Please stop Qing Warrior/Healer in 2s

This discussion is never ending so let's just say see have a difference of opinion.

Regarding 2's I'm not going to stop playing with my primary 2's partner but I do play with others as well. As far as ending queues, qq. Ppl that quit when they lose need to gtfo anyways.

would you rather have a diverse group of people to play against or would you rather play warrior/healer? because if those of you who constantly queue warrior/healer keep it up everyone is going to be playing warrior/healer
it's not that they lose, it's that warrior healer is unbeatable. losing over and over again simply because warriors op is discouraging to say the least. Telling people to qq is an immature response to an actual problem our community is facing. I'm sorry, but i just don't understand why you think having played in a vastly different wsg environment years ago makes you a better player than people who have been playing 19s for the past few years. I would merely like some insight as to why you think so since you literally haven't given a single response as to why your reasoning is such. I don't mean to be a dick, i just don't like unsubstantiated claims and i feel as though you are insulting everyone who didn't play 19s when you did, which is completely unwarranted.
it's not that they lose, it's that warrior healer is unbeatable. losing over and over again simply because warriors op is discouraging to say the least. Telling people to qq is an immature response to an actual problem our community is facing. I'm sorry, but i just don't understand why you think having played in a vastly different wsg environment years ago makes you a better player than people who have been playing 19s for the past few years. I would merely like some insight as to why you think so since you literally haven't given a single response as to why your reasoning is such. I don't mean to be a dick, i just don't like unsubstantiated claims and i feel as though you are insulting everyone who didn't play 19s when you did, which is completely unwarranted.

I actually don't mean it that way. I've been non-stop insulted since I returned, including in the gulch (where I've literally ignored half the horde) and told how horrible I am because I don't conform to the prevailing view of how my class should be played. I play it how I think it should be played, not how others do. I of course make adjustments and if friends make suggestions I take them under consideration, but ultimately I am the player I am and it's been successful for me before so I expect it to now.

Regarding War/Healer, I think it's blown out of proportion. It isn't true they can't lose - there's combos that do better against them and in some cases extremely well. There's always some of that in arena. I'm certainly not scared of mirror matches and tend to do quite well in them (although proc/crit can introduce a lot of random variability), but I agree it's good to have a combination of combos. I already said I have played and will continue to play a variety of combos involving myself (so Priest / class X), but my top 2's partner happens to be a warrior. I basically play one class at 19 and never really play my other toon (which is also a healer), so it isn't like he and I can just mix it up with class combos like everyone else who has 5 different twinks each.
Will 1v1 MYT on arms, pst
Will 1v1 MYT on arms, pst

There we go - someone that wants to put actual results on the line rather than just theorycraft. Best of three?

PM me your battleid please...I have to get back to a work meeting.
I actually don't mean it that way. I've been non-stop insulted since I returned, including in the gulch (where I've literally ignored half the horde) and told how horrible I am because I don't conform to the prevailing view of how my class should be played. I play it how I think it should be played, not how others do. I of course make adjustments and if friends make suggestions I take them under consideration, but ultimately I am the player I am and it's been successful for me before so I expect it to now.

Regarding War/Healer, I think it's blown out of proportion. It isn't true they can't lose - there's combos that do better against them and in some cases extremely well. There's always some of that in arena. I'm certainly not scared of mirror matches and tend to do quite well in them (although proc/crit can introduce a lot of random variability), but I agree it's good to have a combination of combos. I already said I have played and will continue to play a variety of combos involving myself (so Priest / class X), but my top 2's partner happens to be a warrior. I basically play one class at 19 and never really play my other toon (which is also a healer), so it isn't like he and I can just mix it up with class combos like everyone else who has 5 different twinks each.

You still haven't said how your playstyle is different than anyone else's or what makes you leaps and bounds better than every other priest. I don't see how telling people to qq is supposed to be interpreted any other way so please tell us what you meant by that. You say you're open to making adjustments, but the fact that you have ignored half the bracket is contrary to that statement. To stay on topic you seem to be the ONLY person in this bracket to not acknowledge the problem with warrior/healer in 2s coincidentally you are one of the only people who consistently ques that comp. I'm also curious as to what comps actually do well against warrior healer since you have neglected to include that as well. If you're going to make unsubstantiated claims like these please at least provide some insight to your reasoning.
I played warrior from early BC to mid cata and thats honestly when i found it more fun. Being challenged and only really being able to hold your own with LOS and bandaged or a healer. i plan to gear mine up again and get back to wsg on him but my main twink will stay my 10 druid forever :)

PS. Shoutout to Only Ninteen of Frostmourne for the good old days dueling in TB all night.
You still haven't said how your playstyle is different than anyone else's or what makes you leaps and bounds better than every other priest. I don't see how telling people to qq is supposed to be interpreted any other way so please tell us what you meant by that. You say you're open to making adjustments, but the fact that you have ignored half the bracket is contrary to that statement. To stay on topic you seem to be the ONLY person in this bracket to not acknowledge the problem with warrior/healer in 2s coincidentally you are one of the only people who consistently ques that comp. I'm also curious as to what comps actually do well against warrior healer since you have neglected to include that as well. If you're going to make unsubstantiated claims like these please at least provide some insight to your reasoning.

I agree with MYT. Warriors aren't a problem. L2adapt <3
warrior/disc counters warrior/disc ;) ive solved it! everyone reroll warriors and discs for 2s
I wish that would happen because when Pappa face rolls everyone 1v2 while I "literally backpedal and do nothing" there won't be any excuses left. Unless it's that papa is op, which I happen to agree with.
I've said it before and I'll say it again. Hunters are absolute garbage.
There are multiple counters for healer/warrior, sadly all of them include healer+X (and ffs, no hunters :p).

Rend damage is easy to outheal, riptide is an on-the-move heal only anyway. 1.2 sec surges easily keep up with any damage a warrior can dish out, crusader procs or not. If you want to counter healer+warrior, try healer+ret/ww/lock/feral or even mage.

Rend damage is easy to outheal? lmao yeah ok, you have no idea. Riptide ticks for 50 while rend ticks for 500s noncrit, you literaly have to stand in one spot and spamheal yourself and your partner. Use 1 single gcd on something else and you are falling behind.

All the comps you mentioned as "counter comps" for healer/warrior are just simply not true, only exception maybe being disc/mage due to how mage vs warrior is. disc/feral,rsham/feral, disc/ret are all rly strong comps but to be classifying them as counter comps to disc/rsham war is a bit nutty. the healer+ lock and ww i will take it as you mean disc/lock or disc/ww but if the other team wears a trinket and rends stuff it usually works out for them. Not to mention the obvious problems these comps have vs other stuff as BM/Feral.

And just to make it clear, you are basing all your observations on playing EU correct? Otherwise feel free to link me your US char.
Rend damage is easy to outheal? lmao yeah ok, you have no idea. Riptide ticks for 50 while rend ticks for 500s noncrit, you literaly have to stand in one spot and spamheal yourself and your partner. Use 1 single gcd on something else and you are falling behind.

All the comps you mentioned as "counter comps" for healer/warrior are just simply not true, only exception maybe being disc/mage due to how mage vs warrior is. disc/feral,rsham/feral, disc/ret are all rly strong comps but to be classifying them as counter comps to disc/rsham war is a bit nutty. the healer+ lock and ww i will take it as you mean disc/lock or disc/ww but if the other team wears a trinket and rends stuff it usually works out for them. Not to mention the obvious problems these comps have vs other stuff as BM/Feral.

And just to make it clear, you are basing all your observations on playing EU correct? Otherwise feel free to link me your US char.

Are you sure you're playing against 19 warriors? My rend doesn't tick for anywhere close to 500 unless last tick.
I agree with MYT. Warriors aren't a problem. L2adapt <3

i don't get how you can say warriors aren't a problem. Also how are we supposed to adapt? are you suggesting everyone play warrior healer because that's the only thing that stands a chance against another warrior healer comp except perhaps disc mage. Warriors completely shut down every comp with a mele except ferals and can easily shut down virtually every caster too. Idk about anyone else but an entire bracket of healer warrior comps doesn't seem like a good time to me
No I'm suggesting playing it a bit differently. If you use guise and shields correctly with optimal positioning, warriors aren't scary. Not even a little.
No I'm suggesting playing it a bit differently. If you use guise and shields correctly with optimal positioning, warriors aren't scary. Not even a little.

Wait - are you suggesting that playing differently can make you better? I thought the conventional wisdom said all the cookie cutters doing the same thing are optimal for all situations?
Rend damage is easy to outheal? lmao yeah ok, you have no idea. Riptide ticks for 50 while rend ticks for 500s noncrit, you literaly have to stand in one spot and spamheal yourself and your partner. Use 1 single gcd on something else and you are falling behind.

All the comps you mentioned as "counter comps" for healer/warrior are just simply not true, only exception maybe being disc/mage due to how mage vs warrior is. disc/feral,rsham/feral, disc/ret are all rly strong comps but to be classifying them as counter comps to disc/rsham war is a bit nutty. the healer+ lock and ww i will take it as you mean disc/lock or disc/ww but if the other team wears a trinket and rends stuff it usually works out for them. Not to mention the obvious problems these comps have vs other stuff as BM/Feral.

And just to make it clear, you are basing all your observations on playing EU correct? Otherwise feel free to link me your US char.

The only way you're getting 500 rend ticks non crit, is with 2x crusader proc at least. Riptide ticks for 70+. And yes, I'm basing all my observations on EU gameplay. I've also met around 30 different warriors, most of them BiS, all of them with crusader, and like US players they are capable of pressing Rend and TC. There are >NO< warriors who can force a rsham/disc to spam nonstop the entire game (Unless the healer is undergeared obviously).

Out of all the counter comps, disc/mage would be one of the weakest. Rsham/Ret is unbelievably strong, every 2nd stun the opposing healer is going to die no matter what, and a warrior isn't going to stop that. Note that I'm talking about Rshams, seeing as how Disc is shit compared to Rsham.
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I don't get how you can say warriors aren't ridiculous right now you can't guise the final rend tick and they can easily keep someone perma slowed the entire match so you can't even try to line in any way. Their dmg is consistently nearly double any other spec in a 2s match. If they manage to get 2 crusaders up at once the game is literally over, there is no recovering from that dmg. I don't get how that's balanced in any way
Warrior/Disc Can be beat. Try healer/Windwalker or healer/ret. The Disc dies if it lasts more than 25 sec (or 1 min in the case of a ret pally). Healing through rend isn't that bad. Yes crusader hurts. 1 crusader isn't scary at all. 2 crusader procs hurt. 3 crusaders is gg. True I say that from a mistweaver standpoint, where you can HoT one person to full and soothing mist + surging mist to heal the other target. Also, shouldn't BM/feral beat priest/war? Literally just 1 shot the priest.
I don't get how you can say warriors aren't ridiculous right now you can't guise the final rend tick and they can easily keep someone perma slowed the entire match so you can't even try to line in any way. Their dmg is consistently nearly double any other spec in a 2s match. If they manage to get 2 crusaders up at once the game is literally over, there is no recovering from that dmg. I don't get how that's balanced in any way

Pm me your Skype well have a chat later if you really want to know. Warriors are not scary. Last rend tick only hurts if your behind or you let the warrior reconnect.

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