Powerglove's 39 Arms/Fury Warrior Guide


I'm having a dilema Raging berserker's helm vs Expert Goldminer's helmet----- raging has 14 crit-14str-8 stam and goldminer's has 5 agil 6 stam and 17 expertise rating----would you recommend goldminer's helmet because of the expertise?
Very good guide, although I've always been a fan of prot warriors ^^

Arms is a very close second though =D
taharax said:
I'm having a dilema Raging berserker's helm vs Expert Goldminer's helmet----- raging has 14 crit-14str-8 stam and goldminer's has 5 agil 6 stam and 17 expertise rating----would you recommend goldminer's helmet because of the expertise?

avoidance isnt as much of a problem for 39 warriors as their lack of crit gear, so go with berserkers
taharax said:
What's your arm's Talent tree power?

http://www.wow head.com/?talent#LV0Iddht0bZ0b

it relies more on direct damage instead of bleeds, so you need a bit more crit for it than you would a bleed spec. think i had 27% or something in battle

edit: link wasnt showing up so delete the space in the url
Ok thank's

See but i like to go in charge rend-whirldwind-overpower

should i replace 6% wep dmg for overpower?
Has anyone tested out mace spec? For longer arena games, stacking up some sunders and the extra -15% armour and maybe a Faerie Fire or something would mean you're beating on a target with:

15 + 20 + 5 = -40% armour. You also have 10% armour penetration in battle stance and you can get those pretty decent boots with armour penetration.

60% of armour and you penetrate a further ~14% of it would equal: 51.6% damage extra per hit (I know armour scales worse the more you get but meh this is all just napkin maths).

Would it be worth it you reckon?

arp percentages arent additive like that. i dont know how to calculate it though, and blizzard has only released their way of calculating it for players lvl 60+. someone would have to get the gear and run #s against players of different armor lvls to figure it out

iirc though, mace spec/grim toll/etc are most effective when they will bring you exactly to the armor pen cap (100%). armor pen usually isnt good for 80 classes until you can get 35-40%
Sorry for necro-ing, but these word I just have to add. And sorry for harsh words.

But it really makes my mind BLEED, if you think that BAR is superior to PoD.

Lets do some quick math:

BAR (39 version): 3,8 Speed, 38 DPS, 115-173 Damage range, 13 Str, 19 Stam, 13 Critrating

PoD: 4,0 Speed, 38,9 DPS, 124-187 Damage range, no Stats, proccs for 250-350 phys Dam, capable to hit critically (At least on my private server, lol.)

Firstly, PoD will do more damage per swing, even including the 13 Str (=26 AP = 1,85 DPS increase) bonus provided by BAR. Also note that PoD has 0,9 DPS more than BAR, thus making it worth 6,5 Str compared to BAR. So 1,85*3,8=7,05, thus BAR would be 122-180 (inferior to PoDs 124-187).

Secondly, the 13 Critrating are 0,12*13 = 1,56% (fixd, I did 13^2, lol, fail.) extra chance to hit critically. Assuming that PoD would have an equal chance to procc, it would make PoD superior to BAR, because with PoD you would be able to crit with both your Autohit/Overpower/Whirlwind/<insert Ability here>, AND your PoD proc, leading to an insane amount of burstdamage. Also, as far as I have observed (from my private server, once again, feel free to correct me if you have some retail data), the chance that your PoD procs is far beyond 1,56%, thus making PoD even more superior to BAR.

The only reason to take BAR above PoD would be:

a) you dont have a PoD, which is pretty probable

b) you try to stack as much Stamina as possible

But imO the 19 Stamina arent worth, by any means, the loss of the possibility of landing a OLOLOL Hit+PoD-procc crit, for you should be somewhere about 2,7k HP, and these 190 additional HP should not be such a great deal.

Thanks for your attention,


Ah okay. (Did already see that for bleed spec.)

But I would also say that PoD is _vastly_ superior to BAR in all specs, you should never want to take a BAR over a PoD (unless you dont have a PoD, which is most likely), the 19 Stam are nothing in comparison to burstpotential + dam lost by taking BAR over PoD. Just wanted to point that out.

(And got like insta trolled for that. lol.)



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