Please stop Qing Warrior/Healer in 2s

WTB more comps than rogue/priest or rogue/mage
Just because a 3 time rank 1 rager says the same thing you did doesn't mean you're right.

it was a joke to begin with i made the thread sarcastically about a factual situation. warriors ruin 19 bracket 2v2 somewhat right now with the amount of popularity + overpowered level of pressure, its not arguable really they're op lol. you sound like you got a chip on your shoulder for some reason

good way to verify this would be the popularity of both threads that have discussion primarily centered around the class being fucked currently rofl

edit: keep in mind most of the melee are very op atm but warrs and ferals n maybe wws or bms have the most "broken" effects
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Arms counter rsham comps due to riptide being garbage and rend ticking for 1k+ on both targets. There is literaly no way to heal the spread dmg sufficiently if u want to play a slightly less popular comp and your strat is literaly to purge something and hope your partner kills within 45 seconds. Otherwise you die.

Played like an hour of Rsham/Hunter and ran into arms/disc 8/10 games with the rest being BM/Feral and BM/Arms. Imo 19 arenas are in the worst state they have ever been which is sad since we actually have skirmishes back.

WW+Healer have potential but WW are wayyy to squishy even with a healer to be considered a top tier comp.

Also the majority of posters in this thread are talking about US arenas, and coming from a guy who played on both us and eu in wod, they are very different.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. Hunters are absolute garbage.
There are multiple counters for healer/warrior, sadly all of them include healer+X (and ffs, no hunters :p).

Rend damage is easy to outheal, riptide is an on-the-move heal only anyway. 1.2 sec surges easily keep up with any damage a warrior can dish out, crusader procs or not. If you want to counter healer+warrior, try healer+ret/ww/lock/feral or even mage.
2s are broken at every bracket. Been like that since.. Wrath, i think.

Go check the 2v2 ladders at 100, you'll be impressed of how many Hunter/X comps are above 1.9 rating.

Blizz doesnt care about 2s, recently they stopped supporting even 5s. 3s is the way to go in 2015.
2s are broken at every bracket. Been like that since.. Wrath, i think.

Go check the 2v2 ladders at 100, you'll be impressed of how many Hunter/X comps are above 1.9 rating.

Blizz doesnt care about 2s, recently they stopped supporting even 5s. 3s is the way to go in 2015.

Dont says these things! When people go to 3s they will just have 2 arms with a healer. Are you mad? :p
Yes those wars were bad and I agree shouldn't beat them 2 on 1, but....I've never lost to a warrior 1on1 and don't plan to, and that includes plenty of sader procs. Ask the "best" warrior Lucas what's happened every time he ran into me in the gulch with us both full health. Here's a hint - it involved his face in the dirt. But if you have a warrior that you'd like me to play, by all means bring it on. I play this priest very differently than the rest of the priests in the bracket (for which I'm constantly told how horrible I am), so don't judge my success based on the others experience.

With crits and random sader procs I'll concede that although I've never lost it's possible...but if it occurs it won't happen regularly. No doubt there isn't a warrior I can't beat 4 out of 5 times, and most are gonna lose 5/5.

i highly doubt that you've never lost to a warrior in a 1v1 or i guess you just never duel anyone. How do you play priest differently, because there's only like 5 buttons and unless you don't use all them i don't see how your playstyle is so special. I can also guarantee that any decent warrior in an actual 1v1 scenario should win about half the time (depending if they get a crusader proc right at the start or not and their racial) just because you've gotten lucky with rng in your 1 example doesn't mean that's the way it'll go next time
i highly doubt that you've never lost to a warrior in a 1v1 or i guess you just never duel anyone. How do you play priest differently, because there's only like 5 buttons and unless you don't use all them i don't see how your playstyle is so special. I can also guarantee that any decent warrior in an actual 1v1 scenario should win about half the time (depending if they get a crusader proc right at the start or not and their racial) just because you've gotten lucky with rng in your 1 example doesn't mean that's the way it'll go next time

Find a warrior that claims he's beaten me and I'll come make an example of him. Let me know when you do that.

Regarding the "3 buttons" and playstyle, that question really answers itself. If you feel that how you push your various abilities is the only way to differentiate yourself then we're not on the same page. I mean I do certainly push those differently but that's about 10% of the difference I was alluding to.

I'm from a different era and look at the game entirely differently than current players based on my extensive premade experiences. Current players don't have to respect that, but when the scoreboard says I win and they lose it's hard to argue with that.
Regarding the "3 buttons"
He Said 5 buttons idk why you quoted that.
I'm from a different era and look at the game entirely differently than current players based on my extensive premade experiences. Current players don't have to respect that, but when the scoreboard says I win and they lose it's hard to argue with that.
Outside of the thank you I want to give you for the laugh that this sentence gave me I'd like to say that Your argument is confusing and vague. First you heavily imply that you being from a particular "era" has something to do with your skill and it separates you from "current players" (even though you technically fall into this category because you are currently playing) and in the same sentence say that it is because of your premade experience. Obviously premade experience is far more important than say when you started playing and if anything being from a different "era" hurts you more than it helps you, mainly because of all the vast class and battleground changes made to WoW on a near weekly basis. These changes can make a lot of strategies and play styles not only contextually wrong in the present but sometimes even impossible.
Also you claim to look at the game in an "entirely" different way than everyone else. This is incredibly vague, if it's so "entirely" different please enlighten us all on a few specifics because I'm very interested in what is so different through your lens.
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Find a warrior that claims he's beaten me and I'll come make an example of him. Let me know when you do that.

Regarding the "3 buttons" and playstyle, that question really answers itself. If you feel that how you push your various abilities is the only way to differentiate yourself then we're not on the same page. I mean I do certainly push those differently but that's about 10% of the difference I was alluding to.

I'm from a different era and look at the game entirely differently than current players based on my extensive premade experiences. Current players don't have to respect that, but when the scoreboard says I win and they lose it's hard to argue with that.

So when was the last premade you played? And how does playing in BC premades make you any more advanced than those who played them and have continued to play?
So when was the last premade you played? And how does playing in BC premades make you any more advanced than those who played them and have continued to play?

Last premade was admittedly many years ago. Still influences my play style and decision making though. I didn't say it made me better than current premaders - actual results will determine that. I'm all about results - they're all that mattered in the era my guild dominated twinking. If anything my premade experience is more impressive not in that occurred then but how high level much of it was. After awhile we played only the best teams from various battlegroups...and always won. We hadn't seen them play, had no idea who was who nor what classes (there were no class restrictions then - only rule was no exploiting) and so had to adapt during the game (and them to us of course). That kind of experience is invaluable in my opinion.

My point is really that I just play differently...and results will demonstrate whether it's a good different or a bad different.
Weren't class restrictions put in place because a team turtled till max stacks then 1 shotted the EFC with 3 rogues?
He Said 5 buttons idk why you quoted that.

Outside of the thank you I want to give you for the laugh that this sentence gave me I'd like to say that Your argument is confusing and vague. First you heavily imply that you being from a particular "era" has something to do with your skill and it separates you from "current players" (even though you technically fall into this category because you are currently playing) and in the same sentence say that it is because of your premade experience. Obviously premade experience is far more important than say when you started playing and if anything being from a different "era" hurts you more than it helps you, mainly because of all the vast class and battleground changes made to WoW on a near weekly basis. These changes can make a lot of strategies and play styles not only contextually wrong in the present but sometimes even impossible.
Also you claim to look at the game in an "entirely" different way than everyone else. This is incredibly vague, if it's so "entirely" different please enlighten us all on a few specifics because I'm very interested in what is so different through your lens.

I'd have to write a book to really respond to that but I'll keep it short and sweet. Lots of ppl call 19 3 button in general that's why I said that...regarding your point about being from a different era being a disadvantage, that's only relevant if my team and I just came back and ayes suddenly. In many ways spam and I are the only newly returned ppl on our team atm (although I expect more to return to the game). We've picked up other old schoolers that are extremely pro and have continued to play. Lots of these players aren't in the current cliques and have desire to hang out with a bunch of arrogant players so they don't appear on best lists...yet they are, in my opinion, clearly better than most on the best lists.

I'm not going to go into detail about how I play differently - why a) give always advantages and b) open myself to potential 20v1 attacks when ppl don't like what I say. We'll just see what the results say. Maybe we'll do great and maybe it will be an epic fail, but I know where my money is on that bet.
Weren't class restrictions put in place because a team turtled till max stacks then 1 shotted the EFC with 3 rogues?

I could be wrong but I think we quit before stacks were implemented so I don't know. Although is say shame on the team that allowed that to happen.
I'd have to write a book to really respond to that but I'll keep it short and sweet. Lots of ppl call 19 3 button in general that's why I said that...regarding your point about being from a different era being a disadvantage, that's only relevant if my team and I just came back and ayes suddenly. In many ways spam and I are the only newly returned ppl on our team atm (although I expect more to return to the game). We've picked up other old schoolers that are extremely pro and have continued to play. Lots of these players aren't in the current cliques and have desire to hang out with a bunch of arrogant players so they don't appear on best lists...yet they are, in my opinion, clearly better than most on the best lists.

I'm not going to go into detail about how I play differently - why a) give always advantages and b) open myself to potential 20v1 attacks when ppl don't like what I say. We'll just see what the results say. Maybe we'll do great and maybe it will be an epic fail, but I know where my money is on that bet.

So when is your next premade?
So when is your next premade?

Currently rebuilding...ppl literally leveling/gearing/regearing twinks daily. First step will be to set up horde war games which we'll do shortly. Probably start with pick'em then see if other horde guilds want to war game. Premades will follow that all in a build up to being optimized by twink cup.
Currently rebuilding...ppl literally leveling/gearing/regearing twinks daily. First step will be to set up horde war games which we'll do shortly. Probably start with pick'em then see if other horde guilds want to war game. Premades will follow that all in a build up to being optimized by twink cup.
I have a few toons on horde that I'd like to get some bgs on to see if I enjoy them. So if you need a MW, lock, or Mage for pickup games I'd be up for joining
I have a few toons on horde that I'd like to get some bgs on to see if I enjoy them. So if you need a MW, lock, or Mage for pickup games I'd be up for joining

For sure. My btag is Nasti#1809. Easiest way to coordinate that stuff.
So when was the last premade you played? And how does playing in BC premades make you any more advanced than those who played them and have continued to play?

this is pretty spot on imo. I don't see how not playing 19s since bc makes someone better than the people who've been playing 19s for the past few years. Like Satin said WSG and wow in general is an ever changing work in progress and living in the past seems like a disadvantage if anything to me. But to be on topic seriously stop queing warrior/heals in 2s it counters like every other comp in existence and discourages people from queing 2s
This discussion is never ending so let's just say see have a difference of opinion.

Regarding 2's I'm not going to stop playing with my primary 2's partner but I do play with others as well. As far as ending queues, qq. Ppl that quit when they lose need to gtfo anyways.

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