ppm enchant, so SPMA (2.8 speed) would proc it 1 in every 21.4 hits, and MZF (2.5 speed) would proc it once in every 24 hits.


MZF for survivability and looks

SPMA for damage

You can look at every benefit that each races get elsewhere, so I'll only bring up the ones that will affect your gear choices here.


-Your racial is a 2 minute pvp trinket, so you can take a pvp trinket off your list of items to get, and get 2 other trinkets. Mark of the Chosen and Tidal Charm are good bets

-Humans get .75% expertise with swords and maces, making the ZF mallet and WSG sword more viable as 1h weapons


-Dwarves get 1.25% expertise with maces, making them more viable. The ZF mallet is the best 1h choice for dwarf arms warriors w/ poleaxe spec.


-You gain an extra 1% hit from being Draenei. This is equal to ~7 hit rating, enough to be hit capped with just precise strikes (15 hit to gloves) and surefooted (10 hit 10 crit to boots) enchants. This is a nice advantage, since you can use Scarlet Leggings and have a nice AP boost that other warriors won't have from their legs.


-Orcs get 1.25% expertise with axes, making them far and away the best choice for weapons. PoD/BAR/Shovelphlanges are the best weapons for orcs.
Review of Talents

Since comparing and contrasting talents is the best way to understand your spec, I'll explain the mechanics behind every one of them.


Tier 1

Improved Heroic Strike (3 pts) - Reduces the cost of your Heroic Strike ability by 1/2/3 rage points. Your heroic strikes now cost 12 rage. HS is just a rage dump, and I think if you're looking to dump rage, conserving rage while doing it is kind of pointless.

Deflection (5 pts) - Increases your chance to Parry by 1/2/3/4/5%. This increases your avoidance by 5%, which is very helpful vs. other melee classes. When you parry an opponent's attack, your next swing comes 40% faster. If you have a 4.00 speed weapon, it reduces your swing time to 2.8. With 10% parry your rage will be building faster and you'll be doing more damage vs melee classes. Be advised, this mechanic is being changed in Cataclysm.

Improved Rend (2 pts) - Increases the bleed damage done by your rend ability by 10/20%. For warriors who actually use rend often (i.e. want to spec Taste for Blood or Trauma), this is your best 1st tier talent. Rend was buffed a lot after patch 3.0, so its damage is respectable even without this talent.

Tier 2

Improved Charge (2 pts) - Increases the amount of rage generated by your Charge ability by 5/10. Good for an extra 10 rage at the start of a fight when you can actually get charge off. Unfortunately, you don't always get that chance. This is the weakest 2nd tier talent.

Iron Will (3 pts) - Reduces the duration of Stun and Charm effects on you by 7/14/20%. Most classes have some sort of stun at this level, so stun duration is a pretty huge bonus. You'll often find that ~1 second off every Cheap Shot, HoJ, Kidney shot, etc. helps you out quite a bit.

Tactical Mastery (3 pts) - You retain an additional 5/10/15 rage when you change stances. I cannot live without this talent. With it, you have the ability to whirlwind, intercept -> hamstring, disarm, etc. right after you change stances. This is probably the biggest buff to your utility out of any other talent.

Tier 3

Improved Overpower (2 pts) - Increases the critical strike chance of your Overpower ability by 25/50%. You will not stand a chance against rogues without 2 pts in this talent. Overpower is one of your only 3 direct damaging attacks at 39, and it's not worth switching stances to use without this talent.

Anger Management (1 pt) - Generates 1 rage per 3 seconds. This is a static rage generation buff. At 39 you don't have Second Wind, so your rage generation sucks. Without this talent you'll find yourself rage starved quite a bit. It's almost impossible to beat priests without this.

Impale (2 pts) - Increases the critical strike damage bonus of your abilities by 10/20%. This is the secret behind your burst damage. With it, your critical strike damage multiplier for abilities (yellow attacks) goes from 200% to 220%. With an ordinary 500 overpower crit, you'll be doing 550 instead.

Deep Wounds (3 pts) - Your critical strikes cause the opponent to bleed, dealing 16/32/48% of your weapon's average damage over 6 seconds. This deals ((MINDMG+MAXDMG)/2)/6 damage every second to your opponent when you crit. It makes a big difference in most fights since it adds on about 80 damage to your critical strikes (more with trauma).

Tier 4

Two-Handed Weapon Specialization (3 pts) - Increases the damage you deal with two-handed melee weapons by 2/4/6%. A 6% static damage increase is huge. You'll generate 6% more rage with white attacks, do more damage with deep wounds, and put out much larger numbers against people. Unfortunately, once you swap to your 1h/shield you won't receive the bonus from this talent anymore.

Taste for Blood (3 pts) - Whenever your Rend ability causes damage, you have a 10/20/30% chance of allowing the use of your Overpower ability for 5 seconds. This, generally, is a warrior's biggest damage move at 39. The only drawback is that you'll be required to switch to battle stance a lot in order to use it. The optimal time for using this is while pummel is on cooldown with hamstring on your target.

Tier 5

Weapon Specializations (5 pts) - Poleaxe gives 5% chance to crit and 5% critical strike damage, Sword gives a 5% chance to get a free swing after an attack, and Mace gives 15% armor penetration. In pvp without resilience, poleaxe is far better than the other specs, especially in a bracket where all the best 2h weapons are axes. Mace spec is useless (read the golden scale boots comment in the gear section under foot armor), and the 5% crit from axe spec will increase your overall damage much more than sword spec. Sword spec has the biggest potential for burst damage, and Poleaxe has the most reliable. With poleaxe spec, impale, and 2h weapon mastery, your critical strike damage multiplier is 237% on yellow attacks.

Sweeping Strikes (1 pt) - 30 rage, your next 5 melee attacks strike an additional nearby opponent. Many people say this is an awesome talent, but I don't really like it. At 39, 30 rage for an ability is insane. Even with Glyph of Sweeping Strikes, you don't get your rage back for another 12 seconds, and you take up a glyph. If you enjoy doing battlegrounds and camping the enemy graveyard, this is a good ability to get. If you're looking to do arenas, you won't use this ability much.

Tier 6

Weapon Mastery (2 pts) - Staple talent. 2% less chance for your attacks to be dodged is amazing vs rogues. Having your disarm duration shortened by talents makes it so you can enchant your weapons with crusader instead of a weapon chain.

Improved Hamstring (3 pts) - Gives your hamstring a 5/10/15% chance to immobilize your target for 5 seconds. This is a great talent, but is not worth sacrificing 3% crit or 2 points in trauma for. Glyph of Hamstring is the equivalent of 2 points in this talent, so you do not need to take this.

Trauma (2 pts) - Your melee critical strikes increase the effectiveness of bleed effects on the target by 15/30% for 60 seconds. This is one of the biggest damage increases for warriors using bleeds. If you're specced into the other bleed talents or you have a feral druid you do bgs/arenas with, there's no reason not to take this.


Tier 1

Armored to the Teeth (3 pts) - 3 points in this talent gives you around 42 AP at this level, which is almost like multiplying your battle shout AP by 150%. Definitely get this talent if you need the points to get to the 3rd tier of fury.

Booming Voice (2 pts) - Not having to battle shout as often isn't something I find useful enough to spend 2 points in. The increased range and duration on Demoralizing Shout, however, is. Without this talent, rogues will be able to restealth and reopen on you easily. A lot of times I get cheap shotted even after my dem shout goes off. With a larger shout radius, I am able to shout them out from a further distance rather than waiting for them to get close enough for an opener.

Cruelty (5 pts) - A large amount of crit is essential for any successful warrior. You can sacrifice some points in this talent for better talents in the arms tree (i.e. weapon mastery, trauma), but if you're going more than 10 points in fury, I'd recommend maxing out your first tier of talents in fury.

Tier 2

Improved Demoralizing Shout (5 pts) - 5 pts in this talent only buffs your dem shout's AP reduction by 28, which is dismal. On top of that, it's useless vs. any caster. This talent is awful.

Unbridled Wrath (5 pts) - A chance for an extra 1 rage on a white swing doesn't even compare to Armored to the Teeth/Cruelty, which both buff your damage, and in turn, the rage you'll gain from white swings. Don't take this talent.

Tier 3

Improved Cleave (3 pts) - Increases cleave damage by 42. It's a sizeable increase, but you won't be using cleave all that often with the little rage you have at 39. I wouldn't take this over other talents.

Piercing Howl (1 pt) - Staple talent if you're speccing fury. This talent lets you AoE snare other players without being hindered by avoidances like dodge/parry/etc. Also, you'll be able to snare people when they are just out of your melee range, which happens quite a lot.

Blood Craze (3 pts) - 1% of your health back per second for 6 seconds after every crit you take. For an average warrior, this will heal for about 150 hp, or 25 hp/sec. I like this talent a lot better than most of the fury talents, especially since healer mana can be a big issue in arenas. Over the course of an entire arena, you could put out a noticeable amount of self-healing if you're getting focused.

Commanding Presence (5 pts) - Increases Battle Shout AP by 23. Not worth spending 5 points on.

Tier 4

Dual Weild Specialization (5 pts) - If you are dual weilding, this is one of your biggest damage increase talents. Since it's a percentage, it scales with your gear level. If you're not dual weilding, enrage might be a better place to spend your points.

Improved Execute (2 pts) - In my opinion, this is just a talent you put points in if there's nothing better to take. I'm rarely in the situation where a 10 rage execute will mean the difference between someone living and dying. It's a better talent after you can take Sudden Death in the Arms tree, but you can't get that at 39.

Enrage (5 pts) - Unfortunately, this talent has been nerfed into the ground since pre-bc. If you're not getting focused, it's completely useless. If you ARE getting focused, you'll have a constant 10% increase in damage done. This is a huge buff, even for 5 talent points. If you are dual weilding, DW spec is a way better choice for you.

Tier 5

Precision (3 pts) - Each point in this talent is worth about 7 hit rating. With 3 points in this talent, you can get hit capped using just surefooted and enchant your gloves with blasting (10 crit rating). You could also take 2 points in it and be 1 rating below the hit cap with just precise strikes. As a draenei, you could hit cap with 3/3 precision and Legguards of the Vault. There are plenty of itemization opportunities this talent can offer, but I would rather get my hit from gear/enchants and spend my talents elsewhere.

Death Wish (1 pt) - Staple talent. Having an on-demand 20% damage increase is HUGE. 20% more damage means you'll be putting out a ton more pressure, especially if you can use Blood Fury or a Black Pearl Panther trinket with it. It's less useful in games vs. teams that force you to play defensively for an entire game. Make sure you have a macro ready that cancels Death Wish in case you do get focused after you pop it.

This macro is:

/cancelaura Death Wish

You can combine this macro with defensive stance also, so whenever you hit defensive stance it will turn Death Wish off.

Improved Intercept (2 pts) - Another staple talent in fury. This talent is one of the main reasons to spec this far into fury. Mobility is a huge issue for warriors at 39. Taking this also allows you to use intercept stuns to interrupt casters a lot more in arenas.

Tier 6

Improved Berserker Rage (2 pts) - This talent is very useful, especially since you won't be able to spec into Tactical Mastery this far into the tree. With it, you can switch to berserker stance, intercept, berserker rage and hamstring an opponent. I think it's useful enough with just 1 point in this talent, but if you're going offensive on someone, it might be nice to have some extra rage to burn on them.

Flurry (5 pts) - The heart and soul of fury dps. This is probably the biggest damage increase you will see in fury. It takes a Pendulum of Doom swing timer from 4 seconds down to 3.4 seconds, which increases your rage generation and overall damage done. The only downside to it is that your flurry procs are useless when you're getting kited and you're forced to joust.
I 'm not really understanding how once you reach a certain crit level, more hurts you. Maybe I am reading it wrong.

I zerker stance I have %36.93 crit(in my crit gear) I want to get the 10 crit to gloves to boost me over 37%. Would you not suggest that?
very nice looking guide!

hmm.. are worn running boots horde only?

i thought they were a drop from ulda that any faction could get
Roff said:
I 'm not really understanding how once you reach a certain crit level, more hurts you. Maybe I am reading it wrong.

I zerker stance I have %36.93 crit(in my crit gear) I want to get the 10 crit to gloves to boost me over 37%. Would you not suggest that?

the marginal benefit of 1% more crit is less when your crit is higher. if you have 20% crit, it will increase your overall damage by more than if your crit was already at 36%. also keep in mind the more crit you stack, the more ap you sacrifice. I would much rather have 30% crit and 600 AP than 36% crit and 480 AP (rough figures)
Druiddroid said:
very nice looking guide!

hmm.. are worn running boots horde only?

i thought they were a drop from ulda that any faction could get

they drop off of the dwarves in ulda, which only horde can kill
Wouldn't use it as a Main 2h but it would seem like it would have it's situational uses.
Magrim said:
nifty stopwatch


Olaf's All Purpose Shield (horde only)


can't beat a free parachute cape for shield wearers.

<font color="#0068FF">Vanquisher"s Sword</font>

Binds when picked up

One-Hand Sword

46 - 86 Damage Speed 2.20

(30.0 dps)

Equip: Increases attack power by 28.

Item Level 44

Why no Ravager?

I would never equip any of those items over what I have, so I feel like Id be doing a disservice to the members of twinkinfo if I listed them. Vanq sword is terrible for warriors, and slow fall items/nifty stopwatch are situational items that I dont feel belong in this thread.
Powerglove said:
I would never equip any of those items over what I have, so I feel like Id be doing a disservice to the members of twinkinfo if I listed them. Vanq sword is terrible for warriors, and slow fall items/nifty stopwatch are situational items that I dont feel belong in this thread.

You suggest two slow weapons for dual wielding then?

What is the off-hand 1h sword you suggest?

Personally, I prefer that a guide have everything in it that gives a strategic advantage in a combat/battleground situation (like tidal charm...) but I guess that's me.
Magrim said:
You suggest two slow weapons for dual wielding then?

What is the off-hand 1h sword you suggest?

Personally, I prefer that a guide have everything in it that gives a strategic advantage in a combat/battleground situation (like tidal charm...) but I guess that's me.

wsg sword/svbb/HoR
Thoughts on weapon speed for off-hand? Please no abbreviations.
Powerglove makes an excellent point. A lot of people have also asked me to put more gear alternatives in my guide, but I really don't see the point. The point of a guide is to show you the best gear, and maybe one easier to get alternative if the best item is hard to get. If you want a guide with all alternatives then you might as well use wowhead's filters.

As for items like Tidal Charm, Olaf's Shield etc... I'm planning to make a guide which covers all vanity items and professions for the 39 bracket, so guide creators can link to that post instead of having to add it to their guide every time.
Ishh said:
As for items like Tidal Charm, Olaf's Shield etc... I'm planning to make a guide which covers all vanity items and professions for the 39 bracket, so guide creators can link to that post instead of having to add it to their guide every time.

Good call. (Don't for get how to get the green santa hat, I need one of those o_O)

Now back to warrior discussion and dual wield weapon speed.

I see some prefer a fast MH for quick heroic strike dumps.

However, whirlwind is much better with two slow weapons.

Are there any other pro's cons of slow vs. quick powerglove?

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