/!\ Postponed Labor (EU) looking for premades /!\


[font=georgia,serif]We are a base of ~10 french old stuffed twinks who played on Draenor (horde side) before our migration on ally-french side. [/font]

[font=georgia,serif]You maybe know some of our players ,or our last guild : Advised Against.[/font]

* Spåm mage 19 (Frost PvP/Draenor) Movie by Spåm19 : Already ~9 000 views on Warcraftmovies, ranked 4.83/5 ! One of the best twink movie ever.

* Thaì Rogue twink 19 by Thai19 : The new movie of our team by Thaì which went out today ! Edited by Spåm19

Since we are on "Culte de la Rive Noire, FR", we have recruited some new players and now, we always play in team of >5. But we never really met a team on the other side, so here i am :

looking for a german or english (HORDE SIDE) team, to put back the challenge on european battlegrounds.

[font=georgia,serif]- We're looking for guild vs guild on the dates of : [/font]

October - November (the exact date will be decide IG)

Our guild :

[font=times new roman,times,serif]Postponed Labor, Culte de la Rive Noire, FR.[/font]

[font=georgia,serif]- Contact IG :[/font]

[font=times new roman,times,serif]* Sp[/font]åm - Culte de la Rive Noire

* Papawemba - Culte de la Rive Noire

* Lleiva - Archimonde

NB : On Culte de la Rive Noire, the twink place is on Darnassus.

[font=georgia,serif]- Here's the consumables allowed:[/font]

- [Rumsey Rum Black Label]

- [Heavy Runecloth Bandage]

- [Healing Potion]

- [Lesser Mana Potion]

- [Minor Wizard Oil]

- [Big Bronze Bomb]


- [Portable Bronze Mortar] for ALLY

- [Bloodthistle] for HORDE

- Food and Water that requires level 15 or lower and gives no buff

If a consumable is not listed here (like [Thistle Tea]), it's not allowed. (If one consumable is missing, contact me IG)

[font=georgia,serif]- General Rules:[/font]

- No outside buffs of any kind. If you're not queuing with a 19 Priest in your premade then you can't have Power Word: Fortitude, ect,

- No more than 2 of a class,

- No more than 2 Stealthies (Rogue/Druid),

- No more than 3 healers (shadow priest/protpal/retpal are considered as a healer),

- No use of bug map.

See you in game !
If rogues are potato-strips

then this


is french ally setup.
Stop complaining people, going from gycamping to premading is a huge step in the right direction.

Good luck!
Would be stupid to set up a premade to gank people when it's easier killing 600 hps in pugs.
I dont have high hopes for these guys. two things will happen.

They'll faceroll with OP class's and GY camp or... get ripped by english speaking realm

I don't know what you have against us, if you read the post you will see that we aren't the same team that "La confrérie", on the same server, who use a lot of compo and have a desequilibrate roster. But yes, we dominate battlegrounds, simply because we queue in group (every french twinks are on the same server) and because there is no challenge opposite, that's why we are looking for premades.

For the Op class's, have you looked at the composition of our guild (and indirectly of our team) ? And the restriction of :

- No more than 2 of a class,

- No more than 2 Stealthies (Rogue/Druid)

- No more than 3 healers (shadow priest is considered as a healer) ?
I'd also love to hear what you guys define as map bugs and why you allow only 3 healers. Do you count prot/ret paladins as healers aswell?

And no sharpening stones?

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