Possible way to Make 19s fun again?

Hello i just came back playing my twink after years in this bracket, and i can understand the frustration of a rogue or a warrior against hunters, for this reason already thinking to move to 29 so i can have back some more fair duels against my "old" enemies, but the real game breaking atm are not hunters but as shanker and Xanatos said disc priests and palas, generally i would say healers dominate (but pala tank as well)and in fact i saw more and more on the battle field.

Yesterday night i logged out a bit sad, after meeting an horde half premade all made of healers basically (only a single hunter and no rogues at all) who utterly wrecked us (a couple of healers and mostly dps).
jesus christ...alot of trash talkers in here ?

go read Bluepost/patch notes, they are going to make more balance in the 19'th bracket.. problem might get solved ?
Thank you Logsovs for the kind answer and enlighted contribution to the thread, just one question..balanced like general pvp and Arena?.. that kind of balance i saw in the last years, i'm sure they will do a wonderfull job.

Since looks like the main poster was suggesting some self restrainment by hunters in using they abilities some other and me (as a hunter) just pointed out that atm there are some more op classes in the bracket and i can't see any suggestion to censore their abilities, still numbers are numbers, look at the final posts in lvl 19 priest guild on this forum and to understand how a disc priest is overpowered atm (just an example).
Holyashley said:

You'll just get a "lolwut" if you approach hunters with a Concussive shot ban by TI. Most of those players play hunters just because they're OP. Also, while something like this might work for the 39/49 bracket, the 19 bracket is too big for regulations like this.

Besides, like it was already pointed out, if any hunters here want to improve the situation, reroll till it's better instead of restricting yourself to certain skills on an OP class.

yeah roll a priest or paladin.....totally weak, gimped, rarely played class's
Arioagain said:
Hello i just came back playing my twink after years in this bracket, and i can understand the frustration of a rogue or a warrior against hunters, for this reason already thinking to move to 29 so i can have back some more fair duels against my "old" enemies, but the real game breaking atm are not hunters but as shanker and Xanatos said disc priests and palas, generally i would say healers dominate (but pala tank as well)and in fact i saw more and more on the battle field.

Yesterday night i logged out a bit sad, after meeting an horde half premade all made of healers basically (only a single hunter and no rogues at all) who utterly wrecked us (a couple of healers and mostly dps).

i played 29's yesterday evening (with a rogue only 29 i have left)

- hunters were not a issue, they were easy to kill having crippling poison. the games were pretty much even in play most ended in only one team capping once.

- res-druids were somewhat easy to kill because i was using dual crippling poison to keep them gimped and i also use the +20% crippling poison glyph

- warriors and ret paladins were somewhat amazing and were topping the charts

- mages still are excellent at getting the flag and getting it across the field

- res-shammies seem to do really well

- D-priests and H-paladins unkillable 1 vs 1, silent OP class like in 19's

- S-priest got 3 DOTs on me and ran off....lol, that alone wiped 80% of my HP

i only got 4 games in, i started at about 9:00 PST, considering timezone differences is near the end of the 9-12pm EST that most players are rolling. games were mostly PUGs from the games i got in, rogues and hunters (about 0-1 per game) were the least rolled classes, holy/prot pal 1-2 per game, druids/warriors/rets (about 2 per game). priests and shammies were rolled the most.

my 29 rogue was able to kill a disc-priest, and only reason was due to being able to maintain ToT due to the crippling poisons and the glyph. in 19 bracket a disc priest will LOL-kite a rogue to death
shanker said:
yeah roll a priest or paladin.....totally weak, gimped, rarely played class's

Darn .. busted. Yep, I like healing, at endgame and 19. I rolled a Resto druid as well recently if it makes you feel any better.

Let me clarify my previous post: If you like classX the best (without the criteria: what's most OP), be my guest, play classX, with all the abilities you have at your disposal. If it's more important to you to balance the bracket pro-actively, play another, maybe not so powerful class. Anyway, you won't see me whining or switching if my classes get nerfed. I have been playing my priest for 4 years and I fully support paladin nerfs (Priest not so much, since they're not nearly as powerful as hunters/paladins. But hey, shields get reduced to 15 secs).
Løgsovs said:
jesus christ...alot of trash talkers in here ?

go read Bluepost/patch notes, they are going to make more balance in the 19'th bracket.. problem might get solved ?

IF the problem ever is solved. So untill then, expect alot of, "<Insert class here> is OP and makes the bracket less fun" from over half of the twinking community.
shanker said:
- D-priests and H-paladins unkillable 1 vs 1, silent OP class like in 19's

Nothing should be able to kill a healer 1v1, if the healer has even the slightest ounce of intelligence.
quick question, how can we get into melee range against a druid that goes 40% faster then us, without our aspect and without our concusion shot ?

ever thought that hutners right now are the best anti-flag carriers ?

i agree it could have a higher CD then 6 seconds... maybe 10-15... but removing it makes hunters not able to really follow flag carriers anymore, and only rogues or goblins or shamans would now be able to follow. but shamans have nothing to stop that druid from running around. so you'll end up with a cat and a dog running after each others without doing a thing. that alone doesn'T help at all. rogues and goblins have their CD on 3 miutes... which means if the druid can live those 15 seconds, they will be free to go and laugh out those two as well.

in the end hunters are the only people relaly able to stop a druid FC from reaching the base. all others have to wait there and then try and gank the FC to win it out.
Llare said:
Nothing should be able to kill a healer 1v1, if the healer has even the slightest ounce of intelligence.

..1st things it comes to my mind is...why? why a class, any class should be unkillable? If this is the general concept of balance then we prolly disagree.

But anyway i accept your statement, let's say that healers are fine unkillable, i'm fine with that, we will play a hide and seek game trought the map, it happens for example pala tanks too, i accept it, what i can't stand is that they can also put in the same time an insane amount of dmg, as i said check what a disc priest is able to do reading the last posts of the guide on this site.

Quoting Ihazhealz:

"At the moment Shield is realy overpowerd wich becomes even more overpowerd when going discipline. I can imagine desperate prayer beying a nice life saver. But to be honest a shield is a better life saver now, instant 600 absorbation.

Also i think discipline offers more ability to help with offensive, cause of penance. You can do 1 burst of 800hp in a short amount of time ( mind blast-> penance) wich can realy help when a efc isnt going down".

So basically with a shield on, as it is normal in a fight, he is able to absorb almost all my burst, and in meantime almost halving my life, and all of this before actually casting any self healing spell, when finally his shield has down i can start doing some dmg on him, but at that point all my focus has gone and he is still at almost 60% mana, and he can esily kill me without a scratch...that's what i think is not fine at all

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